Life review
When I become excellent
2023-10-15 12:26:03
third year in high school
reaction to a book or an article

After reading Lu Yao's famous work Life at one go, I not only felt the pleasure of reading again, but more importantly, the protagonist in the story made me understand the true meaning of life.
The story of the novel probably happened in the early stage of the reform and opening up. Gao Jialin, the first protagonist, lost his qualification as a private teacher and reluctantly joined the field to work. At the same time, he was lucky to fall in love with the kind and beautiful Qiaozhen. Because of Gao Jialin's talent, he was later assigned to work as a correspondent in the county government, but he chose the love of Yaping, a high school classmate, to abandon Qiaozhen, who is still in the countryside with low education level. Unfortunately, because Yaping's expectant mother-in-law reported, Gao Jialin's vision of career and marriage suddenly fell to the bottom. Jialin lost his job and had to face returning to the countryside again. At this time, Qiaozhen, who loved him deeply, was married, and when Jialin returned to the village, he did not receive the ridicule of the villagers, but a group of villagers who were moved by such selfless love as Qiaozhen sent comfort and blessings.
Although the love story plot in the novel is similar in many domestic TV dramas, I still like the Qiaozhen character created by the author very much. This is such a three-dimensional girl who is worthy of all men's dreams. Although she has never read a book, she has selfless love and a broad mind, which is also very rare among women in real life. It can be said that Qiaozhen's love for Jialin can stand the test. It is true love and great love.
On the other hand, Jialin, who has read a lot of poems and books, is brilliant and arrogant. When he lost his job as a private teacher and his family was in poverty, Qiaozhen helped him out of the shadow and quickly entered the role of a farmer working hard. However, after working in the county town, he thought that he would be superior if he became a correspondent. In particular, he felt that there was no common language with Qiaozhen in his daily life. He rejected Qiaozhen's lack of culture and chose Yaping, an announcer who appeared to be able to talk with him. Although they are high school students, and although they also have a short period of time and swagger, it is undeniable that his love with Yaping must not stand the test of life. This shows the difference between Yaping and Qiaozhen from the plot of Yaping calling Jialin to look for the fruit knife.
At the end of the story, I have to admit that Jialin is also lucky. Although there is no happy ending, with Qiaozhen's care, I believe Jialin will still integrate into rural life. Thanks to Qiaozhen, a golden girl, for all this.
The novel is higher than life, but the prototype can certainly be found in life.
In fact, when we were young, each of us had more or less the shadow of Jialin, and wanted to go out of our hometown to have a break. However, please remember that no matter where we go, our hometown will always be our hometown and where we live. What's more, there are our relatives and friends. No matter how prosperous or poor you are outside, you will feel nothing when you return to your hometown. In front of the familiar fields, crops, streams, forests, streets and village houses, you will feel that the essence of life can be most clearly reflected here.
It's a pity that Jialin didn't realize how good a woman in his hometown was waiting for her, but abandoned the marriage. Let his two elders sigh for it.
If Jialin could understand the truth earlier, he would not lose the gold Qiaozhen.
I also hope that we can learn from it, see our position clearly, and enjoy the happiness of life in the simple life.