120 classic quotations of qq in 2021
Forget the past
2023-02-14 22:01:25

1. Sleeping is like recharging myself, but I have never been full.

2. Before I knew you, I was helpless. After I knew you, there was no medicine.

3. You can't satisfy everyone, because not everyone is human

4. Women should stand behind men and dedicate their bodies at any time

5. If one day I go down. Remember, I'll come up to you

6. I found that I have a super ability called success to avoid all the correct answers

7. Brush your teeth with Colgate to make you smile like SpongeBob SquarePants.

8. In this life, the moth will reach the end of technetium

9. To sing, to dance, to be handsome, to laugh, to be slim

10. Those who don't want to start school are all good children, which means they have no friends at school

11. It's hard to make friends without making dogs in your life. If you really change your mind, dogs will force you to contact less.

12. People's luck, like their physiological cycle, comes and goes.

13. People are born on the bed and die on the bed. If they want to live or die, they are also in the bed.

14. Those who can act are not necessarily actors. Those who can act must be grandchildren.

15. You must admit that there are always some friends around who laugh more than jokes

16. Your outstanding, cross description: the facial features are very delicate, and the combination is very vague.

17. If you are well, I will have a sunny day. It seems that you are set for the weather.

18. To be a refined young man, he hacks people and writes poems every day.

19. Stop your hypocritical sorry, because you do not know how to cherish.

20. Don't talk to me. I'm afraid the shit in your head will come out of your mouth.

21. I like you so much that I am childish. I don't like you growing up every minute.

22. Weather tells me whether I can go out, and people tell me to be prepared

23. I haven't written for a long time. Now I feel like the emperor criticizing the memorials when I write my homework

24. If separation is the only relief, I am willing to say

25. Sister, are you great? (My secret was told to others as a joke)

26. School, although you got mine, you can't get my heart

27. It's over when I'm a dog. Sorry, I've always been the queen

28. I must have been very beautiful in my last life, and this life will be so ugly.

29. I am not a fool, but because I love you, I make myself a fool.

30. We all fall asleep in class, jump around after class, and die in the exam!

31. I have only one love. Either I don't pay or I have to pay, that's all.

32. It's just that you can talk and laugh during the day and sleep well at night.

33. The purpose of fashion designers is to make women strange and men poor

34. Local love costs time, long-distance love costs phone calls, and no one loves traffic.

35. Every girl who shouts to lose weight has an unstoppable mouth.

36. Without Wu Yifan's height, how could he be able to lower down a god like Park Canlie

37. You won't bother to cherish things that you didn't work hard to get

38. How can I leave you when I fall in love with your addictive drug

39. The more people like this nowadays, the more the poor pretend to be the rich, the more they pretend to be the dog

40. I know you must be a drag when you look so smart. Hang out with me!

41. It is true that taking a bath depends on perseverance, washing clothes depends on endurance, and getting up depends on explosive force.

42. If I can't recite a book, I will feel an indescribable pain just like if I can't shit

43. Please don't compare yourself with the people around you. It's not the same level at all

44. When I met you, I knew that dinosaurs could actually reappear.

45. They said it was unsafe to play with mobile phones while walking, which scared me to start running.

46. What's wrong with being ugly? I can't see it myself. It's you who are disgusting.

47. Ma Ma said: "I will punish her in the rebellious period, and she will punish me in the menopause."

48. One person is happy, two people are living, and three people are killing each other.

49. Maybe one day I can find all the love and affection I once neglected

50. How many generations are needed to climb and struggle from this world to that world?

51. I don't care for many things I once hoped for.

52. In the future, I will not make trouble without reason, so you have to look at me.

53. You dare to move forward. If you step forward, I will step back.

54. You are in my aunt's mind. You are not afraid of my uncle strangling you in the middle of the night.

55. You chased me, which made me give up the idea of becoming a family and plan to become a monk.

56. Why don't you play basketball when you are so tall? Why don't you sell sesame seed cakes when you are so short

57. Russia is not intended to be funny, but it is naturally funny. I blame her for being too funny.

58. The highest level of being a man is not to meet girls, but to let girls meet you.

59. No matter how good others are, what matters to me? No matter how bad I am, what matters to others?

60. Don't think you are too noble. You are nothing in Russia.

61. Don't use your ignorant eyes to blindly grasp my innocent behavior.

62. Let's not say we are not suitable. It should be no difference that we are all earthlings

63. Don't mistake a moment for eternity. It's just your frivolous youth.

64. Hehe. Smile in the mirror, but don't know what you are smiling at.

65. I wish I could meet you again. How can I kill you

66. I haven't touched my pen for a long time, and now I feel like the emperor criticizing my memorials when I write my homework.

67. Women like bad men, not bad men

68. I haven't seen Conan for a long time. I don't know when Naruto will become the thief king of Shanghai.

69. If you want to attract the queen, you should first clean up yourself like a king

70. My mother said that I am not a no three no four person, but that you are a very different person

71. Happiness is that although I didn't listen in class, I found that those who listened didn't understand.

72. The time machine that wants Doraemon is used to reverse everything that cannot be reversed.

73. We can find something better and let those who betrayed us regret it!

74. I can like a person again, just like I liked you at the beginning.

75. I'm slowly becoming better. Don't regret that you rejected me too early.

76. I am not what I used to be. Don't look at me with the eyes of the past!

77. None of my female netizens have good taste, otherwise I would not be single.

78. I wear a white dress either at your wedding or at your funeral

79. I want to be a person like smelly tofu, smelling smelly and eating sweet, which is called connotation

80. I can't catch up with beautiful women. Only by becoming a school bully can I lead the way.

81. You are so hungry that you ate all my phone bills as Snickers!

82. It is said that people who love to laugh have high IQ, so my IQ must be high.

83. Every day when I wake up, I change my hair. Either Altman or Super Saiya.

84. Every time you measure your weight, you will say you are thin if you are light, and you will say your chest is big if you are heavy

85. Men are like one yuan coins. There is one in the front and one in the back

86. After looking at my ex boyfriend's space, I found that he was not as good as I was. Don't mention how happy he was.

87. Nine yuan for marriage. Divorce is twelve yuan. Fools divorce. So expensive!

88. Teacher, just say directly which parent you like, don't always hold parent meetings.

89. If you don't turn over your book in the exam, you are a pig. Don't panic if you cheat. If you catch it, you must pretend it

90. Since the establishment of Qingguo College, we suddenly found that the teachers in our class were weak!

91. Your own egg hurts. Nobody kneads it for you. That's what men do.

92. If you were thrown into Africa, you would not say your girlfriend is black again.

93. To tell you the truth, if it weren't for my gender, my girlfriend would have done a good job.

94. Who told me that Nokia can smash walnuts? Now the screen is blank.

95. What I want to see most in my life is the painful appearance of men when they have dysmenorrhea and miscarriage

96. It is said that silence is golden. Will there be a lot of gold after a long silence?

97. At noon on the day of weeding, nothing is reliable. I have nothing to do when I'm free. I'd rather fight the landlord

98. Don't be coquettish when you grow up like that. It's easy to cause pregnancy reaction.

99. God gives us both youth and acne

100. If you don't study hard, why do you love exo? I will wait for you in Qingguo College.

101. Why should I live? Heaven, earth, destroy me

102. No matter how many people you know, you will not be a bully.

103. Brother is not Lei Feng. Don't ask Russia to help you. Russia is not so great,

104. In summer, many people on campus wear dangerous clothes but look so safe!

105, sweetheart, tell you a secret. Pigs look better than you and you look worse than pigs.

106. Sleep in the spring and don't feel the dawn. Don't disturb me. When I suddenly heard the voice of QQ, how much is the truth.

107. Fall in love with the relatives of # heirs #. In a few days, we will be lovelorn together~

108. Now look for Prince Charming, you are out, and now you are looking for Prince BMW.

109. Gansu potato eggs can be eaten but not dried. Henan has a big crotch, so you can buy vegetables without frames.

110. White shirt, canvas shoes, smiling like spring breeze, whoever she is will be moved by me

111. My mother said - Xia, in the afternoon, when you go to the street, you can bring me a cup of burnt immortal grass.

112. I did well in this exam. I only failed two subjects, liberal arts and science.

113, Jiumao and Sanmao are happy because they are together

114. Who is willing to accompany me to celebrate the 11.11 Festival this year? I will let her celebrate Mother's Day next year.

115. You can't afford to play with your man

116. Qingguo College makes me become a learning bully. My future is bright. The future is waiting for me!

117. Grandma Meng, give me a bowl of noodles, and don't forget to bring a sour soup.

118. History teacher: "Why did you hand in the blank paper?" I'm afraid of editing history.

119. I suddenly found that the letters in front of "I love you" add up to playing WAN

120. ldquo; Enable Xueba mode "" Sorry, your brain is out of memory "