Reflections on Journey to the West
Low profile is a mistake
2023-07-14 18:51:06
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

I like reading very much. One day my mother bought me a thick Journey to the West. When I saw it, I was so happy that I immediately sat on the sofa and read it with great interest. In a few days, I finished reading this 700 page book.
In Journey to the West, many lifelike characters are described. There are Tang Monk who is determined to achieve good results, Sun Wukong who can subdue demons and eliminate demons and has great power, honest, loyal, unknown monk Sha, and pig Bajie who is greedy for life and sleep. Among these characters, I envy Sun Wukong most. Because he has a magic golden hoop, which can become as thick as the mouth of a bowl and as thin as an embroidery needle. The Monkey King will change seventy two times. He can fly away from the sky by turning a somersault. But what I admire most is not that! Sun Wukong was loyal to Tang Monk. On the way to accompany Tang Monk to learn scriptures, he was not afraid of difficulties and went forward bravely, eliminating many demons and ghosts.
After reading Journey to the West, I thought that if I could be as powerful as the Monkey King, I would make every corner of the world free of garbage and make the world more beautiful; I want to catch all the bad people in the world, so that there will be no thieves and robbers, no war, so that all people can live a happy life.