My grandfather's garden
Astringent ambition
2023-08-20 04:50:20
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

A few days ago, I learned the lesson "Grandfather's Garden". After reading it, I admired the plants in Grandfather's Garden and Grandfather's little granddaughter.
Grandfather's Garden tells about the author's childhood when his grandfather had a big garden. The garden is very beautiful, with all kinds of flowers and butterflies. The author likes it very much because it brings happiness to the author. She can do whatever she wants in the garden. Plants can open a flower if they want. If they don't want to, they can't open a flower. In a word, flowers, grass, girls... in this garden are all free, and all of them come from grandfather's love for his little granddaughter.
The most enviable place in this article is the garden, where the beauty of nature and plants are free. The Japanese gourd wants to climb onto the shelf and the room, but nobody cares about it. Cucumber is willing to open a flower and bear a melon. No one cares. Corn grows as high as it wants. It says it wants to grow to the sky, and no one cares... How comfortable they are in Grandpa's garden. The same is true for girls. It's OK to cut off millet as dog's tail grass in grandfather's garden. Grandfather loves her so much. And what about us? There is a lot of homework every day. If something is wrong, we will be blamed. We have no freedom.
The homework burden is just enough for Chinese, English and the like, as well as scientific homework, and you can't go out to play all day long. On the weekend, as soon as my father told me to go out to play, I immediately refused because I still had homework to do. How I wanted to go out and have fun!
After learning this text, I thought that the author was so free and happy at that time, but later he didn't become a writer as well? No student in the world can become a world famous scientist by rote when he was in primary school. So, please give us some freedom, let's get close to nature and give us a happy childhood!