112 sensational sentences
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2023-04-08 15:14:26
Complete sentences

1. It is unknowable to let a person enter his own heart.

2. I am just me. What do you think I don't need or need.

3. Don't always talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story.

4. Time let me meet you, but didn't teach me how to follow you.

5. For those who don't love themselves, what they need most is understanding, giving up and blessing.

6. There must be another me in the world, doing what I want to do but dare not do.

7. After all, we pacified others so well that we lost our sense when it was our turn.

8. Love plays a big show every day. I can't squeeze on the stage because I really have no acting skills.

9. Life is so short, why let unimportant people affect their important mood.

10. When you fall in love, nagging is sweet. When not in love, greetings are interruptions.

11. Please remember: when the pain of persistence is greater than the pain of giving up, it is time to let go.

12. You are my beginning and my end. You are everything from beginning to end.

13. Because I have loved, I will not become an enemy; because I have been hurt, I will not become a friend.

14. You are always hidden in the deepest part of my memory, a corner that I can't even touch myself.

15. It turns out that the so-called meanness is that I love you in countless sentences, and finally I loved you.

16. One's life is destined to meet two people, one amazing time, the other gentle years.

17. The greatest pride of a woman is not how outstanding she looks, but how much her men love her.

18. If you begin to miss me, remember that it is not I who want to go, it is you who let go.

19. The world is very small, so we met. The world is so big that it's hard to see each other when we are apart.

20. There is a kind of forbearance, which is actually a kind of power, and there is a kind of silence, which is actually a shocking confession.

21. The most sad thing in the world is not that I will not fall in love again, but that I will lose the strength to love without hesitation.

22. There are so many things I can't do, such as life, old age, illness and death, time passing, and I love you.

23. The craziest thing in my life is to fall in love with you. The greatest hope is to have you accompany me crazily all my life.

24. Sometimes feelings are just one person's affairs. It has nothing to do with anyone. Love, or do not love, can only end by itself.

25. As long as we know how to stop while busy; When repressing, learn to lighten the burden of the soul; Calm in the heart, calm in the table.

26. I would rather be parallel to him than intersect him, because once intersected, he would be farther away from that point.

27. One day, someone will come into your life. Let you understand why you and others have no results.

28. There is a person in my heart who puts it there. It is a collection, which fills the blank of life. The sun is still far away from us but it does exist somewhere.

29. Two men chase a woman, and the one with shallow feelings gives up first; Two women chase a man, and the one with deep feelings gives up first.

30. The regret of this life has ended before he started, and we just passed him by. He became my most familiar stranger.

31. There is only so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you asked me how to smile at others in the future.

32. Hold your hand, day and night, hold your hand, wait for tomorrow, hold your hand, walk through this life, hold your hand, life after life.

33. If you really care about me enough, you can always find time to accompany me, without excuses, lies, and broken promises.

34. Don't worry too much, let go of obsession, it's best to follow the fate, take things as they are, and let life go. The world of mortals is long, and a touch of indifference is planted in the heart.

35. The world of love is so big that it can hold 100 kinds of grievances; The world of love is so small that three people will suffocate.

36. From the moment a person, especially a woman, waits for another person, she is no longer really young, and life begins to grow old.

37. If you think I'm a kite, you should either fly me or take me home. Don't tie me with an invisible emotion, which will hurt my heart.

38. I admit that you said I was a flower. So I can only love you one hundred years conservatively. As for one hundred years later, it's hard for me to say.

39. I only think of you; I want to hug you when I cry; I want to jump at you when I am happy; I want to kiss you when I'm excited. All in these four words: I need you!

40. Pour a glass of red wine and get drunk for you; Dressed in red, beautiful for you; Burn a red candle and cry for you; Go all the way to the world of mortals, with you.

41. Sometimes people who do not want to fall in love do not have a person in their heart. Instead, I'm afraid of giving my true feelings and finally getting hurt.

42. In an idle day, steal a place to be free and walk in the hot summer. I just want to be simple, easy-going, poetic and indifferent.

43. Think of light when it is dark, and yearn for warmth on cold nights; Dreams thrive tonight, and we will walk out of all the lost ways tonight!

44. We just know each other, but we finally know each other. Who is not who, familiar with can not be lovers. We met by chance and used to look at each other.

45. Who is the crazy beauty; Who drinks a pot of moonlight; Who, wine three feet melancholy! I drank alone, drank the snow, and sighed that my wife had gone, and the rest of my life was boundless.

46. The same regret is not the same hide, the same pain is not the same convalescence, the same Acacia is divided into pieces and strands, wandering in the bottom of the eye and heart.

47. Because of predestination, no matter in the blue sky or in the rainy season of your life, I will always have only a turning distance from you to support an unyielding sky for you!

48. The 100 mu atrium is half covered with moss, and the white water is lingering in front of the door. How many people can come when you are free. The courtyard cloister is silent in spring, and two or three apricots are planted in the mountain peach stream, for whom they are scattered and for whom they are opened.

49. Today's love for you, set a coordinate: east longitude, north latitude, composite degree; Set a tolerance for your love: how big your heart is, how much you love.

50. You come from Yuanmou, Yunnan Province, and I come from Zhoukou, Beijing. Holding your furry hand, I gently bite into it. Ah! It is love that makes us walk upright!

51. I really want to hold your hand and walk along the road of happiness; I really want to hug your waist and be happy and free from now on; I really want to kiss your face, we will be together forever!

52. If one day, I can't help asking you: Who is your favorite person? No matter how reluctant you are, please lie to me: the person you love most is me.

53. I have waited for ten thousand years just to meet you online. Perhaps no one will believe that the light burst out at this moment will reflect our long life.

54. Everyone's heart is a castle with sunshine flowing downstream. I don't expect to open a door, just a listener, listening to my heartbeat.

55. The long rain lane has faded, but your back with an umbrella is still in my mind. Who is your smile on your shoulder when you have washed away the sorrows of lilacs and the dust of time?

56. If you like a person, you should become more secure and sincere. You don't need to expect how many points you can receive. You only care whether you have paid completely, even if you are injured.

57. I am not a person who has loved even if I have loved. Every moment I have loved is my eternity. Even if the wind is blowing colder and the love is scarred, you are still the person I miss most.

58. Whenever the wind blows, it reminds me of you. No matter how busy you are now, please check out the window to see if there is wind blowing. That's when I say to you: I really miss you!

59. In the era of naked marriage, my dear, what you want is a diamond that will last forever, a heart that will last forever. Believe me, anything is possible! I will give you happiness.

60. When the sun hasn't climbed the fence covered with vines, I can't wait for red roses to fill your windowsill. Let it bring you my most sincere request: marry me!

61. To love you for ten thousand years is my pursuit; To love you for a thousand years is my longing; Kissing you once is the happiest time in my life; Allow me to marry me!

62. When I dial your phone, I suddenly don't know what to say. In fact, I just want to listen to your familiar voice. In fact, what I really want to dial is just a chord in my heart.

63. I can't promise you anything, but I will do it. If one day you feel hungry, then you will see that I have starved to death in your arms with a smile.

64. Not only worried that you will forget me, but also sad that you still can't let go of you. At the same time, I worried about you, and at the same time, I slapped myself to stop being mean.

65. One moon, one you, two shadows, you and I are lucky to know you in our three lives. I met you lightly and fell in love with you unconsciously. I only love you in this life. I really love you now.

66. No matter how complicated the world is, I am elegant and unique. I give myself a smiling face, ordinary and simple, without regret or complaint. In the time like water, the fleeting years are written with a light ink heart.

67. There is no trace of spring dream and silent spring rain. When the spring night is lonely, it is hard to think of tenderness; The flower to be withered is withered, the flower to be opened is blooming, and who is coming? Still walking on the road?

68. There is no trace of spring dream, and the spring rain is silent. When the spring night is lonely, don't think about gentleness; The flower to be withered is withered, the flower to be opened is blooming, and who is coming? Still walking on the road?

69. I am happy and relieved to have you. I am really obsessed with you, worried and distressed for you. I have also been sad and drunk, and dare not change my mind. Don't be suspicious. I take great pains to write it, and I am afraid you are careless.

70. Missing does not begin, missing does not end, as long as life is alive, always surging to you. Like the continuous river, like the surging tide, accompanied by the sun, the moon and the stars, the eternal thoughts are surging.

71. Three secrets of happiness in life: first, don't punish yourself for your mistakes; The second is not to punish others with your own mistakes; The third is not to punish yourself for others' mistakes.

72. I just want to give you happiness, but it adds to your troubles. I don't want to get too deep, but now I can't extricate myself. I can't breathe deeply. If I hurt you, I hurt you more than you! Love you!

73. Take my infinite blessing. No matter where you are, I'm willing to let you know. I deeply bless you: turn countless thoughts and yearnings into every ray of sunshine to warm your heart!

74. I made a wish in front of Buddha, hoping to turn into a small tree and stand beside the road you pass every day. I will love and miss all over the branches, hoping that one day you will fall in love with me!

75. After the dull day, the impetuous heart should be quiet in the cold night; After being used to wandering, is there still a starry home waiting for us to go back? Good night, good dream!

76. I miss you deeply in silence. Silent blessing is the truest. Silent yearning is hard to part. Silent concern is always in my heart. Waiting silently to meet you. Silently I miss you too deeply, too true.

77. Because of the wind, the willow can be lifted lightly; Because of the rain, the seedlings grow; Because there are flowers, nature shows fragrance; Because of you, life shows sunshine. Baby, you are my sun!

78. I made a wish in front of the Buddha, hoping to turn into a small tree and stand beside the road you pass every day. I will love and miss all over the branches, hoping that one day you will fall in love with me!

79. The clouds also go with the wind, hiding at the other end of the mountain; I can't help but hold hands; Love also goes with love, and the boat floats on the water; Feed sweet melons and melons, and they will be sweet in your heart.

80. Write a word of love, which is free and easy. Mention the word "love", and the feeling is endless. Say the word of love, and never receive it. Feel the word "love". In the world of love, there are you and me. Surrounded by love, always young!

81. The best things in the world come from the light of the sun. Without the sun, flowers cannot open; Love, there is no happiness; Women, there is no love; You, I will not have the present happiness!

82. Just love you, send a message to tell you: I love you in this life, and follow you everywhere; I love you in the next life; I love you from generation to generation, and fate keeps you and me together.

83. You are my baby, making me no longer lonely; Life is full of fun when you accompany it; I will hold you in my hand and take good care of you; I want to be with you, my favorite kitty!

84. Love is a pot of mellow wine, which makes you drunk? Missing is a surging sea of worship, which easily drowns me; You used to be a beautiful flower, which has already opened quietly in my heart!

85. One world, one blue sky, breathing the same air. Colorless, tasteless, transparent, but everywhere is full of your breath. When I think about it, every breath seems especially sweet.

86. When you are not with me, I suddenly realize the importance of you to me. The night without you is really lonely and long. I miss you every day and I am not tired of missing you a thousand times. Every miss makes my heart tremble.

87. Let the breeze tonight blow the moonlight, let the pure feelings float in your heart lake, let the rose petals, with the wings of nightingales, accompany you and me forever, and sing the fiery truth.

88. Let the breeze tonight blow the moonlight, let the pure love float in the lake of your heart, let the rose petals, with the wings of nightingales, accompany you and me forever, and sing the passionate truth.

89. The fireworks are gone, and the moon still stubbornly guards the cool solitude and joy; The moon of 15 is 16 round, and the moon after 16 is always walking on the road; Give me a dream, let me give you a rosy clouds all over the sky!

90. The night in the south is wet, just like the heart of a lost person, falling asleep in solitude covered with a wet quilt and wrapped in a wet heart. The only consolation is the longing for the future. Believe it, tomorrow will be better.

91. It's cloudy because the sun and the moon are in love; The rain is because they are moved by love; Snow is because the clouds are moving; The wind rises because the heart is about to travel; I received the message because I really miss you!

92. Don't say sorry if you have loved, don't say sorry if you have hated, don't say sorry if you have thought about it, don't say no regret if you have missed it, don't say no fate if you have been destined to meet for thousands of miles, don't know each other if you have not been destined to meet, love you until the end of time, and bless you constantly.

93. Worrying is not just about firecrackers; Concern is not a period of time, even if it passes; Concern is a blessing that has been cultivated for 500 years in the previous life, and it has become a positive result in the endless yearning for you!

94. My heart beats for you. My feet accompany you to the ends of the earth. My hands hold you happily. I see you beautiful and never look back. I fall in love with you. I am very happy and willing to accompany you to grow old!

95. What is happiness? My happiness is that you give me a warm hug with a sweet smile, your soulful eyes are only my reflection, your gentle kiss is only reflected in my mouth, and your broad heart only lives in my heart.

96. Light blessing, pure and beautiful love for you, deep and dependent yearning, hard to part with, voice yearning, true and silent concern for you, eternal, everything is because I miss you too much!

97. I know what heartache is when I care about you, what happiness is when I see you, what fate is when I know you, what loneliness is when there is no news of you, and what care is when I can't see you.

98. Crazy for you, crazy for you, and heartbreaking for you. Crazy for you, crazy for you, the sea of suffering is endless. When you think of me, you think of me, like a summer star; If you want to forget me, forget me, just like a spring dream.

99. You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest when you are not with me. You will never see me when I am happiest, because I am happiest when I receive your message when I am loneliest!

100. Your gentleness is the reason I cannot forget; Your concern is really touching my heart; My heart is willing to let the years witness; My pay, only for you never regret. Dear baby, I love you forever.

101. In the vast sea of people, I have you. Go around, we'll get together. It's good luck and we have a good heart. Baby, let's stick to happiness and be happy all the time!

102. On such a cold night, you'd better think of something lively to keep warm. For example, when you were a child, naughty people were beaten by adults. It's very warm. Who will beat you tonight? Good night.

103. I kept looking at you when you couldn't see me, and I had forgotten to tell you that I was wearing an invisibility cloak and had been around you for a long time. It's easy to let me appear as long as you send a text message. The content is three words: I love you!

104. Just want to hold your hand and feel your temperature. If my hand is not used to warm you, you will lose the benefits of existence. Don't want to see your sad back, can't help but want to hug you. Silence itself is the best advantage of existence.

105. If you can, I hope you will not be unnecessarily sentimental about those who left you. Because you need to know that time will filter out those passers-by pretending to be friends for you, and leave behind those who really treat you well.

106. The most painful missing is not that the other party doesn't know your missing, but that he knows but doesn't care. Some people, no matter how good you are to him, he will not pay attention, because in his life, you are so insignificant.

107. To love a person is to make a person who does not know love deeply understand the meaning of love and being loved. My love opens for you, like white lightning breaking the sky; My love runs for you like red blood.

108. There will be many stories that will come one after another when there is no preparation; There will be many people who will make us feel lost when we leave; Stories stop time. Youth is old. Who will take pictures of the railings with me to express their heroic spirit.

109. Even if you shine like a star far away from the sky, I still can't stop my love for you. It is my right to love you, my duty to miss you, and my duty to take care of you. Would you like me to do this for you?

110. The moonlight is so bright. How about walking alone on the path in the forest? The wind is so strong, how about looking at the moon outside the window and imagining the ancient beauty? Who was the first to see the moon rise? Who saw the moon fall in the west? Sleep, baby!

111. It is said that happiness is a beautiful glass ball, falling and scattering in every corner of the world. Some people pick up more, some people pick up less, but no one can have all. I would like to give you the points I found, so that you are happier than I am!

112. Find an elegant teahouse called "Yuan", place two old cane chairs on both sides, pour two cups of sake, and wish "Cheers.