Old fashioned sentences of friends
Stars and moons follow
2023-05-01 18:14:14
Complete Poems

1. In fact, it is enough to have two girlfriends, and one is willing to lend you money.

2. As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.

3. When you are in a bad mood, always ask yourself what you have rather than what you don't have.

4. The best friend is that you have nothing to hide and trust each other. She loves you to death.

5. I am not greedy. Only one small wish: you, my best friend, will always be in my life

6. When she asks you for money, the other dares to beat her for you. That's enough

7. The best love is that you can be yourself completely, but she is still infatuated with the real you.

8. The essence of life is not the number of breaths, but the moments that make you unable to breathe.

9. The sign of maturity is not that you can say big things, but that you begin to understand the small things around you.

10. I have a very good girlfriend, we are not lovers, we are not LES, but I love her.

11. In this life, what makes me feel happy most is to look at my friends, one by one.

12. Even if you are just a piece of my life puzzle, my life would not be complete without you.

13. Thank you for accompanying me through these years, thank you for tolerating my bad temper and my vexatiousness.

14. But together, even if you don't talk, you won't feel embarrassed. This freedom, even lovers can not give.

15. You have no scruples in talking to her. If you want to scold her, you can scold her. If you want to be sweet, you can be sweet. You really talk about everything. You are the best friend.

16. In fact, we like to go to school, but we don't like to go to class. We miss the time when we used to make fun and laugh together.

17. The first sentence of a friend you haven't seen for many years is that you haven't changed at all. You are still a friend.

18. Remember, my dear friend: if he breaks your wings, I will destroy his heaven with my own hands. Nobody dares to hurt you when I'm here.

19. I think that when we have not become the wives of others, we must take a wedding photo together, which belongs only to us

20. I will let you bully me. I look like I am being bullied, but I will not be angry with you because I treat you as a sister.

21. I will talk to you if I have nothing to do. Although I am often scolded by you for being ill, you will talk to me later. I will be very happy because I treat you as a sister.

22. There was a bosom friend who confided in each other without saying anything, and occasionally had bad feelings. Although it was not so good at the beginning, they were firm in each other's hearts in the days they had experienced together.

23. I have a bosom friend who confides in me, says everything, and occasionally harbors bad feelings. Although it is not so good at the beginning, we have been firmly committed to each other in the days we have experienced together.

24. I will accompany you to grieve when you are sad. Forgive me for being stupid, not knowing how to comfort others, not knowing how to make people happy, so I have to cry with you because I treat you as a sister.

25. I will believe every word you say to me, even if it is a joke, I will take it seriously. You can say I am stupid, and I will not mind, because I treat you as a sister. Well, because I treat you as a sister.

26. I have always envied my best friend in the world. Don't think that if we don't meet often, our feelings will fade. Let me tell you, with our friendship at the beginning, I will dare to be wild in your life all my life.