Feelings after reading the Triple Gate
Obsessed with old dreams
2023-05-29 22:09:18

The reason why Han Han is called a talented person is that he is eloquent in writing and thinking as if going east to the river. On the other hand, he dares to criticize and break the self righteous "autistic" system of superstructure. I also have deep doubts about my own views, for the simple reason that my understanding of him is only from the book Triple Gate. It might as well be bold to speculate. It's just right to amuse yourself.

In my opinion, the triple door refers to the primary school, middle school and university, or the three major examinations in life, all of which fail to leave the topic of learning. My humble opinion is that in addition to the door of learning, there are also two open doors, family and love. Although it is concealed, the former is a door that is difficult to rush out; The latter, on the contrary, is a difficult door to enter. Why? It is like a kite flying far away, there is still a thread bound; The real road on the screen is just the shadow of the brush.

Will we find our own shadow through Lin Yuxiang?

Sometimes because of a little honor and complacency, complacency; Sometimes, they talk in words and try to mystify; Sometimes they run away or turn a blind eye in the dark; Sometimes they are impassioned and dissatisfied with the secular world; Sometimes they are indecisive, looking forward and backward

As a child, like Lin, we lived under the protection of our parents. Although it seems that we can travel far at any time, we can walk out of the door that is not thick and heavily planned by our parents. Keren is always willing to follow the rules in the face of the unknown, because we are used to stretching out our clothes and opening our mouths. Everything has a way of life that parents do in person, just like why ancient Chinese emperors were always willing to take things from their ancestors as rules.

When we were older, our parents felt a little powerless. In addition, we needed to get more knowledge of the outside world, so they sent us to the school, which is as strong as the city wall and will never collapse. Another reason is that their first half of their lives have also been like this. The deeper reason is that most people's attitudes towards exam oriented education have experienced relatively long expectations and relatively short losses, as well as relatively short doubts and relatively long practices in their decades of growth; The former is the melancholy of "heartbroken people in the world", while in the transition process of the latter, we have both the "excellent quality" of "rush" and "unswerving". Master led us into the door, and the cultivation was personal. However, we could never escape from the Five Fingers Mountain of the Tathagata like Monkey Sun. However, in the process of cultivation, our thinking inherited the "revolutionary spirit" of the previous generation - continue to inherit, which is like the "matchmaker" in the pyramid selling organization.

When we are older and know what it means to talk about love, another door comes, just like the Savior Jesus came to save the people. However, this Jesus is often stillborn. Occasionally, if he meets a fateful Jesus, he will be regarded as a birthday when he reaches the full moon. We are ignorant and have good expectations for the opposite sex. However, in the eyes of teachers and parents, the opposite sex is excluded from all other things except for the intersection in learning; In fact, we ourselves are also full of contradictions. We toss and turn, but we dare not open the open door of "salvation".

So, in the process of supervision and contradiction, we ended our primary and secondary school years. When you think about it, it seems that you have always lived under the same roof for more than ten years - you go out of your home and into the school door - the door of the school attic is unlocked, but parents and teachers have warned that this is a forbidden area. After 17 or 18 years of life, I have been shuttling back and forth in two doors under the same roof. No wonder people often say that the most beautiful is the sunset red. When a place or system has bound people for too long, the only trace of memory is like Jesus, but I don't know why this Jesus is so lucky?

In the end, I still didn't have Han Han's free and easy manner and courage. I could only walk along this straight line paved by people and regarded as a road in Lu Xun's eyes. Although there were a hundred complaints, the bitter lessons of the peasant uprisings over thousands of years warned me that no rules can make a difference, and I could only recite it as a consolation. Maybe several years later, I will also pass this practice on to my son. Alas, in the final analysis, I am not the child's father!