Reflections on Three Bodies
A real traveler's province is boundless
2023-08-04 01:09:17

This winter vacation, I accidentally read a science fiction called "Three Body". From the moment I opened it, I deeply felt its infinite charm.

In Three Bodies, I learned about "the plan of those who face the wall", "the ability of those who break the wall", protons that can expand to nine dimensions, three body games that can allow people to travel through time and space, water drops that can kill 100 spaceships in seconds... Every time I see these things that are different from what I usually contact, I can't help admiring them. It is the author, Uncle Liu Cixin, who has a broad knowledge The rigorous scientific theoretical basis and the unconstrained imagination make the primary school students like me not feel boring when reading the Three Bodies, but rather interesting and fascinating.

It's said that this book is the first time that Asians have won the Hugo Award. It's really amazing! It tells of a sad life experience of Ye Wenjie, a Chinese scientific and technological worker, in a special era on our earth, which makes her always have the "evil" of human nature in her heart, and also makes her completely disappointed in the nature of human beings. When she accidentally discovered the extraterrestrial signal, she hoped that the remote "three body world" could eliminate the "evil" on the earth and bring better civilization to the earth. She believed that the earth must wait for a stronger civilization to save it, but when the "three body world" really came to the earth, it only brought destruction and disaster, which also brought a lifetime of regret to Ye Wenjie. It turns out that human beings are so fragile in front of the laws of the universe, but even small human beings, Still trying to find a way to survive in the universe.

Although "Three Body" is a science fiction. However, it is precisely because the author describes his thoughts on history and prospects for the future in the book that we feel immersive and often full of many realistic feelings. It seems that at the next moment, human beings will meet and fight with the three body people. This also makes us begin to think deeply: will human arrogance be the main reason for destroying themselves? The "alien civilization" and the "three body world" are just catalysts for our demise. After knowing these things, where will human beings go? How can we coexist with other civilizations (species) in the universe?

After reading Three Bodies, I understand that we should always be modest and prudent, study hard, develop ourselves, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. If we carry forward the truth, the good and the beautiful, evil will have no gaps to take advantage of. If one day, such a high-level civilization as Three Bodies will come, we humans will not be afraid and helpless. As Shi Qiang said in the book, "You see, that locust will never disappear even though it has been destroyed by humans".

Who says not? The finite end of life is the infinite universe. The universe is so big and there are too many unknown things. Even if it is small like us, we can explore an infinitely great world if we want to.