84 verses of love quotes
Rose with thorns
2023-05-26 13:15:56
A complete list of famous sayings

1. I would like to be a happy belt and get close to your skirt.

2. When I love you, I feel the ground moving.

3. I'm glad you can come, and I'm not sorry you left.

4. The belt gradually broadened, and finally did not regret it. It made people haggard for Iraq.

5. It is much more difficult to capture brain cells than egg cells.

6. The sweetest is love, and the bitterest is love.

7. If women are not cruel to themselves, men will be cruel to you.

8. If you want to be loved, you should love others and make yourself lovely.

9. If we know each other often, we can not doubt each other; Without doubt, we can always know each other.

10. Happiness is so similar to happiness, but is happiness happiness?

11. Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write success.

12. Love is a romantic thing, frustrated people can not afford to play.

13. To shed tears on a wound is the same as to sprinkle salt on it.

14. The appearance is used to let others recognize you, and the inner part is used to let others remember you.

15. If one day we become strangers, then I will know you again.

16. The mountain is not as high as men's ambition, and the water depth is not as deep as women's love.

17. I don't sing love songs at the top of my voice, which doesn't mean there is no time for heartbreak.

18. I will love every family member and friend around me with my whole heart.

19. Some people are destined to wait for others, and some people are destined to be waited for.

20. Because of love, we don't give up. Emotion is the power to solve all problems.

21. Loneliness is not born, but begins when you fall in love with someone.

22. Happiness is not given by others. If you like your life, you are happy.

23. There is no unified retail price for promises. Sometimes it is worthless, and sometimes it is hard to buy.

24. Complete love exists not only between two hearts, but also between two legs.

25. Loyal love fills my heart, and I can't estimate the wealth I enjoy.

26. Cute. It doesn't need external decoration. Natural loveliness is far more lovely than carved loveliness.

27. When you fall in love with someone, you are always a little afraid of getting her; And afraid of losing her.

28. It's amazing that even though he breaks your heart, you still love him with a broken heart.

29. The sweet syrup in love can offset a large amount of bitter liquid, which is the general praise of love.

30. Love is a sweet pain. Sincere love is never a smooth road.

31. Sincere and pure love must be imbued with respect for the labor and occupation of the beloved.

32. Because of love, I hope to live for him; Because of being loved, I know the meaning of my life.

33. Because she was born beautiful, she was pursued by men; She was captured by men because she was a woman.

34. Love, friendship and respect can not unite people as much as common hatred for something.

35. Although the joy of love is extremely sweet, it can only survive where glory and virtue exist.

36. I also believe that love can overcome all difficulties; However, after all the difficulties, there are all the difficulties. This is what I believe more.

37. Do you love me? Love has reached a dangerous level. How dangerous is it? You can no longer live alone.

38. The best time in my life is these years. I can't find anyone to spend money for me, so I can't spend my own money?

39. I admit that there is nothing more painful than the punishment of love, and nothing happier than serving it.

40. An adulterous love can never last forever. Only when you put on a mysterious cloak can you feel at ease.

41. Love is the same as charcoal. When it burns, it must be cooled. If you let it go, you will burn a heart.

42. Take complaints out every day to bask in the sun, and your mood will not be short of calcium. If you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit. If you want to marry, you will marry happiness.

43. Waiting quietly makes my heart feel the air raid and reminds me of the tears you left for me. But I don't know how to cherish!

44. Love is indispensable, but it can only be an accelerator to promote our progress, not a stumbling block to work and study.

45. There is always a time when missing has to be stored up, but in life, it is the most reluctant, hidden, and unknown.

46. I can't express my love for you in words. I love you so much that I can't breathe anymore. I just want to say I love you.

47. Girls like men who play guitar because they create poetry; Women like men who play cotton because they create benefits.

48. Maybe we can love two people and be loved by two people at the same time. Unfortunately, we can only stay with one of them until old age.

49. My voice is laughing and my tears are floating. Do you know that? If the world is so small, why don't you know my sincerity?

50. The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. It is not that I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you.

51. If you want to ask me how I feel about you: I care about you! If you have to add an adjective to this feeling, it is: I only care about you!

52. No matter how old you are, no matter what your family and friends urge you to do, don't treat marriage casually. Marriage is not a game of cards. It will cost a lot to reshuffle the cards.

53. Hiding in a certain time, missing the palm print of a period of time; Hiding in a certain place, I miss a person who stands in the way of origin and also in the way of destination.

54. Everyone who comes to you and brings you feelings is a gift. It doesn't matter whether you leave or stay. Those are glorious memories.

55. Love doesn't need explanation, but it can explain everything. Although love is only one of many emotions, it is far more profound and helpless than others.

56. Love is unrestricted; Once the system wants to use its power, Love will fly away; Like other gods, Love is free.

57. Why ask more about love? If you ask too many questions, you will not love. Mature people don't ask about the past; Smart people don't ask now; Open-minded people don't ask about the future.

58. We can't control the origin and extinction of causes. What we can do is to cherish the short time when we are destined to meet.

59. There is only one name in the world, which makes me so worried, like an invisible thread, one end firmly tied to my heart and the other in your hand.

60. Life is not all multiple-choice questions or right and wrong questions. Most of them are practical questions. It doesn't matter if we make mistakes in the process of making choices.

61. We can't control the origin and extinction of causes. What we can do is to cherish the short time in the time of karma meeting.

62. Do you think the most sour feeling is jealousy? No, the most sour feeling is that you have no right to be jealous. It's not your turn to be jealous. That's the most sour.

63. When a person is hurt by feelings, it can be forgotten slowly, but if he keeps thinking about it, the hurt will never be cured.

64. Over the years, I have been looking for an ideal love, but no one has touched me as deeply as you at the first moment.

65. When "I love you" becomes "I hinder you" in your eyes, I have the courage to leave.

66. Love needs loyalty, but it is not naked. As far as love is concerned, loyalty does not mean that everything should be told to the other party, and the other party has no right to know everything about the beloved.

67. Never read a man's mobile phone messages, check his position, track him down, or make him feel that you care about him very much. Let him care about you and pay attention to you.

68. Love is like white rice, and the romantic process is like a dish. When people are hungry, they think about eating. However, after eating, more people like to comment on the food and ignore white rice.

69. When love comes, it is certainly happy. However, this kind of happiness is to pay, but also to learn to accept disappointment, pain and parting. Since then, life is no longer pure.

70. Love is not a sweet word under the shade of flowers, not a sweet word in the Peach Blossom Garden, not a light tear, nor a rigid compulsion. Love is based on a common language.

71. I love you, but I can't say it. I miss you, but I feel sad alone. When I read you, I can only send a message to you in the wind. I dream of you, but I can't find your shadow. When I wait for you, I dare not face your eyes.

72. Emotional affairs are unpredictable. Because this is not a plan, we should do it according to the plan. So the best time to get married is when both parties think it's time to get married.

73. Origin and extinction, fate will return! Flowers bloom and fade, flowers will bloom again! Don't give up the right to love and be loved because of the breakdown of a relationship! Please continue to believe in love! If you believe her, she will still be there.

74. Don't marry for the sake of responsibility. You know, it is most irresponsible not to love each other but to marry each other. Even if it made the other person sad at that time, it was better than making him sad for several years or even all his life.

75. We are too close to memories and too far from freedom. Sometimes I just love memories. A hesitation, a betrayal, an accident, enough to let it wither. Get rid of everything and disappear.

76. We may love two or three people at the same time, such as our wife, lover, and confidant, and be loved by three people at the same time. Unfortunately, we can only stay with one of them until old age.

77. Love will not become indifferent because of reason, nor will it be lost because of ambition. It is the second life. It penetrates into the soul, warms every blood vessel, and beats in every pulse.

78. Memory is a form of meeting, and forgetting is a form of freedom. Always in a long dream to complete the life reality is not willing to perform the parting and parting. Such a dream is too cold and cruel.

79. Do not want to surprise the other party when you are on a business trip. Do not make a surprise attack. Do not come back or visit the other party without saying hello. I believe that all women do not want to see some scenes that make them regret their life.

80. If the world is only ten minutes away, I will recall the storms with you. If the world is only three minutes away, I will kiss you. If the world is only one minute away, I will say I love you 60 times

81. If you can't remember the stupidest thing you did for love, you won't be really in love; If you don't talk about the benefits of your lover in detail and make the listener impatient, you are not really in love.

82. No matter whether I have achievements, or vanity, or satirize others, or my own love pain, in short, in the joy and sadness, the warmth of youth still shines on me.

83. Only those who have the courage to face anything that may happen, regardless of everything and rewards, can be truly happy; But it's not easy! Liyang is such a person and we may not be.

84. The lasting love originates from the true love from each other's heart and is based on equality. Any person who only cares about crazy love but doesn't care whether he is loved or not, or who only cares about enjoying being loved but doesn't know who he really loves will not have a good ending.