Warm tips for civilized behavior in the community (50 selected sentences)
Laugh about the situation
2023-06-04 05:39:16
Complete sentences

1. Cherish the small environment and jointly build a civilized campus.

2. Keep to the right and let out civilization.

3. I've just changed into new clothes. Please don't stain me.

4. Cherish every minute and accumulate every bit.

5. Knowledge changes destiny, and the present determines the future.

6. When you enter a room, you will be calm.

7. Remember to move forward safely to reassure parents.

8. Campus is clean, walking is quiet, learning is competitive.

9. Beautifying the campus depends on our hands.

10. Get rid of bad habits, stress civilization and establish new trends.

11. Gently turn, gently put, I fear pain.

12. Step by step, please take every step.

13. Don't run about, the grass smiles.

14. Learn civilization in school and spread civilization out of school.

15. The turning point of the road is the turning point of life.

16. Walk gently in the corridor and keep the steps to the right.

17. Guardrail is the most dangerous for safety.

18. The grass is sleeping, please don't disturb.

19. Don't worry about playing when the bell rings after class.

20. Chasing and fighting are dangerous, and orderly walking is safe.

21. The corridor is quiet and we are happy.

22. If you don't want it, please leave it for me.

23. Take more steps and cherish flowers and trees.

24. What is lost is quality, what is picked up is quality.

25. Flowers are the most moving ones left on the branches.