Publicity slogan for the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China (162 selected sentences)
A solo
2023-07-14 10:51:17
Complete set of slogans

1. Let youth shine in the centennial dedication of the Communist Youth League and let society develop in harmony.

2. It is the Communist Youth League that has created miracles, led us to the future, and wished our country more and more prosperous on the 100th anniversary.

3. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, I wish our motherland a bright future! Recalling the eventful years in the past, the leaders of the Youth League should not forget that the people are rich and the country is strong today; Singing sounds and friendship are long, dancing steps are graceful, gongs and drums are noisy, and the whole world is celebrating together. I wish the Communist Youth League will be glorious forever!

4. Keep the original intention, assume the mission, and write a better life under the leadership of the Communist Youth League.

5. Carry forward the past and open up the future, work hard, unite and lead the youth of the League members to strive for building a high-level university in our school!

6. For five thousand years in China, the life is changing with each passing day, the working class is in charge, and the country is rich and the people are strong. All this is inseparable from the silent contribution of the League organization. It is the centennial of the founding of the League, and I wish the organization of the League all the best.

7. For a hundred years of glory, we should not forget our original intention and continue to move forward.

8. Our country is prosperous and strong, our army is extremely powerful, our people are diligent and intelligent, and our culture has spread far and wide. Today is the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League Day. I wish our Chinese Communist Youth League a happy holiday!

9. The star red flag flies in the wind, and the Communist Youth League is the red sun in the heart. I wish the 100th anniversary youth of the Communist Youth League will be immortal.

10. The wind and rain baptism, the years pass. When the spring is warm again, we ushered in the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China.

11. As young people in the new era, we should shoulder the mission entrusted to us by history, study hard, strive actively, strive hard, make contributions to the realization of the "two 100 year goals", and make contributions to serving the people.

12. Smile to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League, and volunteer to present wonderful things.

13. Looking back on the hundred years of wind and rain, the original intention has become stronger over time. Looking at the changes in the past century, the course is firmly fixed. Continue to dream for a hundred years, and Lanyu strives hard.

14. The Communist Youth League of China has been glorious for 100 years. It will always be recorded in the history books. It has witnessed your footprints for 100 years; 100 years ago, you went through vicissitudes of life and set sail for victory; Over the past 100 years, you have braved the wind and waves to write beautiful stories.

15. 100 years of ups and downs. From small to large, it depends on itself, from weak to strong. The correct direction should be as stable as Thailand. Overcome obstacles without changing color, and maintain youth and prosperity forever.

16. Relax and be happy. The Communist Youth League will help you realize your dreams; If you want to eat and drink, the Chinese Communist Youth League will help you to put it away; Don't be afraid of hardships, don't be afraid of difficulties, the Chinese Communist Youth League will accompany you, and the Chinese Communist Youth League will always cover you.

17. The hospitable Pingshan is hand in hand, and the good fortune of civilization is heart to heart. I wish the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League will last forever.

18. Throw one's head and blood to create a foundation, selflessly govern Gongjiangshan, devote oneself to the development of people's prosperity, concentrate on making the scientific country strong, and the harmonious spring breeze blows China. Wish: the Communist Youth League will be happy for its 100th anniversary, and China will be better and better!

19. The glory of time has brought us a grand gift - the Communist Youth League for 100 years. It is a great honor for us to witness this great moment together.

20. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, under the banner of the Communist Youth League, we are determined to swear that I remember it vividly. On this special day, let's continue to add more colorful colors to our youth!

21. One hundred years, ups and downs, the youth style remains; Eternal in the annals of history.

22. It is the Communist Youth League that has created miracles and led us to the future by opening up the yellowing history and reviewing the modern history with white bones. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League is not forgotten. May the Communist Youth League shine through the ages!

23. Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League. I would like to send my best wishes to you in the spirit of the festival. I wish you a smooth life, sweet love and smooth career. In short, I wish you all the best!

24. The centennial journey is magnificent, and the heart at the beginning of the century is enduring.

25. The Chinese Communist Youth League was born in danger and grew up in tribulation. Through the vicissitudes of life, we have experienced many hardships, painted rivers and mountains, and composed historical songs skillfully! To present the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, and sincerely wish the country peaceful and the people safe!

26. On the 100th birthday of the Chinese Communist Youth League, as the youth of the new era, we undertake the mission given by history, shoulder the ideals of our ancestors, and strive to move forward.

27. Effectively strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations of the Communist Youth League, and give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of the Communist Youth League.

In, under the direct leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Youth League of China was founded. The pace of youth confirms our ideals. Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. May you be young, energetic, and strive hard to realize your ideals!

29. What is the Communist Youth League of China? What is the meaning of youth? They have a firm belief in communism and a spirit of communism dedicated to it.

30. The youth of New China are happy Do you believe that the new generation of young people will be happier? We believe and firmly believe!

31. Think of the hardships of building the regiment in the future, and make thousands of turns; Reviewing the tragedy of the War of Resistance against Japan, we are mindful of it; Remembering the bravery of the reform, the blood is boiling; Look forward to the prosperity of the economy and be high spirited; To count the romance of the characters, look at the present!

32. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of our Communist Youth League. Youth is a bumpy journey, with the beauty of hindsight.

33. Under the banner of the Communist Youth League, we raised our fists and swore excitedly: "resolutely support the leadership of the Communist Party of China... fight for the cause of communism..." Let our youth shine in the struggle.

34. The 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, let's meet the challenges of the new century, create a better future together, and continue to radiate the youth spirit of the Communist Youth League!

35. The lion roars at the awakening of the Chinese people, the Chinese ancestors wash the disgrace, the dragon soars in Jiuzhou, the glory of the party shines in China, the spring breeze is warm, the party flag flies, the country is prosperous and strong, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League wishes the motherland more powerful and prosperous!

36. Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. May you be young and energetic, year after year.

37. Hold high the league flag to celebrate the centennial of the Communist Youth League, and make great achievements in youth dedication.

38. The wind blows your amiability, the flowers bloom your smiling face, and the water cleans up your spotless beauty. My dear Communist Youth League, I send you my best wishes for your 100th birthday!

39. The east is red, the sun rises, and the spring breeze brings a new era; Struggle year after year to lead the people to stand up; The hope exhibition of reform and opening up, singing and dancing, wishes for a prosperous age; The centennial blessing of Jiantuan, happiness is waiting for tomorrow!

40. The Chinese Communist Youth League has gone through 100 years of trials and hardships, breaking through the shackles of 100 years. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100 years.

41. A hundred years has been a journey of trials and hardships, and a hundred years is just in its prime.