Reflections on Lost Solitude
Charming posture
2023-09-18 02:09:35

After watching the movie "Lost Alone", all the disappointments have become so indifferent. Only blood is thicker than water, and the waves are so turbulent that people cannot help shedding tears. "Lost Alone", starred by Andy Lau in his true colors, vividly shows the ordinary image of a father in light and shadow. At the end of the film, there is a Zen meaning of chanting in the sky, which is the salvation of life. The voice floats across mountains and rivers, showing that the greatest suffering in the world is the separation of flesh and bone.

Remembering the movie "Dear" starring Zhao Wei, which was released last year, and the heart rending cry, I couldn't sleep for several nights. I also remembered the TV program "Waiting for Me" hosted by Ni Ping of CCTV. I could not calm down as a big man, because of the hardships and crimes that others have suffered. So that in the past six months, whenever I encounter some unhappy things, I will go to the online search program "Waiting for Me" to see, listen to other people's stories, silently leave my tears, and compare with my own little frustration, these frustrations will fade away.

The man who gets it without thinking about it will die. From generation to generation, I suddenly felt that the warmest moment in the world was the moment of reunion after parting. The emotional penetration was so powerful that it destroyed every strong heart. Looking for relatives, a sociological behavior that has existed since the moment of human reproduction, has never stopped.

I remembered a custom in my hometown. On the 26th day of the lunar month, every family in the village would set off firecrackers to celebrate. This day was more grand than New Year's Eve. Later, the elder told me that it was said that most people in the ancient village went to the north to build the Great Wall. At the end of December, the whole village would look forward to the reunion of their families at the entrance of the village. However, after many years of waiting, no villagers came back. Finally one year, on the 26th of December, a villager came back from a narrow escape. The whole village set off firecrackers to celebrate. It was a nostalgia for the hometown and a sustenance for the family. Therefore, this custom has been retained.

When bones and flesh are hidden in the world, the only choice is to live in the vast sea of people. When relatives are blocked in the confused world, seeking is the only shrine to place family affection. Love is happiness in the world, but happiness is not all the courtesy of love. Love is reunion, but there is no reunion without separation. Under the influence of love, everything condenses into happiness and praise. However, if there is no previous departure, there will be no immediate reunion. Thanks for those farewells, which made love more heavy and expectant.

No man is good for a thousand days, and no flower is red for a hundred days. The world is cruel and dramatic, so there are so many earthshaking. Heaven and earth, warmth forever, alive, is the best belief. I hope that all the dispersion and misfortune in the world can bring surprises and encounters. I believe that "the dark night gave me black eyes, but I used it to find light". The separation never stopped, but hope and faith never disappeared, but became more and more surging, just like the spring tide rolling, beating the boat on the shore.