Inspirational Sentences Chicken Soup for the Soul (64 selected sentences)
Ten years of sword sharpening
2023-05-15 03:13:23
Complete sentences

1. My report was so good that I gave myself another chance.

2. A trickle of water can eventually wear away a large stone, not because of its powerful power, but because of its constant dropping day and night.

3. Life is always a dilemma. No matter how persistent or unwilling you are, you have to learn to accept it. From complaining with tears to treating with smiles, in the end, it was just a happy go lucky situation.

4. Where is genius? I use my coffee drinking skills to work.

5. If you have never been afraid of being embarrassed or hurt, it is good that you have never taken risks.

6. Those who master persistence are successful and never give up.

7. All great actions and thoughts have a trivial beginning

8. Since everything will pass, we must seize the present.

9. Those things that do not destroy you will make you stronger.

10. Regardless of the wind and rain, as long as we keep going and don't give up, the road in the distance will be clear.

11. Believe in the loyalty of friends. Believe in your own courage. Believe in the stupidity of the enemy.

12. The hope of the motherland, the wishes of parents and the ideals of students are realized through our hard work.

13. There is a person in life who despises or even insults him. He not only regards him as normal, but also admires you; If you treat him equally in personality, he will despise you!

14. I don't expect sudden good luck, but my efforts will eventually pay off. I hope that every serious effort now will have a smooth future.

15. Frustrations will come and go, fall and rise again, fail and try again, always believe that no matter how ordinary you are, you will have your own happiness.

16. Only by putting down yesterday can we treat tomorrow with heart, and only by putting down the past can we have a real future. Putting down is a wise attitude towards life. Putting down makes your heart lighter and life happier.

17. Don't give up what belongs to you; What has been lost is kept as memory.

18. Adversity is a path to truth.

19. Like classics, dreams will never fade because of time, but become more precious.

20. Every time I drink tea, I realize that life is a cup of tea! Look at the tea rolling in the boiling water, ups and downs, just like our life, ups and downs!

21. The greatest fear of being a man is not that he has tried hard but that he will give up before trying. It's better to think a thousand times than to do it once. If you don't force yourself, how can you know how good you are. Better change than complain. If you don't grow up, who will be strong for you.

22. If you send a short message to the person you like, she will not reply. Don't send it again.

23. Success is not in the future, but accumulated from the moment you decide to do it.

24. The most important thing is to live happily. No matter how many setbacks there are, we should strive to overcome them.

25. Whether in life or work, it is difficult for us to get along with everything, but we can do everything wholeheartedly. A positive attitude is the guarantee of success. We should do everything carefully and wholeheartedly, so that we can harvest surprises and grow ourselves.

26. It used to belong to the god of death, but now it belongs to itself.

27. Let's replace our worries with our thoughts and plans in advance!

28. I tried to disappear, but no one asked me about it; It's been a long time since my phone rang.

29. There is injustice in this society. Don't complain because it is useless! People always make progress in introspection!

30. Remember: everything is not so simple, nor as difficult as imagined. Only when you have done it and experienced it yourself can you know how difficult it is

31. If the water is turbid again, it will still be clear as long as it settles for a long time; No matter how stupid you are, if you work hard enough, you can also change your destiny.

32. If it's really hard, you don't have time to be tired. If it's really sad, you don't have time to lose face. Because it is not enough, you have time to complain.