Reading of Les Miserables
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2023-10-20 07:20:21
Senior One
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A warm wind blew open the budding stamens, and also blew down the yellow withered branches and withered leaves. The parasol trees were also accompanied by drizzle, mixed with the pungent smell of crazy work in the air, and crept into my body involuntarily. Looking at the numb flow of people in front of me, and the world that keeps turning like a huge engine driven by people's souls, I suddenly remembered a book I had just read - The Miserable World.
This book depicts the life of people at all stages with the clue of a man named Jean Valjean. Finally, it summarizes its own point of view: morality is the last lifeline of that rotten society. The author looks at the world from the perspective of an ordinary person, so he does not have luxury and luxury in the eyes of the rich, nor extreme dislike in the eyes of the poor, but ordinary is more real. The author put a naked world before my eyes, as if there was an old and attractive voice saying: Welcome.
Guo Jingming once said, "This is an era of indifference as sharp as a dagger. People dig holes in their hearts, and then are buried in ticking bombs. Wealth rapidly divides into two levels, tearing people's souls in half." Don't think that this is too exaggerated and bloody, which is the most true portrayal of society. People turned a blind eye to all kinds of society and became numb long ago. The so-called morality is an old photo and a memory. With their enthusiasm, they are lost in the vast sea of people and no longer exist. But there are always some people who insist on something silently and persistently. They are laughed at by others and called "fools". But I know what they insist on. It has a nice name - morality.
The winter morning is cold and windy, and even the summer morning is filled with cold air. When we are still sleeping in a small quilt and dreaming all kinds of dreams, a group of people have started work early. We don't know the names of each of them, but they have a common name - cleaner. They endure the cold in winter and the heat in summer. They are the beauticians in the city, but no one remembers their names. Some of them may not know what morality is, or even how to write "morality", but it is this "ignorance" and obscurity that gloriously reflect this morality!
No matter how big the vast universe is, it needs every tiny star to form and support it. We are like stars. For this huge era, we are nothing. However, we embrace this society with a pounding heart and a passion that can't be hidden in our bones. We are not afraid of ridicule or failure. There is a strong belief in their hearts to support their tiny souls. People should have their own conscience! Yes, although this society is as cold and sharp as a dagger, there are always some people who are working hard in the infinite expansion of indifference, and holding on silently in the numb flow of people.
Morality, let us no longer humble, no longer insignificant. Because morality is like a raging fire, burning our morale and igniting our passion. Let us illuminate the whole universe with the dim light of a star!