Sweet copy in love (sweet copy in love)
Warm bosom before dawn
2023-03-01 09:07:58
Complete sentences

1. When I was young, I thought that bleeding was a serious matter. I cried first whether it hurt or not; I didn't realize until I grew up that tears hurt more than blood.

2. Once when I went to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis, my father came to see me and told me anxiously that the hospital could not even connect a wifi.

3. The soul that has no way back can cry out.

4. The person who lives the heaviest is not the person who has the longest years, but the person who has the richest experience.

5. Don't put your hope on anyone. No one will definitely give you a helping hand in time of need. It's very grateful not to put charcoal on your face!

6. The sensitive person is really miserable. The other party starts to think about things when they are a little bit disturbed. It's impossible to resist knowing that this is wrong.

7. When I saw a meteor flash across the rooftop that night, my first reaction was to take it for you to see. At that time, I knew that something was wrong. I like you.

8. Is there an emotion behind many commitments, called whim.

9. Obedience to one's own emotions is indulgence; Ignoring emotions is a kind of numbness; Being able to control your emotions is a kind of steadiness.

10. Consolidate old lovers and develop new ones; Protect small lovers and guard against insiders; I wish old lovers are not old, new lovers are not running away, there are many little lovers, and insiders are not disturbed. Wish you a really happy Valentine's Day!

11. The most important person may not surprise you at the first sight, but he will be with you for a long time—— Li Jin

12. If you see me or not, I'm here, neither sad nor happy. If you love me or not, love is here, no increase, no decrease.

13. People always like to use "if" to outline some unwarranted miracles. But most "ifs" can't be realized, which is just a buffer zone from hope to despair.

14. Later, my name will be Chang'an, and you will be called Hometown, because Chang'an is home, and there is Chang'an in my hometown.

15. 2023 Everything will become super good, explosive and invincible.

16. Today's state is: dying to stay up late, frequent loss, indirect collapse, habitual self-healing.

17. Real experienced women understand that men who can flirt are not single-minded, and single-minded men will not flirt; A man who cares about his family earns less, but a man who earns more doesn't care about his family; Sweet men are not distracted, but distracted men are more serious.

18. The so-called beauty is in the eye of the lover. If you are ugly, you should be more confident and take care of yourself. What if a blind cat meets a dead mouse?

19. When you are depressed, you will be happy. If you hold on a bit, it will always be good.

20. The more concerned people are, the more silent they are.

21. You see, how strange the world is. People who like them can't get them, and they don't cherish them. When they are together, they suspect that they will lose their memories. Those who miss them want to meet, and those who meet them hate to be late. All his life, full of regret.

22. Instead of reducing your expenses, try to increase your income. It's better to pray for your strength than to pray for a plain life.

23. My hair will be long, I will be thin, I will speak carefully, I will be gentle and rational, I will no longer expect anyone, I will grow up, and I am doing these things.

24. Fat is a kind of attitude, meat is a kind of spirit, and sphericity is a kind of body.

25. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, and become what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

26. When Valentine's Day comes, I will say hello to you quickly. I hope you can do good things all the time. Peach Blossoms will surround you, beautiful women will flirt with you on the way, and will smile at you coyly. Happy marriage is so wonderful, and it will keep you happy until you grow old!

27. If you are predestined, you will come back again if you miss it; If you don't meet, you will leave. There is a reason to get together, an excuse to leave, and feelings have no ifs, only consequences and results.

28. Maybe you will meet more beautiful girls, gentler girls and girls who love you more than I do, but they certainly do not have me to play, eat and annoy.

29. Don't chat with other children after saying good night.

30. Women should understand the truth: they earn confidence, others give surprise, others can not give you a lifetime, but you can.