QQ Sad Love Signature Collection (88 selected sentences)
2023-05-21 18:55:29
Complete set of signatures

1. With tears, I buried them under the once blooming flowers, and suddenly remembered what I had said: talk, turn into a flute, melodious once gentle, playing. But what I picked up was only tears. It was the epitaph flowing in my heart, and it was the infiltration of blood again and again.

2. I like fairy tales because I regard them as my childhood.

3. Life went on, I smiled and forgave myself.

4. Take off the shoes that don't fit, and let go of those who don't fit. You don't have to be humble to keep anyone.

5. In the memory, youth, light, always makes people feel deep but short, gorgeous but fleeting... I can't help thinking of fireworks, and it is a pity and a kind of beauty to complete the beautiful bloom with the pain of being crushed.

6. Love said it, and finally hurt myself!

7. I will restore the notes to your first name, with your first name and last name.

8. I practice every day, practicing not to miss you. But my heart is always lazy. I try to learn how to forget you like I love you. But I still can't learn. Blame me for my lack of talent and your lack of love talent.

9. Those who yearn for the sky are lonely.

10. Just one day after leaving you, you look like a child who only needs my comfort.

11. Life is a journey of one person, and no one can replace it. There are always people leaving and there are always people coming.

12. When I want to say something most, it is often my most silent time.

13. There is always someone who says you don't love him, but when you hear about him, your heart is always like a needle.

14. Let's let each other go, and leave some strength to say goodbye and embrace.

15. In the sleepless night, when I looked out of the window at the air with orange lights, I felt a sense of emptiness. I felt that everything around me was rotating and changing rapidly. In a moment, it was dark, the stars were changing, and the sea was changing. The only thing that remained unchanged was me.

16. You think I have nothing to worry about, but actually, it's called helpless.

17. On the way of reincarnation, no matter how you forget the past life, you still remember a figure in the fuzzy brain? And I'm not sure that person is still you? But what I am sure is that in the lost love, there is my attachment to you hidden.

18. I sit in front of you every day just to let you smell my hair.

19. I decided not to cry, just as you decided to leave me.

20. Sometimes, not retaliating is the greatest generosity, and not forgetting is the greatest protection for yourself.

21. Even if it is just a dream, I also want to accompany you to the end of the dream.

22. I really don't know what to do except thinking about you and the past. I begged you hard, hoping you could come back to me, but you pushed me away again and again, resisting again and again.

23. Such stars are so night, the moon is hidden and stars are rare. I asked the sky where love is? Heaven laughs at my dreamer.

24. Over the years, I don't know whether you will still remember the original memory. The beauty that once stayed at hand has passed, and there is no reason to force it, nor do you want to read it again!

25. How can we find the lost years? You used to smile, but in the memory can not be separated.

26. Give you my heart, why do you give me loneliness.

27. Blocking all your information can not block this heart.

28. One is a gorgeous short dream, and the other is a cruel long reality.

29. I am small minded, but not lacking. I am good tempered, but not lacking.

30. You can feel whether a person loves you or cares about you.