Talk about quotations against the current, beautiful sentences describing life against the current (60 selected sentences)
I always believe
2023-08-02 15:11:00

1. In the deep winter, drums pierce the sky; Go against the current and be enthusiastic! Move up and cheer for the new power; Move! I want my wonderful!

2. Don't drift with the current. I believe you can finally go against the current.

3. Whose life is ferried by me, riding my boat upstream?

4. I wish to be a fish swimming upstream in the vast and beautiful sea

5. The current is flowing, and the fish are still going upstream, striving to move forward for their next generation

6. It is easier to follow the current than to sail against it. But I prefer to go upstream rather than drift with the current.

7. Don't stick to what you are looking for. Learn to go against the current. The more the reality makes you nervous, the more fruitful the results will be.

8. All live fish go upstream, and only dead fish and rotten shrimp drift with the current

9. As the gale approaches, I set sail. When the torrent comes down, I go upstream.

10. It's just a person's unprecedented. You're not my sun. How can you go upstream with me

11. It is human nature to face challenges, and we must do these things, just like salmon going upstream.

12. Death is inescapable, and we can only go upstream along the destiny.

13. I went upstream from the long river of time with love and missing on my back, until the frame with you, why not leave me behind.

14. If you want, I will use my whole life to be strong and not afraid to go against the current.

15. As long as something has happened, there will be traces to follow. As long as you want to cover up and hide something, it will leave a flaw. If you follow the vine, it is a crime. Going upstream is the truth.

16. Every era has its own rules. Those who go against the current will only be submerged by the flood of the times and crushed into powder by the wheels of history.

17. In this starry world, can she go against the current and pick up the stars?

18. Because they will not properly please others, they can only go against the current, strive to be superior to others, and then break the cocoon into a butterfly.

19. The long river of life is endless. It will not change because of who. Every kind of things will live forever. Only those who go against the current and do not drown in the long river can move towards the glory of life.

20. When encountering difficulties, we should go against the current. We may cry in the middle, but we may not laugh. But I know that if we don't go against the current, the result must be crying!

21. You have the courage to swim against the current, and you have the luck to miss the boat carrying wine. Being such a bad person. Why don't you earn some money? "

22. It must be hard to go against the current. It will pay thousands of times more sweat than others. But when you break through the shackles, you will see prosperity that others cannot see

23. Men should be self reliant. Why should children love each other? Going upstream is my direction. Even if tears remain, sing loudly

24. The fish upstream is brave. People who go against the light are ignorant.

25. You must work very hard so that you will not be alarmed step by step when going upstream.

26. The time hook catches all the fish going upstream. Although they have gained something, they are also under control.

27. Those words hidden in my heart that cannot be said are turning into a stream of sadness, going upstream and turning into tears.

28. The end point upstream is the lake, and the end point of drifting with the current is the ocean.

29. Maybe we all want to go down the river and live well; However, even if we can't, we should go against the current and live well.

30. Life is like a current. Is a boat drifting into an endless abyss, or should we raise the sails of self-improvement and go against the current?