100 famous calligraphic sayings
Lighter than a sea
2023-07-03 21:01:13
A complete list of famous sayings

1、 Fist should be played and words should be practiced.

2、 The dragons and snakes in the pen seem divine.

3、 Clouds and cranes swim in the sky, and swans play in the sea.

4、 Silent sound, invisible appearance.

5、 The pen is bare, and the ink is sharpened.

6、 It floats like a floating cloud and looks like a frightened dragon.

7、 The dragon is powerful and the tiger is shaking.

8、 The dragon jumps at the gate of heaven, and the tiger lies in the phoenix pavilion.

9、 Learning books is learning knowledge.

10、 It will be the top of the mountain and the small mountains.

11、 The setting sun is infinitely good, just near dusk.

12、 Words should not be repeated, and words should not be spread indiscriminately.

13、 The mountain is close to the plain, and the river flows into the wilderness.

14、 When I feel the flowers splashing with tears, I hate the birds.

15、 I have no intention of fighting for spring, but all the people are jealous.

16、 The moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward.

17、 The stars hang down on the plain and the fields are wide, and the moon flows in the river.

18、 In the morning, I will make sense of the waste and return with the moon lotus.

19、 Steam the clouds and dream the marsh, and shake Yueyang City.

20、 The river flows beyond the heaven and the earth, and the mountains are in the middle.

21、 Life is a hero, death is a ghost.

22、 The wind and rain startled the pen, and the ghosts and gods sobbed in the poem.

23、 If you teach near the water, you are afraid of Jackie Chan.

24、 Mo Dao Sang Yu late, still full of clouds for the sky.

25、 Cicadas make the forest quieter, and birds sing the mountain more secluded.

26、 Read ten thousand volumes and write like a god.

27、 Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.

28、 Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely.

29、 In the wilderness, trees are low in the sky, and the river is clear and the moon is close to people.

30、 The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again.

31、 The green mountains cannot cover it. After all, it flows eastward.

32、 It is better to have a weapon than a time, and a weapon than a will.

33、 One word is the standard of the whole article.

34、 Thirty achievements, fame, dust and earth, eight thousand miles, cloud and moon.

35、 Three mountains are half fallen, and the sky is blue. One water is divided into Bailu Chau.

36、 Not afraid of clothes mending, but afraid of mind stains.

37、 I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in this mountain.

38、 If the two love each other for a long time, it will not be in every day and night.

39、 Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history.

40、 But he made the Flying General of Dragon City stay here, and did not teach Huma to spend the Hell Mountain.

41、 How can we cut the candles in the west window, but talk about the night rain in Bashan.

42、 Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village.

43、 A thousand miles away, the warbler sings green and reflects red, and the water village has a wine flag in the mountain.

44、 In the sky, I would like to be a bird with two wings, and on the ground, I would like to be connected with branches.

45、 I lie at night listening to the wind and rain. The iron horse and the glacier are dreaming.

46、 Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir.

47、 I would like to recommend Xuanyuan with my blood.

48、 Ercao's body and name are destroyed, and the river flows forever.

49、 In my life, I didn't understand the kindness of Tibetans.

50、 The pen works hard like a swan flying high.

51. Lian Guangyu is worried. He listens to the thunder in a silent place.

Fifty-two, bear to see friends become new ghosts, and look for poems in the sword cluster angrily.

Fifty-three. suddenly, it was like a night of spring breeze, and thousands of pear trees were blooming.

54. I advise Tiangong to be energetic again and demote talents regardless of style.

Fifty-five, i smile to the sky from the broadsword, and leave the liver and gallbladder Kunlun.

56. Those who fight fear are false, and those who respect fear are true.

Fifty seven. The lotus leaves are endless green, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun.

58. The helpless flower falls, and the familiar Yan returns.

59. The Spring City is full of flying flowers everywhere, and the cold food makes the east wind resist the willows.

Sixty. A spring night is worth a thousand gold. The flowers are fragrant and the moon is cloudy.

61. The spring tide brings rain late, and the wild flow makes no boat cross.

62. The garden can't be closed in spring, and a red apricot comes out of the wall.

Sixty three. The silkworms in spring will not be dried until they die, and the wax torches will not be dried until they become ashes and tears.

Sixty four. The horse's hoof disease makes you feel happy in spring. You can see all the flowers in Chang'an every day.

65. It is difficult to be a water when you have been through the sea. Except Wushan, it is not a cloud.

Sixty six. There are few willows blowing on the branches. There is no grass in the horizon.

Sixty seven. If you want to send colored paper and ruler, you will know where to go.

68. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to put it on a thick surface and put it on a light surface.

Sixty-nine, talented people from all over the world have been leading for hundreds of years.

Seventy, thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees spring ahead of the diseased tree.

Seventy one. You want to wet the apricot blossom rain when you touch your clothes, and the willow wind is not cold when you blow your face.

Seventy two, relatives and friends in Luoyang ask each other, and an ice heart is in the jade pot.

Seventy three. When the stream clouds rise, the sun sinks into the pavilion. When the mountain rain is about to come, the wind fills the building.

Seventy four, I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival.

Seventy five. The thin shadow slants horizontally, the water is clear, and the faint fragrance floats in the moonlight at dusk.

Seventy six, Zong Zong has his own Lingyun pen. It's pathetic to follow others.

Seventy seven. I have to learn from the paper. I must know that this matter must be practiced.

Seventy eight. If you want to profit the life and death of a country, you should not avoid it because of bad luck.

Seventy nine, the floating clouds finally block the sun, and the spring buds bloom after the severe winter.

80. Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

81. The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color.

Eighty two, the body has no colorful phoenix wings, and the heart has a clear understanding.

Eighty three. Jinsha water is warm on the cloud cliff, and the iron cables across the Dadu Bridge are cold.

Eighty four, ask where the canal is so clear, because there is a source of fresh water.

Eighty five, the old book is also the heart of learning; As a writer, he writes his own chronicles.

86. The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes will never return.

Eighty seven, calligraphy is good, so people are good, so the holy way is idle.

Eighty eight. Use the pen in your mind. The mind is regular and the pen is correct, and the pen is correct.

89. Gao Yun is affectionate, strong and noble, and can't be a book without one.

Ninety. The person who created the product has a sense of integrity beyond his pen and ink.

Ninety one. People have different personalities, different temperaments, and the style of writing is self shaped.

Ninety two. The body image is outstanding, different from the past. Falling pearl jade, floating tassel group.

Ninety three. Mountains never tire of heights, and waters never tire of depths. The Duke of Zhou feeds the world.

Ninety four. When people do not salute, they run forty miles in vain; Give a courtesy when you see someone, and walk ten miles less.

95. Look at the heart of heaven and earth, push the sentiments of sages, and break through the doubts, so as to compete with Confucianism.

96. Books are just like learning, talent and ambition. In short, they are just like people.

97. Scholars have two views: they view things and view me. Look at things with the same feeling, and see me with the same morality.

Ninety eight, pen nature and ink emotion are all based on their human nature. The first task of a book is to manage one's temperament.

Ninety nine. Each mortal has different qi and blood, different muscles and bones. The heart is dense, the hand is skillful and clumsy, and the beauty and ugliness of the book lies in the heart and hand.

100. I may express my ambition to make progress, or I may express my desire to dispel depression. Although it is most expensive, it cannot be suppressed, although it is impossible to measure its power by clever calculation.