Humorous sentences that describe the heat express the heat (61 selected sentences)
Falling flowers follow flowing water
2023-04-20 03:54:56
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Summer is here. Objects depend on objects. No object, let's stay in the air-conditioned room.

2. When the weather is hot, it's the season of expansion and contraction! There are many things you don't know, just full stomach said hungry.

3. The person who asked you out for dinner this weather must be a close friend of life and death, and the conversation must be all about life and death!

4. The weather is dry and the things are dry. Watch out for fire and candles. You are upset and strangers are not allowed to come near.

5. The old moon: Now people who look for objects are interested in looking at the constellation. No matter whether it is cold or hot, they will always look for Aquarius to quench their thirst.

6. Nowadays, people who are looking for objects are interested in looking at the constellation. No matter it is cold or hot, they will always look for Aquarius to quench their thirst.

7. You are not artificial leather, you are real leather!

8. African friends have returned home for the summer.

9. Want to fly to the sky side by side with the sun!

10. After putting on makeup for an hour, I opened the door.

11. The table is too hot. The mahjong is just a good size, but it's burnt.

12. Jade Emperor: Tianting has mastered the core technology and will soon install a giant central air conditioner on the Lingxiao Temple.

13. No matter how hot it is at night, I will always be covered with quilt. Maybe it will make me feel safe.

14. It's all cooked pork, so I almost brought salt for myself.

15. The weather was too hot -- 125 degrees Fahrenheit in the shadow of the cactus.

16. Living in a shack alone, mosquitoes are attentive in the hot weather; Small trees and birds perch in front of the window, with a gloomy mood.

17. Our corn field is almost popcorn field.

18. Tie Guaili: What medicine do I sell in this gourd? It's all essential balm, and whoever wipes it will get cold wind.

19. Go to tell the person you like, and if the person you like rejects you, your heart will cool! It will not be hot!

20. It was hot. Two strangers came to Chongqing, and then they became familiar.

21. God, you want everyone to know that this summer was contracted by Flame Mountain!

22. If it gets so hot, the wings will not be broken. They will melt!

23. In summer, the poisonous heat and sunlight erode the wound that is not healed.

24. Someone fell down, causing severe burns on the face.

25. Two strangers are familiar when they smile at each other.

26. The spring rain is always so warm and kind. She often walks with the spring breeze. Driving away the extreme cold of winter. Wake up the sleeping earth and the hibernating animals.

27. The first summer was clear and peaceful, and the fragrant grass did not stop.

28. Although I didn't do anything, I was still sweating.

29. Go out for five minutes and sweat for two hours.

30. If I die, I will die from heat.

31. To the summer when we will die!