An outsider is always an outsider's classic sentence (76 sentences)
Know the world and not the world
2023-04-25 21:49:20
Complete sentences

1. How pathetic a woman is! She is a guest at her mother's house, an outsider at her husband's house, and a husband who will only face his family forever.

2. After you marry someone, you are a guest in your mother's house, an outsider in your husband's house, and have nowhere to go back. It's better to wander around the world and love yourself!

3. After becoming Bao Ma, fewer and fewer people can understand themselves. They are outsiders in their husband's family. When they can't understand, they mostly rely on guessing. He is a guest in his mother's house.

4. Although it has been several years since I got married, I still feel uncomfortable at my mother-in-law's house. I feel like an outsider.

5. Remember to be good to yourself. In the eyes of others, you are always an outsider. You should learn to be independent and live the life you want to live. Come on.

6. I feel like an outsider, unable to blend into their family. A married woman is an outsider in her husband's house and a guest in her mother's house.

7. After marriage, a woman is an outsider in her husband's house and a guest in her mother's house. But this life is too long to be a tree.

8. He is a guest in his mother's house and an outsider in his husband's house. Only when I hold my face brother can I feel stable.

9. After marrying someone, I don't have my own circle of friends. I spend all day around my children. Sometimes I feel like a guest in my mother's house, but I am an outsider in my husband's house. I feel tired of life.

10. It is not my affectation, but your heartlessness! Often a trivial matter can see a family clearly! Yes, I will always be an outsider. No matter what, I have no blood relationship with you.

11. Once a woman marries the wrong person, the tragedy begins. In their family's view, you are always an outsider. After all, you have no blood relationship with them.

12. Why do most people say there is a contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but few say there is a contradiction between son-in-law and mother-in-law. Is it true that most mothers in law regard themselves as outsiders, but their mother-in-law is too selfish.

13. What gives us a sense of security and happiness is that I am the one who treats my daughter-in-law as an outsider.

14. Why do you want to get married? After getting married, you will be an outsider in your mother-in-law's house. After returning to your mother's house, you will also be an outsider. Where is your home? You are sad and want to cry.

15. When a daughter gets married, she is an outsider in her husband's family and an outsider in her mother's family. If she can't meet a good partner again, she will only have endless sad tears in her life.

16. It's just that I feel very uncomfortable and can't restrain it. I feel that I am incompetent and have a big temper. What is heart changing? I am an outsider after all.

17. Before marriage in this life, my parents, sisters and brothers loved each other dearly! After marriage, you will be an outsider in your husband's family and a guest in your mother's family!

18. Now and in the future, I want to know that I am an outsider.

19. Everything is just yourself. He is an outsider in his husband's family and a guest when he returns to his mother's home. When the child grows up, he will set up his own family, and everything will be his own.

20. Mother is always her own mother and mother-in-law always treat themselves as outsiders. We are tired of taking care of the children. Where is mother-in-law cool?

21. Girls, after marriage, are outsiders in their husband's family and relatives in their parents' family! Why give up the original life and go to another life?

22. As expected, you will always be an outsider in your husband's family if you get married. Ho ho, it's ridiculous. I thought that if you get married, you will have a family that loves you. But who knows that if you get married, you will really be alone.

23. Married, I am an outsider in my husband's family and a guest in my mother's family! I want to make money and buy a house! Have a home of your own.

24. Mother is always her own mother. She always treats herself as an outsider. We are working hard to take care of the children. Where is she cool and happy.

25. Know the truth. You are an outsider after all. Don't take yourself too seriously in the minds of others. You should lower your expectations and rely less, so that you can find that you can live well, really.

26. If you are upset, you still have to have your own home. No matter you live in your mother-in-law's home or your mother's home, you are an outsider. You can live in your own house with peace of mind.

27. Ever since I got married, no matter how well I have done in my mother-in-law's house, I have always been an outsider, and I can never get involved in it.

28. In her mother-in-law's eyes, a girl is always a girl, a relative, and her own person; Daughter in law, no matter how good you are, how many years you have been married to his family, you will always be an outsider!

29. The husband doesn't do anything. The mother-in-law just treats herself as an outsider and has to pay for living expenses. It's really interesting.

30. The hardest thing in the world is not willing to help your daughter-in-law even though you know your mother is wrong. Because the daughter-in-law is always an outsider.

31. In this world, only your parents will always love you. It's good for a husband not to be an outsider.

32. The married woman is an outsider in her husband's house and a guest in her mother's house, which is more and more understood. She is very tired every day.

33. I had a big quarrel with my mother-in-law, and my father-in-law cut in and scolded me. Yes, my son is always right, my daughter-in-law is always an outsider, and I am the most redundant person in this room.

34. No one will care about such pain and sadness, including the man who claimed to be his husband. In her husband's family, she is really an outsider. At this moment, I am working hard to remember.

35. A married woman is an outsider in her husband's house and a guest in her mother's house. No comment means that women need to be self reliant.

36. Daughter in law is always an outsider. Don't think about Tiankai as an insider. It's impossible. Remember silly girl.

37. You will think about the future, but you will never think about me. People are double standards. Remember my identity, I am an outsider after all.

38. Only when you are really married can you realize that you are always an outsider. When you quarrel, no one will speak for you. Everyone will talk and laugh. When you eat, you can only sulk.

39. Now I deeply feel that I am an outsider in my husband's family, a guest in my mother's family, and have no home of my own!

40. People who do not marry far away will never know the sadness of marrying far away. They are strangers in their husband's family and guests in their parents' family. You will never be able to integrate into the life of their husband's family.

41. I was disappointed. I thought that love was everything, but finally I knew that I would always be an outsider. I hoped that this could end, control myself, start again, and be disconnected from each other.

42. No matter how good the mother-in-law is, she is also a mother-in-law. Her focus is on her son and her grandson. Foreigners are always outsiders.

43. After a woman gets married, as long as she lives with her parents in law, there will be a few people who are comfortable. The parents in law treat themselves as outsiders and guard against them. When their girls come back, the two women whisper, and their parents come back.

44. Later, finally, after marriage, a woman is a guest in her mother's house and an outsider in her husband's house. I think I married love, but it's just my wishful thinking.

45. When he said that his daughter-in-law was an outsider, he said that I had made a mistake. His always strong wife said calmly.

46. Daughter in law is always an outsider's sentence. Dad quickly held the bed quilt, and the faint fragrance was intoxicating.

47. At this moment, I knew that I was an outsider after all, but I had already lost my own way. I should love myself and then love others.

48. My husband is not responsible for anything. My mother-in-law treats herself as an outsider and has to pay living expenses. It's really interesting.

49. No matter how good it is for you, I am still an outsider in your eyes. It is because I overestimated my position in your heart.

50. He is an outsider after all, and he will leave after all! Who cares about staying!

51. If you are upset, you still need to have your own home. No matter you live in your husband's home or your mother's home, you are all outsiders, and you can live in your own house.

52. I don't feel that this is my home. I don't feel that they treat me as a family member. After a woman gets married, she will return to her parents' home as a guest and be an outsider in her husband's home. It's really sad.

53. Daughter in law is always an outsider's sentence, which makes people a little confused and flustered, and gives the position artillery a good basic shooting direction.

54. After all, I am an outsider. I have only been in love with you for a few years. Maybe there is no love at all, so I lost everything.

55. Some people, no matter how beautiful they are or how nice they say, will eventually become outsiders.

56. In this family, I am a ridiculous and sad outsider who can't be integrated. I am a familiar stranger after all.

57. He is an outsider after all, and he will leave after all! Everyone who stays here is an outsider... who really cares!

58. I understand the fact that a woman is an outsider in her husband's family. He is a guest in his mother's house. In the end, women can't touch their husband's family, do they owe their parents?

59. Why do most people say there is a contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but few say there is a contradiction between son-in-law and mother-in-law. I wonder if my mother-in-law mostly treats herself as an outsider, but my mother-in-law treats herself too as a master.

60. Daughter in law is always a sentence of an outsider. The road to the sea is hard and rough, and it can make people happy here.

61. Today, I really realized that once a woman gets married, she has no home. She is a guest in her mother's house and an outsider in her husband's house.

62. Many times I want to give up this relationship. I am very tired. No matter how much I pay for this family, he can't see it. Maybe I am an outsider in his eyes after all.

63. I finally realized that I felt like an outsider in my husband's family and an outsider in my mother's family. It was not bad. I was surprised. Please give me more advice for the rest of my life.

64. No matter how long you have been married, your wife will always be an outsider, and your mother and son will always be on the same front! So be yourself, everyone else is someone else!

65. I am an outsider after all, and everyone thinks that I am not good enough! It's better to laugh than pay! How ironic! This is the city I want to leave most!

66. When a woman marries, she is an outsider in her husband's house and a guest in her mother's house. She is often a stranger inside and outside. Encourage the next generation to be free if they want to be free, and do not be polluted by the secular world.

67. What's life and death? You can't even experience the wind and rain together. What's more, you are an outsider after all.

68. After marriage, there is always a feeling that I have become a homeless person. I am an outsider in my husband's family and a married man in my mother's family.

69. Between the lines, I feel that no matter how much I have said and done, I am still an outsider for you. I am not worth sharing joy and sadness at the first time.

70. Remember to be kind to yourself. In the eyes of others, you will always be an outsider. You should learn to be independent, live the life you want to live, and come on.

71. I found that the most important thing to get along with my mother-in-law is to treat myself as an outsider rather than a relative.

72. As long as married women live with their parents in law, some of them have a comfortable life. Their parents in law treat themselves as outsiders and guard against them. When their girls come back, the two of them whisper to their daughter-in-law.

73. After all, I am still alone; After all, I am still used to being alone; After all, I am still an outsider.

74. She is an outsider in her husband's family and an outsider when she goes back to her mother's family. Both sides are not people. The married woman with her children is really sad. It doesn't matter. She will always survive.

75. Marrying a man without conscience doesn't care about you. Having a wolf cub without conscience doesn't care about you either. No way, they are a family, and you will always be an outsider!

76. After all, you are an outsider. It's better to recognize this as early as possible. It's not too happy. You can't expect others to treat you sincerely like your parents.