After Reading Defeat Yourself
Always on the road
2023-12-26 14:49:36
junior middle school

Feeling from Reading "Defeat Yourself"
In the summer vacation, I read a book called "Defeat Yourself". There are many reasons in this book. The book consists of 9 sections and 74 articles, each of which has its own small principles.
The cover of this book has a saying that "You are the only one who can defeat you. Once you have a strong belief in your heart, plus the correct methods and unremitting efforts, you can defeat yourself and go to the bright side."
For example, there is an article called "Give Yourself a Step". It is mainly about a father who asked his child to count 165 steps and promised that he would have 165 opportunities to make mistakes before he was 18 years old. Finally, at the age of 18, the child won by a narrow margin of one step. This story tells us that on the road of growth, we can only get the final growth if we constantly experience, update ourselves and defeat ourselves.
Another article is called "Two Lilliputians". The hero was temporarily confused by greed and stole the comic book of the stall owner. Fortunately, he met a good stall owner. He did not embarrass the hero, but told him the truth of life through another comic book: everyone has greed and should defeat it to be an upright person. This book gives examples from all aspects of how to defeat ourselves and finally achieve success. Through this book, I understand that we should have confidence, courage, persistence, hard work, sincerity and other beliefs to finally defeat ourselves, surpass ourselves and win success.