Zheli WeChat personal signature
The fragrance of flowers
2023-07-23 03:46:29
Complete set of signatures

1. Time is the sun, it can bring us incomparable warmth and light.

2. Those days that have become the past, I miss them a little now.

3. Long term needs two people's long-term efforts. Love is a sacrifice.

4. Life will tell you that you can trust others, but you can't rely on others.

5. I'm really comfortable that people who don't like me can block your heart.

6. There are two words flickering in youth. When you look carefully, it turns out that you are not regretful.

7. Since we are unable to change the channel of life, why should we be disappointed that the spring water is surging eastward.

8. People's patience has no bottom line, because they know little, speak little, and are not confident enough.

9. Only after being displaced can we re prove the traces left by time in our hearts.

10. If you stab a knife in your leg when your stomach hurts, your stomach won't hurt!

11. Youth is the greatest wealth, youth is the greatest gamble, and struggle is the greatest victory.

12. Resentment can make people lose their reason, lose their balance, and cannot be full of hope for the future.

13. It is not a sudden decision for anyone to leave you. People's hearts are slowly cooling.

14. I don't need everyone nodding when I do things. I live to make people who hate me more and more unhappy.

15. It may only take three years and five years to chase a dream. How long will it take to find a person?

16. People who don't want to make progress should not always think about who to rely on. People are selfish, and they are the most reliable people.

17. Sometimes I'm tired, I don't want to talk or move, I don't need comfort and company, I just want to stay alone.

18. I would rather buy dark socks than white ones, which will make people think that you are not mature enough, and students can help themselves.

19. Don't always be proud of being spoiled. Don't let the people who are willing to treat you have enough of your forcing. Love is mutual, and no one owes you.

20. We have all experienced such confusion. Fortunately, such confusion has also made us more aware of ourselves.

21. Intelligence will never stop on the truth that has been known, but will always move forward to the truth that has not been known.

22. Youth is like a heavy rain, even if you have a cold, you still want to get wet again. I always think graduation is far away, and I will go my own way in the twinkling of an eye.

23. The best state of life is that no matter how old you are and how rich you are, you still persist and work hard to live your favorite life!

24. At the beginning, I always felt that there was a long way to go, and there was a chance for everything. But I didn't know that life was a subtraction. If I saw one side less, there would be a long way to go.

25. If you have experienced real loneliness, you will understand that tears are the most useless thing, and having a strong heart is the last king.

26. You were the first one to approach me, but I was the last one you hated. Perhaps, deep feeling has always been let down, only thin feeling will be missed to the bone.

27. Sometimes the road of life seems very short, sometimes it seems very long. We want to be together forever. Always fight against the impermanence of life and life.

28. A person can only learn something in the low ebb. What he experienced in the low ebb period becomes a ruler to measure whether he should do it or not and how to do it later.

29. Growth is wonderful because of dedication, and dedication is beautiful because of strength. As long as everyone carries a pair of flying wings in their hearts, they will be able to find a growth palace suitable for themselves!

30. The most expensive thing in the world is not friends, but kindness. The most expensive thing in life is not fate, but yourself. Look at yourself, think about yourself, ask yourself, and communicate with your heart.

31. The unexpected summer rain gathers in the clouds again, because you are just like the free and romantic orchid, or because I am as anxious as a white lotus in my heart? Simple summer rain, simple me, simple you.

32. Who knows that men suffer, and who can relieve men's tiredness? Men are very tired. They should shoulder all the pressure, work hard, and support everything in order not to make their families suffer. He didn't say anything about his sufferings, but faced them alone.

33. I just want to keep looking forward. After all, looking back requires too much courage. What I can do is to stride forward, ignore some people and things that are not worthy of attention, and focus on my own scenery.

34. Thank you for the time, which not only witnessed the meaning of "never leave without giving up", but also explained the meaning of "having a distance". He doesn't care if he is a true friend, rich or poor. He doesn't envy or slander him, or despise him because he is down and out!

35. The pace of youth is always so light, the years of youth are always so bright, the blood of youth is always so surging, and the passion of youth is always so heroic. Let's drink to happiness and cheer for youth!