Patriotic Quotations of Chinese Celebrities (44 selected sentences)
Shower and first clear
2023-05-03 15:15:17

1. National ears forget home, public ears forget private—— Ban Gu

2. True patriotism should not be expressed in flowery language, but in actions for the benefit of the motherland and the people—— Dobroliupov

3. Suddenly, I heard the ancient songs and wanted to touch the towel when I was homesick—— du shenyan

4. Every Party member and cadre should share weal and woe with the people and share a common destiny. Only in this way can our Party have prestige and our country have hope—— Kong Fansen

5. The motherland is more important than life, is our mother, our land—— Neruda

6. The northwest gale blows, and the southeast war is full of blood. When the wind blows, the iron horse will move and return my old mountains and rivers—— Yang Hucheng

7. A hero should not shed his tears before the enemy. The man is seven feet tall and willing to donate for the motherland—— Chen Hui

8. We should dedicate the beautiful passion in our hearts to our motherland—— Pushkin

9. If the motherland is in trouble, you should be the vanguard—— Chen Yi

10. Whoever has done a good job in China's rural areas is the hero of the Chinese people—— Xing Yanzi

11. But when all living beings are satisfied, they will not refuse to suffer from sickness—— Li Gang

12. Consistency is strong, but disputes are easy to conquer—— Aesop

13. Man lives not only for himself, but also for his motherland—— Plato

14. We must go through the motherland and then go up to the next level to reach the height of mankind—— Roman Roland

15. Nostalgia is a shallow strait. I am here and the mainland is there—— Afterglow

16. Although science has no national boundaries, scholars have their own country -- Pasteur

17. Sacrifice yourself and succeed—— Yang Kaihui

18. Motherland, I will always be loyal to you, devote myself to you, and sing and fight for you with my piano voice forever—— Chopin

19. Tens of thousands of people shed tears—— Tan Sitong

20. I die, my country lives, my death is glorious, my body dies, my spirit grows, my success becomes benevolent, and I achieve great harmony—— Zhao Bosheng

21. If you want to die against the Japanese, leave it for today's shame. If the country is broken, how can I cherish it—— Ji Hongchang

22. If you want to take the torch from me, you must climb over my body—— Gold crystal