Sentiments after reading
2023-08-07 17:49:21
third year in high school
reaction to a book or an article

Regret for the Past is Lu Xun's only work with young men and women's love and marriage as the theme. It tells a sad story about a awakened person and an awakened person. The full text is delicately, carefully and carefully described, Especially at the end, the sentence "I want to take the first step towards a new life path, I want to hide the truth deeply in my heart's wounds, move forward silently, and use forgetting and lying as my guide..." is more concise and thought-provoking.
In the story described in Regret for the Past, Juansheng is a waker. Although he does not suffer from the rejection and derogation of many people who do not wake up like a "madman", he also suffers from the pain of a waker like a "madman". Zijun is the representative of a person who is not awake. Although "A Sui" is Zijun's pet dog, it is the symbol of Zijun's not awake. Isn't the old concept "marry the chicken and the dog"? Therefore, as the awakened and the not awakened, it is naturally impossible for "truth" to be effective, sometimes counterproductive. In this way, it is not difficult to understand the end of the novel Regret for the Past. Mr. Lu Xun said in Juansheng's handwriting: "Love must always be renewed, grown and created." What he has not said is that if love does not always renew, grow and create, it will surely "die". It is said that when Mr. Lu Xun wrote this novel, it was just when he combined with his student Xu Guangping. In a sense, the novel was a warning to the society, to his teacher, and to Xu Guangping.
Lu Xun once said, "The biggest enemy of a woman's happy life is boredom." In fact, I always feel that I am a humorous, confident, sunny, healthy, and good-looking boy, but these advantages are so helpless and powerless due to the lack of material support. Indeed, "Without a house, where can I let love live? Without a car, how can life work?" The reality of life makes most girls have to put the man's material foundation first when choosing a partner. But from Regret for the Past, we can clearly see that if they rely too much on men, they will make themselves vulnerable
In fact, just like investing in stocks, you must diversify your investment and never put all your eggs in one basket. And you should choose a variety of types. You should not only focus on the blue chip stocks with good "fundamentals", or do "short-term" in a hurry for quick success and instant benefit. It is better to buy today and increase the limit tomorrow; The so-called "long term is gold", sometimes finding the right potential stocks will get far more returns than you can imagine!
If a woman's appearance, figure, personality and personality are combined to express her level in figures, it may be "affordable" for me to find a score of about 60 points, "realistic" for me to score about 70 points, "ideal" for me to score about 80 points, and "dream" for me to score more than 85 points.
I have been pursuing "ideal" all my life, but I may have to face "reality" in the end.