33 New Year's greetings in 2021
Sweet dreams, rain and smoke
2023-05-23 15:31:03
SMS Collection

1、 Messages, blessings, happiness, happiness, smile, love; Say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year. Wish you a successful career, beautiful love and happiness in the new year!

2、 Solar terms alternate and temperature difference changes; Watch out for flu in cold weather; Add more clothes at the right time; Not to lose weight, but to keep warm; Care sent, SMS wishes: safe and happy, healthy New Year!

3、 Looking back on the past, I feel happy. The past year witnessed setbacks and failures, and hard work led to fruitful results. In 2020, we should have new expectations, and wish our friends a happy life.

4、 No gifts will be given this holiday. The clockwork message wishes you a happy family. Everyone has good health. The Spring Festival food should be reasonable. Going out safely should be the first. Be tolerant when things happen, and be happy!

5、 After a year of toil, hard work, and busy work, let's have a rest. After a year of struggle, let's have a rest. Day after day, go through the journey. The new year has begun again. May you be happy and safe in the new year!

6、 The Year of the Rooster is coming to an end, and the Year of the Dog has a new voice. I hope you will have another chance to have a wonderful life, a more wonderful life, a better mood, and a more smooth career. With luck around you, you will achieve new heights of glory and career in the coming year.

7、 Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Safe and Auspicious Year, Happy and Happy New Year, Happy and Happy New Year, Happy and Happy New Year, Happy and Happy New Year, Happy and Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

8、 At the end of the year, the shopping mall has been engaged in a price war. The preparation work should be sufficient. The shopping shop should carefully select the goods. Be careful not to get caught in the trap. The shopping list should be in the forefront of shopping. The shopping mall should be calm, the food and supplies should be transported home, and the heart should be happy for the New Year.

9、 At the end of the year, take stock of the harvest, bury the disappointment, guard the hope, abandon the disappointment, cherish the possession, and ignore the loss; In the new year, open your mind, reconstruct your blueprint, broaden your horizon, continue your struggle, ignite, and create new brilliance!

10、 When returning home at the end of the year, we should pay attention to: we should not take more things with us, and we should focus on portability; Cash should not be carried more, mainly by card; It should not be crowded when there are many people, and it should be unobstructed; People should not be credulous, but cautious. Wish you a safe and happy home!

11、 Success at the end of the year is a harvest. We should be more ambitious in the past years. We should let go of our entanglements, relax our mood, face our ideals, and be brave in the future. We are willing to sum up our failures, experience our experiences, strive for 2020, and create new achievements.

12、 Your efforts are the foundation for our growth. Your efforts are the driving force for our development. Your happiness is our goal, and your happiness is our common aspiration. 2020 is coming. I wish you a happy New Year and smooth work!

13、 Flowers, for your glory at the moment, applause, for your success at the moment, the past year has finally come to a successful end. In the new year, I hope you can make great strides in your career, performance continues to rise, and meet with success again at the end of the year!

14、 On the way to 2020, we will go together, laugh together and strive together. Now we will celebrate together. Thousands of regrets will be brought into our hearts, and all achievements will be put into our backpacks. On the way to 2020, we will make persistent efforts and make great achievements! Friend 2020, good luck!

15、 With a summary of the past year in mind, we look forward to a bright future in the New Year. Our material life is stronger year by year, our spiritual life cannot lag behind, our country is rich and our people are strong, and our life is beautiful. We suddenly calm down and have a forthright personality, and stabilize our contacts like a spider web. I hope you will never stop in 2020, and our career will be brilliant and our children will be beautiful.

16、 The road without regret, we walk together, the 2020 without regret, we enjoy together, live without regret, we laugh together, we pay without regret, we fight together, the future without regret, we let 2020 shine again, we wish our happiness to be heroic again.

17、 There are regrets in life, and life goes on year after year. By 2020, we will sum up the past hardships, retain the past happiness, remember the friendship, and move forward to the new year. Happiness is with you, happiness is with you, luck is with you, and opportunities come to you. Wish you all the best.

18、 Raise your morale, raise your morale, ignite your enthusiasm, and continue your efforts. 2020 is drawing to a close. Gather your strength to make a final attack. I wish you more achievements in your work in 2020, joy in the beginning of a new chapter in 2020, and good health and good luck in everything.

19、 Look back to 2020. Time flies, forget the passage of time. Stick to the goal and never change the direction of progress. The stars shine brightly, illuminating the galloping distance. Cherish every word and warm the tired soul. Bless 2020, wish you to fly high and create miracles with your faith.

20、 Sowing the sunshine for a year and harvesting the glory along the way; A year's sweat, blooming all the way bright; Pay one year's hard work to decorate the happiness along the way; Thanks for one year's efforts to create miracles along the way. In the new year, I would like to sail with you again to help the sea and create a wonderful future!

21、 Having seen the spring flowers and autumn moon, through summer thunder and winter snow, experiencing the lack of full moon, going through 2020, success and failure, sorrow and joy, separation and reunion, happiness and pursuit, dreams and goals move forward, 2020 opens a new chapter, and the sky reappears blue. May you be happier and happier for a long time.

22、 The wind, frost, snow and rain are over in 2020. The joys and sorrows of the past are over, and the joys and sorrows of the past are forgotten. The success and failure of the past can be seen in a flash. Looking back to the past, the future can be unfolded. 2020 is a new starting point, a new brilliant new stage, and striving and forging ahead in the future. I hope that the new year will write a new chapter to carry forward the past and usher in the future.

23、 In 2020, we will search for happiness, browse to enrichment, download to joy, find results, collect everything, put it in a folder, and build a "good luck" page in 2020 with new expectations. I wish you a happy and fruitful year of pig!

24、 There is happiness and pain; Sweat, tears; There is hard work and harvest. In the past year, we have tasted all the flavors of life and made certain achievements. In the new year, we will continue to work hard, start from a new starting line, and use our labor to cultivate more fruitful results. come on.

25、 Look back to 2020: set goals, fail to achieve them, pay hard, but fail to follow their wishes, although distressed, but not pessimistic, learn lessons, and change themselves; I hope that 2020 will be a year of constant efforts, increased perseverance, and correct attitude. Although we have no complaints, we will continue to move forward, and we will succeed in the end!

26、 You gave me a strong belief, you gave me a broad arm, you gave me a warm harbor, 2020 let us come together, a happy year is about to pass. In the year 2020 full of vision, I hope we will continue to love each other and work together to create a better home.

27、 Success proves that everyone is a talent, and achievement proves that everyone is working hard. Celebrate the achievements of 18 years, and let's relax for now. We will continue to grasp the goals of 19 years, make unremitting efforts, and hope that the achievements will continue. Success will continue. The company of 19 years will reach a new high, and you will make great achievements again in 19 years.

28、 Looking back at 2020, the long road under the shadow of black can not stop our progress. Looking forward to 2020, we are singing exciting music under the blue sky and white clouds. Looking down on 2020, we can see the struggle, pain, loss and joy of a year. Looking up to 2020, let's embrace the most brilliant and beautiful memories!

29、 Reset the "flower pot" of 2020 life: dump the old soil of 2020 worries, remove the weeds of 2020, plant the fresh hope of 2020, and look forward to the beautiful flowers of 2020. In 2020, more enthusiasm will be poured into your career and life. May everything go smoothly and prosper.

30、 In 2020, I cried too much and cried too for failure. In 2020, I laughed too much and was too excited for success. In 2020, I fought too much and gave up too for life. In 2020, I was happy and I used to be happy for my family. In 2020, I would like to laugh and be happy and compete and be bitter. I wish you happiness and happiness!

31、 2020 You have left many beautiful memories in my memory, so that I learned more things. In my career, I have reached a higher level, and in love, I have become more happy; At this time, I greet you 2020, my friends with the warmest mood. Please accept my deep blessing. May all the joy accompany you in the new year.

32、 2020 is "troublesome": happiness always revolves around, and happiness accompanies you; The spring breeze always blows on my face, and the sunshine spreads in my heart; God of Wealth is lucky to earn money every day; The moon old man came down to find me and said he would send me a happy companion! Hehe, 2020 is coming, I hope it will continue to be so troublesome!

33、 Let go of one year's "busyness", wash away one year's "dust", store one year's "gains", forget one year's "troubles", lose all the "pressure", change into new clothes and smile! 2020 Let happiness embrace you! Good luck will surround you in the new year!