84 inspirational maxims for women
Sugar Plum
2023-06-09 21:58:57
A complete set of maxims

1、 Career is the beauty of men, and beauty is the career of women.

2、 How much a man loves you depends on how much you love yourself.

3、 Real talent is as hard to collect as fire, and will always start a prairie fire.

4、 If you want to keep your husband's heart, you should first keep his eyes.

5、 Living in this world and being needed is the ultimate happiness!

6、 Middle aged women need a good mood, and learning to adjust and relax is the most important.

7、 Break up with people who are hostile to themselves. A close friend comes from a broken friend.

8、 Dress up elegantly and calmly every day, and bring yourself a different smile.

9、 Don't make yourself too tired, arrange your time reasonably, and enjoy elegance and leisure.

10、 Listening to music to do housework will not feel tired, but also feel a kind of enjoyment.

11、 If you want to know the quality of a man, you should first see what kind of friends he is surrounded by.

12、 Someone asks for something from you, smiles and looks at him: What do you want to exchange with me?

13、 The things that have gone cannot be left, the feelings that have passed cannot be loved, and if you can stay and love, there will be no today.

14、 What you have said must be done. Even if it is very stupid, it is better to be stupid than to break your promise.

15、 I am a lucky unfortunate person. At least I sleep like a pig.

16、 Some women are worth ten thousand yuan from the back, half from the side, and ten thousand yuan from the front.

17、 Many people do not love each other, but can get along for a lifetime. Love is very easy to get bored.

18、 Multi year old women are confident women. Sincere and kind, self respecting and confident, but never arrogant.

19、 Always put a book under the pillow. Reading can benefit people's mind, temperament and life.

20、 Men who appreciate your personality and temperament can associate, while men who covet your beauty leave early.

21、 Play with words, write stories about your feelings, comfort yourself, appreciate yourself, and be intoxicated with yourself.

22、 Economic independence: independent of men. Self reliant women are more confident and charming!

23、 Be honest about everything, including your own mistakes. Such a woman will eventually win attention!

24、 Poverty is a kind of mentality. If you insist on being poor all your life, having a lot of money will not save you.

25、 Don't always compare yourself with others, which will cause you to lose confidence and devalue your own value.

26、 Occasionally buy a suit of clothes with a different style than usual to change your mood and surprise others.

27、 If girls are willing to spend money on their meals, boys will invite you to eat and pay for you.

28、 I am a sunny girl, very positive and optimistic. I can touch the light of the sun every day when I open my eyes.

29、 No matter what happens, don't break the original rules of life. Eat and sleep on time.

30、 It is often more practical to find a potential man than to flirt with a rich man. And you will feel more fulfilled.

31、 Generation after generation is not as hard as generation after generation. The hardest thing for this generation is that it has taken hard work for granted.

32、 Don't think about the same problem over and over again. Don't put all your feelings on one person. You also have parents and friends.

33、 The man who makes a detour straight is clever, he has found a shortcut; The man who bends the straight road is open-minded. He has seen more scenery.

34、 Be filial when your parents are alive, so as not to regret later. You will feel gratified to see your parents healthy and contented.

35、 If you have no place to go with your boyfriend, go to the library together. It's also romantic to sit quietly opposite him reading.

36、 When you are about to lose your temper, smile to ease your mood. There is no big deal worth getting angry about. Everything is gone.

37、 If someone throws money at you, kneel down and pick it up one by one, it doesn't matter. When it's about food and clothing, a little self-esteem is nothing.

38、 Even if you don't do beauty, you should also go to the beauty salon. There is a women's club where women exchange various life experiences and maintenance tips.

39、 Women sometimes have to live like men, brave, independent and responsible. Since you can't satisfy everyone, please satisfy yourself.

40、 There are no ugly women, only lazy women. If you don't want to spend time dressing up your own woman, please don't be jealous and dissatisfied with other beautiful women.

41、 When a man says to you: Break up. Please don't cry or shed tears. You should smile and say to him: It's been a long time since you said this. Then turn around and walk away.

42、 You should be modest and muddle along. There is no need to haggle over every ounce. The water is clean and the people are clean and there are no disciples. Who doesn't want to spend his whole life with whom? Some things should be kept in mind.

43、 Don't be afraid to do something wrong. Even if it is wrong, don't be upset. Life is right or wrong. Besides, there are many things. Looking back, right or wrong has become irrelevant.

44、 Women must have money! No matter how poor you are, you must travel! Your head determines your pocket, the freedom in your pocket, the happiness of your life, and the smile on your face.

45、 So affectionate, but difficult to say. It turns out that if you really love someone, your heart will be sour, but you will not be able to speak. Most of your sweet words will be spoken to irrelevant people.

46、 It is normal to have negative emotions, but you must know that this is only a small part of life. In the rest of the time, you should try to keep your emotions stable.

47、 The first man taught you love and sorrow, but the last man gave you everlasting. Women, the most valuable is the last man, not the first.

48、 In the dark, I took out the cup and drank the wine. There are so many things I hate. I don't know which one to choose to gnash my teeth on. I just left it all behind and went to sleep quietly.

49、 Home is the place to nourish women's essence, and also the place to empty women's blood essence. If a woman regards her home as the only battlefield of her life, it is not far from withering.

50、 The harm a man does to a woman is not necessarily that he falls in love with others, but that he disappoints her when she has expectations, and does not give her the comfort she deserves when she is weak.

51. Answer: It is this indifference that usually attracts men, but men finally marry women who admire them. The incompetent women live by marrying others, and the capable women live by themselves.

Fifty-two. get together with your good classmates to make you feel that you are back to the old days. Even if we see the wrinkles in each other's eyes and recall the interesting things in our school days, we don't feel old.

53. If a woman makes a man think of sex at the first sight, she is a failure. Don't complain that no man you meet is a good man, because that is your own reason.

54. Love is a matter of two people, but love is a matter of one person. If you are lovelorn, you can continue to love him until you fall in love with others. In fact, this is only a year or so.

55. Before meeting the person who really loves you, a woman must live like a man. Even if she does, she cannot rely on others because he will always be absent.

56. Sometimes it is said that men are tired, but women are not. Women before marriage, like men, have to bear all the costs of firewood, rice, salt, vinegar, tea, water, electricity, rent and so on.

57. Life depends on hard work everywhere. Happy women are good at hard work: first class women fight for temperament, second class women fight for strength, third class women fight for luck, and last class women fight for background. I am my own best background.

58. Don't expect any man to love you all his life. Men's love is as short as thunder and lightning. Self love is the most important thing. Of course, you should enjoy their flattery, but you should know it well.

59. An educated woman is like a gurgling stream, which makes people around her immersed. Culture is a kind of perception of life experience, a kind of calm of life perception, which is a more simple and pure attitude.

60. The society only loves healthy, intelligent, and desperate people, who are patient and motherly. Everything in life becomes a business, and they use each other. As for the inconstancy of the world and the indifference of human relations, it is normal.

61. A real lady with temperament never shows off what she has. She doesn't tell people what books she has read, where she has been, how many clothes she has, and what jewelry she has bought, because she has no sense of inferiority.

62. It is not your fault that women are not beautiful before the age of 20. However, it is your fault that women are still not beautiful after the age of 20. It is extremely sad that women do not know how to dress themselves.

63. The ultimate of a woman is not to become a monster, but to become a queen. The goblin is used to charm, and the queen is used to attract. Charming and being seduced, attracting and being attracted, these two pairs of words are meaningful.

64. Married women must learn to be intellectual women, strive to become more cultured and self disciplined, and learn how to maintain their mentality, skin and health.

65. Don't try to cry when you want to. It's better to have someone listen to your cry. If not, it will be much easier to find a quiet place to cry bitterly. Everyone has a time of vulnerability, so don't feel embarrassed.

66. Women who tend to be strong women should learn to do housework. Most men do not like to be brilliant in the workplace and have a thriving career. Deng is a woman who seriously lacks the ability to take care of herself after returning home.

Sixty seven, I'm still just a corner of you, with insignificant feelings. One day when I finally got tired of walking, I would return to my mother's arms. She would touch my hair and say, silly child, those love and pain are false.

68. As a woman, even if you don't have a slim figure, when a man says that you are more symmetrical and much younger when you are fat than when you are thin, why bother to lose weight? You are the most beautiful in your lover's eyes.

Sixty-nine, with several good friends of the opposite sex, of course not lovers, your relationship had better be recognized by his wife. Men are rational and women are emotional. They can sincerely give you some advice on what happens in life.

70. I like to learn from intelligent people who have no knowledge. They are unreasonable, primitive, embarrassing, but often workable. Educated women talk about manners in everything. They lose their only weapon and are left to the mercy of society.

Seventy one, life seems too long, but it is too short. Let's find out what we want. Twenty one years have passed. If we don't hurry to do all the things we should or shouldn't do before we are forty years old, we will do nothing later, so everyone will not have enough time.

Seventy two, a smart man will spoil his woman as lawless, making other men can't stand her bad temper. Second, a man will use his bad temper to make his woman feel that he hates meeting any attentive man too late.

73. A woman should never be a wife who makes a man worry, or a "three hearted" woman whom a man does not like, so that he can feel at ease about leaving you at home. He is sad when he thinks of you at ordinary times, and will feel sick when he sees you at home.

Seventy four, women remember that choosing a man is nothing but choosing someone who hurts you! No matter how rich, talented, handsome, eloquent, intelligent, competent, filial, and helpful he is, if he doesn't hurt you, he will be useless!

Seventy five, ten years of hardship, ten years of hard work, plus ten years of luck, can have a career. Don't take things too easy. Most people can only have a career, by which to earn a living. How many people dare to say that his job is a career?

76. Smart women do not sell for interests. "They do not make vases when they are young, do not make vinegar bottles when they are middle-aged, and do not make medicine bottles when they are old" is the ultimate goal of their life, so that they can live a better life.

Seventy seven, be a light woman, learn to live alone, no matter whether someone loves you or not. Do well what you should do, love without love, and treat safely. When fate comes, reach out and grasp it. Before fate comes, go and create a warm little world for yourself.

Seventy eight, educated women are still full of life even though they see through the inconstancy of the world and the warmth of human relationships. It is clear that all colors and splendor are just passing clouds of life. Always worrying about the gain and loss, just looking for trouble and suffering.

Seventy nine. To be a light woman, you should not talk too much. You can just click here. As the saying goes, many good friends are easy to get along with. If you can't do it, it's better to have a few bosom friends. Friends can be made according to circumstances, and false deals can be made. That kind of communication is too cheap, so don't forget it.

80. Marriage has nothing to do with love. People always think that marriage is natural when love is mature, but they don't know that marriage is just a way of life. Everyone can get married. It's very simple. Love... is quite another matter.

Eighty one, a woman, without the deep love of a man, can not find the habitat of her heart; If there is no man's tenderness, there is no happiness to be a woman; If there is no man's care, there is no satisfaction in being a woman; If there is no success in marriage, there will be no sense of happiness.

82. Wisdom keeps women's beauty from aging, makes women more gentle and virtuous, makes women more beautiful and lasting, and makes women more lovely and pure. A wise woman is a woman who properly integrates her characteristics and releases different colors at the right time.

Eighty three, a light woman walks in the world with a light and free heart. Smile, savor life and look at the situation. The stillness is like a clear pool, and the movement is like ripples. Such a light fragrance is like gentle air, like listening to the sound of whistles, like smelling roses, like water and honey, like smoke and fog. Every step, every waist, every hair, every blink of an eye, is like honey flowing.

84. Educated women, facing the pursuit of men, do not panic blindly, do not gloat with vanity, know how to distinguish the truth from modesty, and know how to use euphemism to refuse admiration. When a man decides to leave, even if helpless tears flow into his heart, he will not retain them. He will not be obsessed with them. He knows that fate ends when they leave. Letting go is to give him a way out, but also to leave a way for himself.