Mature and steady sentences
Endless rain
2023-03-25 08:20:19
Complete sentences

1. Not to fight is not because we are afraid of losing, but because we feel that time is not mature enough. To the young of us.

2. Some things, not care about, but care about what can happen. Life has no ifs, only consequences and results. We all know a lot of truth, but we can't do it.

3. It may not be mature enough and stable enough, so I will be nervous when I hear about you.

4. Sensitivity and softness are all because they care too much about others and can't live their own lives. But there are not so many people in the world who compare their feelings with each other. You are often used to taking advantage of others' feelings. Too much consideration of others' feelings will make you feel bad.

5. If the youth's vitality has disappeared and the progressive curiosity has declined, life will be meaningless.

6. Don't put your sadness on your face, because it will look unpromising.

7. The sea is a dictionary of water, the waves are radicals, the sound of the waves is a phonetic sequence, and the fish, shrimp and seagulls are words of the sea.

8. When I was a child, I cried and laughed. When I grew up, I laughed and cried.

9. Some people choose to be friends because they are too important, because friends always go farther than lovers.

10. Learn to calmly face setbacks, failures and all kinds of blows, cultivate your heart, and don't let the years change our hearts and faces too early.

11. Love yourself, rely on yourself, and be yourself.

12. Don't indulge in fickle emotions without the ability to clean up the mess. If you are not skilled enough, don't be too angry, or you will be in trouble. If you have little ability, don't have too much desire, or you will be in great pain.

13. Heart, since it can not be the same, let it be broken completely.

14. Learn to be mature, say less acerbic words and do less impulsive and wayward things.

15. Everyone starts with a glass of turbid water, and then someone will help you clarify it. When you become more and more clear, don't forget those who drink the sand.

16. I am mature, steady and wise in your place. I am the same with others. What's the difference between you and others in my heart?

17. When youth becomes old photos, when old photos become memories, when we finally stand at the fork of the road, lonely, disappointed, wandering, cruel, God opened the window, called the door of growth.

18. Old people are like old songs. The lyrics have not changed, but the meaning has been profound.

19. Don't choose brands like that

20. Learning to listen is a required course in your life; Learn to listen to you in order to eliminate the false and retain the true; Learn to listen to the impression that you can leave an open mind; Learn to listen, and useful knowledge will fill your wisdom storeroom.

21. Those who want to shed tears because of grievance will force their eyes to suck them back. The world is a dog, people can only live hard.

22. If life kicks you a lot, don't forget to slap it twice. Resistance is better than tears.

23. I think today's society can only be realized in the tomb.

24. Nobody likes solitude, but it is more practical than disappointment, caprice, and the alternation of cold and hot.

25. Don't lament that life is too short. Pick up the seeds of dreams, spend a lifetime to sow, and harvest at the last moment. You will find that your life is actually wonderful and full!

26. People, the most unforgettable one is the one who helps you when you are in trouble; The last person you can make friends with is the one who despises you when you fail; The most unbelievable thing is the person who praises you when you succeed; The person who can't be abandoned is the one who shares weal and woe with you; The last thing you can love is someone who doesn't value your personality.

27. If you are determined to do something, don't ask yourself and others whether it is worth it. Only when you are willing can you take it for granted.

28. Regret is a spirit consuming emotion. Regret is a bigger loss than loss and a bigger mistake than mistake. So don't regret.

29. When you have nothing, you will be steadfast in your attachment to warm things.

30. The reason why people become more and more wayward is that they love too much. More and more silent because it hurts too much. The reason why people become more polite is that they are disappointed.

31. If you live, you can't lose your dignity, self-confidence, backbone and ambition without anything. Be upright, upright, and worthy of heart.

32. There is no shortage of rivals and enemies in life. Sometimes you must be your own hero.

33. When you were young, you thought that the skirt could only be worn in summer, and you had to wrap yourself like a zongzi in winter. You also think that as long as you are kind and treat a person wholeheartedly, you will be treated the same way by the other party. However, when I grew up, I realized that the kind-hearted people would be abandoned because they could wear skirts in winter.

34. Be brave and proactive. It's 20 years old. It's time to be mature. You should speak calmly and not live in games.

35. Nothing is more convincing than time, because time can change everything without informing us.

36. When others talk about you wantonly, ask yourself if you are afraid of losing. Don't be afraid, don't retreat, don't hesitate, go to see the world alone when you are sad. Ask yourself, have you done your best for your dream?

37. No one will feel the same way. They are just trying to comfort your pain, and then continue to live.

38. The sun always appears after a cloudy day, so warm and dazzling.

39. What do you do? Since you have paid, don't think about coming back. Remember that you are willing to pay.

40. You do not want to be a pure excellent person, but an irreplaceable person.

41. The most sensational love words in the circle of friends are extremely romantic, with every sentence touching your heart!

42. I finally reached my most envious age when I was a child, but I didn't live my favorite life as a child.

43. Although I can't resist the yearning in my heart, I still have to pretend that I haven't put you in my heart; When you stay up late every day, have you ever thought that the person you like has already snored and will not love you when you wake up without you in your dream; I am the slowest thing in this spring, waiting for spring to arrive one by one.

44. To live an active and brave life, you must polish your eyes. You must believe that when you become excellent, good love will follow.

45. Some roads, if you don't start, you will never know how beautiful they are.

46. In the age of excess IQ, wandering is the only skill. In the age of emotional overflow, strength is the biggest card.

47. No matter how good a person is, he or she will have shortcomings. So you don't just look at his or her strengths, but his or her weaknesses are just acceptable to you.

48. May someone accompany you everywhere. If not, please become your own sun!

49. When you feel that life is not so satisfactory, when you are not so satisfied with your performance, when you are disappointed with the people you love or yourself, and when you feel that you can no longer stick to it, please remember to say to yourself: It doesn't matter, we all grew up this way.

50. As long as snacks are used, the rest are only accepted. Is it difficult to ignore the words of others? Your mouth belongs to others, your life belongs to yourself.

51. There is no right or wrong in this society. There are only strong and weak. If you are good, people will flatter you. If you are bad, even dogs will guess you.

52. The dullest knife can cut the flesh, and the faintest feeling can hurt the heart.

53. Reading at ordinary times is a thirst for knowledge, while reading before exams is a thirst for survival.

54. Appropriateness means not having to say everything and doing everything.

55. To survive, we must make progress; To succeed, we must be strong.

56. When time wears off your enthusiasm and reality dispirits your ideal, you will find that life gradually becomes boring and the people and things that once made you hysterical and persistent become irrelevant.

57. When a person has seen the truth, he will neither be pessimistic nor optimistic. He will just wait and see.

58. Don't rob me. Although I can't act like a coquette, I can wrestle.

59. I finally know why I have always been a master. Men of the same age are never mature and stable enough. He who knows only takes more.

60. Those who are willing to suffer losses cannot suffer losses after all. Excellence is a habit; Life has always been a fierce battle. Give pain killers or slaps, and you will finally have to practice your courage alone. No one is exception.

61. The life maxims of living well are all classic and convincing!

62. No matter how painful you experience, you will gradually forget in the end, because nothing can rival time.

63. Keep several pots of precious flowers, take care of them as if they were children. You will feel a sense of achievement when you see them blooming and sprouting new branches.

64. The most frightening thing about distance is that we are not sure whether the other party will miss you or forget you.

65. To delete everything from the predecessor is to respect the next one.

66. I try not to remember the past as much as possible, because the way back is impossible.

67. Youth is so beautiful, but fireworks are ending.

68. Don't say too much, don't do too much. You should know that there is room to be left. The mountains and rivers meet each other. Maybe it's you who beg others next time.

69. For the future you want, no matter how tough it is now, you must persevere with confidence.

70. There is no such thing as "unable to do" in this world. When you lose all your dependence, you will naturally know everything.

71. It's better to go on the stage and experience it yourself. It's possible to fall down, and it's also possible to retreat. The tears flowing through your eyes will teach you to grow. The glory you have won will make you more confident. Every game in life is a good opportunity to harvest.

72. As time flows through my fingers, I can feel my stars falling slowly from the track.

73. When I feel a little tired, I don't look at negative energy or positive energy. I just focus on my own life in front of me, and everything will be solved.

74. Leave a space for TV in the middle of the customized TV wall, and the socket floor below can also be used as a display location for books, bringing a modern and elegant comfortable space.

75. There are always some predestination, which is unforgettable and hard to touch; There are always some feelings that I dare not have because I am afraid of losing.

76. You'd better think about how to make yourself better. Don't expect to meet any right people all day long. You are too young to catch them even if you meet them. If you are excellent, naturally there will be right people beside you.

77. Career is a man's beauty, and beauty is a woman's career.

78. Life always hurts us, but in the future, those hurt places will become our strongest places.

79. I finally met a suitable person

80. You think letting go can make me happy, but you don't know that my greatest happiness is to hold hands with you.

81. Be a reliable man, not frivolous, not flustered, but mature and steady. Let your beloved depend on you in a serious manner.

82. Let it be. Not all efforts will have results, and not all processes are meaningless. You don't need to feel sorry for people who don't deserve it, let alone feel sorry for people who don't love you.

83. Mature people should be able to tell the truth in a proper way. They should not tell the truth. They care for others' face and their own wisdom.

84. When we know how to love someone, it is emotional maturity; When we understand the love of another person, it is the maturity of love.

85. So many memories are hidden in my heart. I can't forget them. I'm still breathing.

86. Don't lament that life is too short. Pick up the seeds of dreams, spend a lifetime to sow, and harvest at the last moment. You will find that your life is actually wonderful and full!

87. Life is full of disappointments. Not all the waiting can be fulfilled. Laugh right, don't panic.

88. If you love me, get closer, get closer; If you don't love, please go farther and farther.

89. It is better to fight for today with sweat than regret today with tears.

90. People should learn to turn the page. Things that can't be passed should be passed, and feelings that can't be put down should be put down. Only after turning over one page can another page be written.

91. He doesn't like you. It's no use taking the initiative a thousand times.

92. No one can casually succeed.

93. The mark of maturity is not that you have learned to express, but that you have learned to swallow.

94. The accumulated funds are bequeathed to the descendants, who may not be able to keep them; If you accumulate books for your descendants, they may not be able to read them. It's better to accumulate yin and virtue in the nether world. This is a treasure precept handed down from generation to generation.

95. How others treat you, you respond with the same attitude, that is, born as a person, who is not the first time!

96. A large area of activity area is set aside for children, and a small blackboard and building blocks on the wall make the children's room more childlike.

97. You can choose many princes, but don't blindly decide that this person is your prince.

98. Life is simple; It is a rush to leave early and return late; It is free and easy to look back and smile after traveling all over the mountains and rivers.

99. When you really love someone, everything is worth it, including the unavoidable harm.

100. Keep what others say in mind, and keep your own in mind.