Sample Essays on Reading the Wordless Library
Life is like a play
2023-11-09 19:10:56

Song Dange said, "How long have you not read a book?" In the book, Professor Akashi asked the townspeople this question, but he was silent. I also ask myself and my family, but I'm glad that even my grandfather keeps reading newspapers and magazines every day.

This winter vacation, I read the "Wordless Library" written by the writer Haldi Selafebra. As an international prize novel, the simple and true language moved me. The story is caused by Tadeo, the head of the railway station, who accidentally found many beautiful letters on his way home. Benjamin, the mayor of the town, found that the library had been closed for more than a year because no one came, and all the books had become wordless. With the help of Professor Akashi, he realized that it was because the townspeople did not read books. Everyone found that the book refused to accept the letter, but the mayor's daughter, Marga, had a wonderful idea to break into the library late at night with her friends to write her own book. His mother accidentally discovered that he was not in bed, and revealed the secret. After Marga's speech, the whole town wrote together, forming a unique and beautiful scenery.

Continuing with the initial question, perhaps the workload of most people makes it difficult for them to cope, but it is surprising that adults have never looked at the books in the children's rooms even though they know that the number of books is increasing. Even if they just turn over the cover, they will understand that their children are the authors of those books. After all, their lack of sleep and eccentric behavior have aroused the suspicion of adults. Adults also have no house in mind. It has become a luxury to sit down and read a book quietly every day, let alone spend time on children. Just like what Marga said, children and adults lack communication and exchange, and adults naturally move away from books.

I used to hate writing, but I love reading. After reading this story, I found that as a writer, writing is more enjoyable. It seems that people in the town are happy and proud to write books. "The important thing is not to write well, but to write." I heard for the first time, what's the meaning of poor writing? It is better not to write, but often the language without modification is true, and it is your own experience. Of course, if you want to modify your mind, you must have read many books and accumulated some skills.

"How long have you not read a book?" Please ask yourself.