Publicity slogan of national security education (75 selected sentences)
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2023-03-17 15:41:46
A complete set of slogans

1. To safeguard national security and interests, start with me!

2. Safety is life, health is happiness.

3. Life is only once, and safety accompanies you for life.

4. Cherish life every minute and pay attention to safety every minute.

5. Enhance national security awareness and ensure long-term stability of the country!

6. Safety is not controlled by others, and you are the safest.

7. Joint efforts and management, joint prevention and linkage, and strict prevention of drowning accidents.

8. There are thousands of roads, safety first.

9. Maintain campus safety and create a harmonious environment.

10. Safety is in my heart, life is in my hands.

11. Create a safe atmosphere on campus and a warm learning environment.

12. Safeguarding national security is the common task of the whole party and the whole people.

13. Hidden danger is better than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai.

14. The safety weaves the happy garland, and the violation of rules leads to the bitter wine of regret.

15. The accident alarm bell is always ringing, and the safety chord is tight.

16. Better have one insurance job than ten improvisations.

17. Better a thousand days without danger than a day of carelessness.

18. Paralysis is the biggest hidden danger, and dereliction of duty is the biggest culprit.

19. The safety measures are detailed, and the accident prevention is guaranteed. We'd rather break our hearts for safety and not let accidents harm people.

20. Don't take any chances in production safety. Doing something against rules will kill people.

21. Safety comes from long-term vigilance, and accidents come from instant paralysis.

22. Neglecting safety in teaching is like finding a chestnut in a fire, and seeking benefits without safety is like fishing for the moon in water.

23. For school safety, we should use a microscope to find hidden dangers and a magnifying glass to see problems.

24. Maintain traffic safety and care for life forever.

25. Build Haixi to seek development and escort Fujian's new leap forward.

26. Safety is the lifeline of employees, and employees are responsible for safety.

27. The foundation of safety is quality, the key of quality is management, and the core of management is strictness.

28. Abide by the rules, laughing relatives. Driving against regulations, the god of death smiles grimly.

29. Establish the idea of safety first and obey the principle of safety first!

30. Safety laws and regulations are written in blood. Violation of rules and regulations is harmful to oneself and relatives.

31. Labor creates wealth and safety brings happiness.

32. Ensure drinking water safety and maintain life and health.

33. Take a closer look to ensure safety. More prevention and fewer accidents.

34. Safety is the guarantee of a happy family, and accidents are the curse of life tragedy.

35. Strengthen the prevention awareness of teachers and students, and create a safe campus environment.

36. The safety of the whole family, the happiness of the whole family in one person.

37. Commemorate the year when the National Security Law was promulgated and implemented.

38. To tolerate danger is to commit suicide. Only by acting prudently can we be safe.