Sentences with instant emotional breakdown
Colorful Cloud Flying
2023-04-18 08:13:37
Complete sentences

1. In the mud, you can see the flowers blooming all over the mountain.

2. Every night when I miss you, tears can't stop flowing.

3. How can I love myself when I give you all my love.

4. With an indifferent attitude, live a happy life.

5. Don't be too sad. You can't die of lovelorn. It's worse to live than to die.

6. I'm afraid you are tired. It seems that our relationship is a burden.

7. Obviously, we are not strangers, but we are stranger than strangers.

8. In the autumn night, I am alone with my vicissitudes, and I don't want anyone to know.

9. There is a person in everyone's heart who cannot be touched or abandoned after thinking about it.

10. I think we have no future. The so-called "let it be" is just empty talk.

11. Wait or not, I have waited. In and don't care, I already care.

12. Light years are a long time, but it can not bury the traces of our existence.

13. I hope your small world is full of beautiful tea and wine, tranquil, light, bright and happy.

14. Love you doesn't mean I can't leave you, I will live well without you.

15. Even if I can't see you go, I will look into the distance in the direction of your departure.

16. I may not decide whether the road is easy to walk, but I can't, only I can decide.

17. I hate those who are hot and cold to me. Either love me well or go away quickly.

18. Is it true that Yuelao and Mengpo were lovers, one was in love, the other broke the world of mortals.

19. Late at night, is the most fragile time of a person's heart, but also miss the most crazy time.

20. I've heard that you don't love me, but I know you told me that I can't stand it.

21. How I wish someone could tell me that you don't have to change yourself, I can get used to you.

22. You said that the future is a landscape that I can't touch, so my leaving will help who has a broad sky.

23. Since you can embrace, don't let it go easily; Since you can promise, don't break your promise easily.

24. Please don't say goodbye easily. Sometimes you can say goodbye casually. Maybe you really will.

25. Work hard and make progress, not to show others, but to live up to yourself and this life.

26. In many cases, youth is not full of bright flowers, but a war in chaos.

27. I dreamed of a beautiful future and had hopes that no one else had. Later, they fell apart.

28. From the moment you had the heart to hurt me, I knew that you must have never considered my feelings.

29. Where are you hiding? I can only reach it by following the petals falling in the rain.

30. Later, when I met someone who was excited, I would think, Forget it, it's good to be a friend, really good.

31. I can't remember what it was like. I only know that the tears shed are salter than the sea water, and the sea water is colder than the tears.

32. People's hearts are not usually killed by major events, but they are mortally injured by small disappointments.

33. There is always a person who said he didn't love, but when he heard the news, he gave a heartache.

34. Sooner or later, someone will rush to you regardless of everything and give you the best, making you feel that the world is worth it.

35. There is no eternal night! The dawn will come after the night, when the air will be clear and the flowers will be in full bloom.

36. How can I be so strong? In fact, I can't bear so much alone. I also want someone to protect me behind.

37. Memory is like water poured into the palm. Whether you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers.

38. Time brings some people and lets them leave in various ways, probably to teach us to look away, get used to, and let go with pain.

39. In this world, there are many words that can't be learned in mathematics, wallets that can't lose weight, and you that can't be kept.

40. I hate the feeling that the person who can talk with you can also talk with others. You regard him as your best friend, and he has better friends.

41. If you feel that everything around you is too unsatisfactory, go to meet people you like, do things you like, and buy things you like. Growth may not be brilliant, but warm and bright.

42. I suddenly remember your face, which is still the same as that of the dead year, and I am already old. If there is a heaven, you must not recognize me, because I have been in the elder, your face, in people's memory, until people forget you.