Tired love
People's hearts are good
2023-05-30 11:46:14
Complete sentences

1. Since you don't love me, you can roll as far as you can.

2. Time took everything away, but left me alone.

3. I'm leaving you now. Why should a man have no wife.

4. I haven't forgotten you, and I don't have the strength to think about you anymore.

5. This is how I like it. I started to have a red face, and now I have red eyes.

6. The most beautiful fireworks are also fleeting, not to mention love.

7. The second cup was half price gone, and started to go back to being thin again.

8. Is it love or unwilling to love you so persistently.

9. After you left, I still stood there, silly fantasy you will come back.

10. Happiness does not depend on the external environment, it is determined by our mentality.

11. When we grow old one day, will our memories disappear.

12. The biggest regret in life is wrong persistence and easy giving up.

13. Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.

14. The reason why I have been thinking about you is that you have given me a little sweet.

15. Your life is long, someone always makes you hesitate, your life is short, and it's too late to be strong.

16. Maybe you can love many people, but only one will make you smile most brightly and cry most sadly.

17. From the moment you had the heart to hurt me, I knew that you must have never considered my feelings.

18. Saying whether you are worthy or not is just your reason for breaking up. Saying that you have no feelings for me is just an excuse for your cheating.

19. Many things can't be controlled by oneself. Even if you are lonely again, you still have to go on. You can't stop or turn back.

20. If you want to make yourself shine, you don't need to attach to the light of others, but let your soul become deep and irreplaceable.

21. Pick up your mood and don't stop. If you miss flowers, you will reap rain. If you miss this one, you will meet the next one.

22. In fact, I am easy to laugh and cry. When you laugh, you are heartless, but when you cry, it hurts to suffocate.

23. If you don't get it, you will never worry about gain or loss. You don't need to trace the beautiful back, and you don't need to consider the death of love. There is nothing wrong with a person's paradise.

24. Where there is no grass in the horizon, there is no need to love a grass; Even if I knew you were the first, breaking up would not let me down; How can I be afraid of being disturbed by loneliness.

25. Some stories will not be left except for memories; Some helpless, except silence, no one will say; There are some things that no one can understand except yourself.

26. The things that make you sad now, when you look back for a long time, will feel that they are not important. The reason why you attach so much importance to pain is that you have not experienced enough.

27. Goodbye. I love you so much. Although I am clumsy, I have worked hard to do a lot, so I don't regret it. At this moment, I will return my feelings to you, and you will return my little pride to me, OK?

28. In the early morning of the first day of separation, I had a dream about us. We were so happy in the dream. As for the happy thing, I forgot that we had broken up. There is nothing special to say. Let's call it a day!

29. Can there be someone who can see through my arrogance and protect my vulnerability. He will cover my eyes with big palms before my tears fall, and whisper that my eyes are the best looking only when I smile.

30. Finally, you don't have to say good night every day and wait for his reply. You can cry happily and wet your pillow and turn off your mobile phone. You can fall asleep unconsciously. The next day, when you wake up naturally, you don't have to be busy turning on the machine to say good morning. It turns out that loss is much more secure than possession.