Comments on The Flag
Shanxiu Xiqing
2023-09-13 21:21:47
third year in high school
impressions of after reading

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Party this year, I watched a film called The Flag. Having seen this film, I felt deeply and benefited immensely.
This film mainly tells a truth that only socialism can save China, and only reform and opening up can develop China. From the Opium War to the founding of the Communist Party of China, to the liberation of China, and finally to the development of reform and opening up, China has experienced many humiliations and sacrifices, but finally achieved revolutionary success. Through watching this film, I realized that China's revolution was so hard and faced many difficulties. People humiliated them during the Opium War, and the invasion of many countries led by Japan made China scarred. However, all this changed after the founding of the Communist Party of China, which awakened the Chinese people and led them to victory. The reform and opening up has pushed China into a new development period. Many events and characters I am familiar with appear in the film, such as the construction of the Beijing Kowloon Railway. We can have today's happy life because of the efforts of the Party and the country.
After watching this film, I felt that China is our great motherland. We should love our motherland and live in the new era. We should be useful to our motherland and society. Although we can't save China like the Communist Party, we should do our best to defend our motherland. At the same time, we should learn the spirit of the Communist Party of China and not be afraid of hardship, Be not afraid of tiredness, and contribute to the socialist modernization of the motherland.
In 10 episodes, The Banner looks back on how the Chinese nation has moved step by step to our glory since the first Opium War, eulogizing the mission of several generations of Communists, saving the Chinese people from suffering, and leading them step by step to prosperity and democracy. This documentary makes me know our great party again, And the banner that always guides us to be steadfast.
Each episode of "The Flag" focuses on a historical stage. Since 90 years ago, the people with lofty ideals in the South Lake cruise ship have quietly brewed the blueprint of the times, and are generous and pioneering. The national vanguard began the great exploration of saving the nation from extinction, and the revolutionary face took on a new look. Several generations of Chinese Communists have united and led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country in their unremitting struggle, overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, achieved great victory in revolution, construction and reform, and written a magnificent and colorful picture in human history.
When countless martyrs sacrificed their precious lives bravely for the establishment of New China, and some fell into the hands of the enemy and suffered various kinds of torture, they couldn't help crying. Our happy life today is bought by these martyrs with their blood, tears and even lives. Any of the enemy's torture is unbearable to ordinary people, Moreover, our martyrs sometimes have to endure several or more than a dozen or even dozens of kinds, and I don't know how they clench their teeth and survive. Sometimes, when I encounter a little difficulty in my study or life, I cry for days, or ask for help from others. I have no confidence and courage to face and solve the difficulties at all. I would blush if I think about the martyrs and think about myself.
The great achievements of the Communist Party of China in the past 90 years have surprised the world. The Chinese nation has encountered many disasters. In times of crisis, we can always see the party flag flying high. Under the guidance of the flag, we will move towards a better tomorrow.
Slowly in the dark, generation after generation of aspiring young people, taking the rise and fall of the world as their own responsibility, followed communism and fought for it, "calling on" the people of the whole country to stand up.
Before the founding of New China, countless brave Communists bravely fought against the opposition and shed their blood. The founding of New China is like a flash of light in the dark. The new Communist Party of China has lit a torch of hope for the people. From the moment of its birth, the Communist Party of China has shouldered the sacred mission of leading the Chinese people to create a happy life and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They went through twists and turns, led the Chinese people to win the national victory with blood and life, and wrote the most glorious page of Chinese history. In 1949, a loud voice announced to the world that the Chinese people, who accounted for one fourth of the total number of human beings, had stood up! This is a solemn declaration, marking that the Chinese people have become masters of their own country. However, the darkness before the dawn should not be forgotten, the national humiliation should not be forgotten, and China should be revitalized.
Today, the Communist Party of China is a big party with 65 million members, and a ruling party in charge of a country with 9.6 million square kilometers of land and 1.3 billion people. The "Three Represents" and keeping pace with the times fully reflect that the Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class in the new era and represents the fundamental interests of the working class and the broad masses of the people in the new era. Fight against floods, financial storms and recover Hong Kong and Macao; In the fight against snow disasters and earthquake relief, the banner of revolution is flying in the new era.
The overwhelming majority of Chinese people continue to support the Party, but there are also people who embezzle, take bribes and split. They are ashamed of the bright red party flag, and even more shameless to face the martyrs who sacrificed for the party.
Whenever the Party flag is raised, each of us should feel a strong sense of responsibility and think about the obligations of every citizen. Time changes, territory changes, sea changes. From poverty and weakness to prosperity, from broken mountains and rivers to strong unity, from being bullied to being respected, the Chinese nation has created immortal achievements worthy of history. Today, we have given us a glorious dream and a mission. We are showering the spring light on the Yangtze River and Yellow River, on the Kunlun Snow Land, and on the road to rejuvenation. In the course of 90 years of trials and hardships, the Communist Party of China has led the people to march forward proudly, while those Communists who have given everything for the motherland and the people
Comments: The sentences are smooth, the sentence meaning is smooth, the words are beautiful, the description is vivid, bright, and the language expression ability is strong. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Carefully selected, the materials seem to be customized for the theme. The plot change does not fall into the stereotype. Occasionally, suspense suddenly arises and waves rise again and again, which is unexpected. The development process of the event reflects the author's innovative ideas.