83 sentences for those without money
Northern Girl
2023-07-10 14:03:04
Talk about the encyclopedia

1、 The pocket is cleaner than the face.

2、 This is a world of money.

3、 Don't talk about feelings with me. It hurts money more.

4、 People who have bad mouths are not sweet. They have no money.

5、 School is like a watch. You can go to school after you pay.

6、 My pocket is cleaner than my face again!

7、 Happiness is like walking on thin ice, but pain is like a shadow.

8、 No one knows you better than those who don't have money?

9、 The perfection of personality is the foundation, and the establishment of wealth is the end.

10、 Love is not necessarily money, money is not necessarily love.

11、 I regard money as dirt, and my father regards me as a septic tank.

12、 If a man has no money, he will become unlucky.

13、 Yes, we are a world apart, but I am not lack of money and morality.

14、 There is no mistake in this world. Who makes you look ugly has no money.

15、 People like me have no money to go to the movies and can only watch TV dramas at home.

16、 Most people take money first and then work, or work first and then take money.

17、 I'm not crazy. I'm working hard to make money. What can I do for you?

18、 Once you have money in your hand, you blur the boundary between consumption and waste.

19、 Links are like money, only after circulation will they produce value.

20、 Not all girls love money. Don't think so vulgar.

21、 People can't bring money into the coffin, but money can bring people into the coffin.

22、 If there is no money to decorate love, love is the natural beauty.

23、 I've been kissing for a long time, but I still miss you. Tell me, what should I do?

24、 Money can buy many things, but it can't buy time and the past!

25、 I don't care whether they have money or not when I make friends. They are richer than me anyway.

26、 One day, I only ate one piece of sesame seed cake for one yuan, which lasted nearly a month!

27、 I just went to a toilet and found a problem. People came back and the money was gone.

28、 Sun Tzu is difficult to set questions, and his son is strict with the examination paper. I can't do it, and the examination paper is a waste of money.

29、 I sprained my leg when I went out and sat on the roadside. Someone threw five yuan at me!

30、 All the bad emotions come from exams, fattening, lack of money, and no object.

31、 When there is no money, wife and secretary; When rich, secretary and wife.

32、 When there is no money, wife and secretary; When rich, secretary and wife.

33、 The real rich are lonely people! The truly compassionate people are poor people!

34、 Money kneels before love and love kneels before marriage.

35、 In the rich second generation, it's not your money, it's your money.

36、 If nothing happens, I will have no money again this year.

37、 Money is really a good thing. It can make people happy and sad at the same time.

38、 I was born in the countryside. I planted fields. My family has no money. I am serious about living for myself.

39、 With money, you are still superficial; Without money, you can become so cheap.

40、 No one can look up to you in this society without money. If you have money, you are the elder brother. If you don't have money, you go there.

41、 Don't believe in love at first sight, because you can't see how much money each other earns at a glance.

42、 In those days, I didn't go to college to be poor all my life, but now I go to college to be poor immediately.

43、 I've worked hard for you for three years, but I'm not as good as his spending money on you for only three days.

44、 All women should marry and try to make their husbands earn money to support them.

45、 From childhood to adulthood, I found that my best magic is to lose money!

46、 Money is a dirty thing, but it is also a good thing. It helps us to distinguish people from dogs.

47、 I just slapped my wallet in the face. In fact, it's nothing. I just hope it will swell up.

48、 A successful husband has more money than his wife can spend; A successful wife is to find such a husband.

49、 I'm going to die. I still have 30 cents. My sisters and I should give it to her for me.

50、 I won't bend over when money falls from the sky, because even pie won't fall from the sky, let alone money.

51. I can have no boyfriend and no money, but I can't live without you.

52. All my feelings and moods are because I have no money, I have no money, I lack money.

Fifty three. Half of the money I spend on advertising has been wasted. Unfortunately, I don't know which half.

Fifty four. Girl, I have no face, no body, no money and no power. But girl, I'm arrogant. I have a style you don't have.

55. We have a little disagreement: she wants me to turn dung into gold, and I hope she treats gold as dung!

56. Today, I heard someone say that power+money=man. I wonder if he is not a man without money and power?

57. The powerful have no money, the rich are ruthless, the affectionate have no chance, the predestined have no points, and the divided are making a divorce.

58. People say that what can be solved with money is not a matter, but what happens in your world is just because of lack of money.

59. It is better to find a wife who loves yourself when you are poor than when you are rich.

60. What's the use of wearing a 30000 yuan dress? It's only useful to wear a 30000 yuan dress.

61. If the leader doesn't give me a raise next month, I will resign. Before I resign, I will give him two pieces of Chinese and beat him to death.

62. When I heard that you are going to get married, many things come to my mind. The most important thing is, your sister, don't invite me. I have no money.

63. I forgot who said that there are people in the world who don't love money, but no one doesn't love beauty. It is face, not love, that falls in love at first sight.

Sixty four. If I don't bother to explain your scolding as if nothing happened, it only means that you really don't matter in my heart.

65. Don't tease lovers. Have you ever seen fish in fish flavored pork? Is there a wife in the wife cake? Is there Lei Feng in the Lei Feng Tower?

66. I once childishly thought that money could buy friendship and love. When I grew up, I found that I didn't have so much money.

67. Beautiful and handsome men were robbed by the post-80s generation, their status was occupied by the post-70s generation, and their money was earned by the post-60s generation. What else do we have for the post-90s generation?

68. Most of the world's 80% poor people have happy love, while 80% of the 20% rich people lack happy love.

69. I never know where my money has gone. In fact, I didn't buy anything, and I didn't eat anything, but the money just disappeared.

I want a lot of love. If there is no love, there will be a lot of money. If there is neither, health is also good.

71. Love is based on money, which is not news; Money can't buy true love, which is not old news.

72. When someone tells you that "it is not money, but a matter of principle", nine out of ten it is money.

Seventy three. Lack of money is like chronic rhinitis. Our fate with poverty will not be over in a day or two. Let's be at ease and continue to lack money.

74. This is the advantage of a large number of Chinese people. You don't need to think about repeat customers. You can get money if you head to places where new users are concentrated.

Seventy five. Good friends don't need too many. Three are enough. One is willing to lend you money, one is willing to attend your wedding, and the other is willing to attend your funeral.

76. Living needs not only oxygen, but also courage. It also needs to be aggressive. Money is the king's way. Living in this world is such a reality.

Seventy seven. I saw the crying in my childhood, but I didn't stop, so I sat on the curb and continued to cry. A passer-by gave me fifty yuan.

78. He is an idiot when he is happy, and a madman when he is sad. He is a kidnapper when he has no money, and a fool when he has money. To live is a tragedy, to die.

Seventy nine. It's yours to spend money. It's not necessarily someone's who doesn't spend it. It's your score that is deducted. What is not deducted may be the wrong teacher!

80. Did you treat dichlorvos as a cola and make your head worth 80 cents and 12 jin look funny? Don't tell me about your social affairs. I'm sorry.

Eighty one, no one should be willing to stay with a person who has no money to pay his debts. Let all this be buried in my heart, as long as it is not my wishful thinking.

Eighty two, I just want to say to Gu Yuan's mother, did you ever think that Yuan Yi would be willing to marry your son if your family didn't have money?

83. Money can buy a house but not a home, marriage but not love, clocks and watches but not time. Money is not everything but the source of pain. Give me your money and let me bear the pain alone!