97 quotations of sunshine mood
one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
2023-05-11 05:14:27

1、 What he thinks is what he is.

2、 The original enthusiasm was like fire, but now it is as cold as ice.

3、 I choose to bury the unforgettable memory.

4、 Successful people are open-minded and fearless.

5、 We are still children, children who cry when they are hurt!

6、 Inexplicable sadness, I choose to forget it.

7、 Even if I suffer, I would like to spend all my pining.

8、 I hate my own weakness, can not do without your gentleness.

9、 I want to see the sun through the clouds, don't care too much!

10、 Even with new feelings, I still can't forget my love.

11、 My happiness should be recognized, but my grievances have not been told.

12、 When people are online, they want to speak, but they also need to learn to be invisible.

13、 Still so nostalgic, but you never know.

14、 The alternating black and white blurred picture, the passage of time.

15、 If you go first, don't blame me for turning my back on you.

16、 It turns out that I am not suitable for drinking. He told me to continue drinking.

17、 It is the sweet details of yesterday that make today fall again.

18、 Is happiness too difficult to find, or you just afraid to leave.

19、 The real world is too hypocritical, but our performance is too realistic.

20、 Those who are sad repeat the mistakes, can not find the original color of love.

21、 Only honesty can sustain the relationship between people for a long time.

22、 You said, as long as you are happy every day. Don't be sad.

23、 Maybe you don't understand my heart, just want to see your casual smile.

24、 Some things just happen suddenly. It's overwhelming.

25、 A true friend understands your silence better than what you say.

26、 Answer has long been unworthy, accustomed to heartbreak, only crying is an opportunity.

27、 Not everyone deserves my treatment. You are an exception.

28、 No matter how long the road will be, I always want to love you like this.

29、 Heartbreak, no matter how sticky is no longer perfect, only to find another heart.

30、 I don't say something, which doesn't mean I'm stupid, but I'm too lazy to argue.

31、 Some words, you inadvertently said, but I am very serious sad.

32、 The deep life is originally a curved line. Meeting you is a straight line.

33、 Because he is interested in people, the feeling of inferiority will not happen.

34、 People who are not willing to take risks usually can only choose what others have left.

35、 Only through experience can we understand what is true and what is false.

36、 Too strong is weak, too decadent is torture, what do you want me to do?

37、 At dusk, on the street, we met. Meeting you was my most beautiful accident.

38、 A person who can cooperate with the enemy (not threaten) is invincible.

39、 What's the past? It's just that time passes quickly and people are getting old.

40、 You are beyond my reach. It doesn't matter. I am covered with bruises that you can't guess.

41、 In fact, you are only a tiny one in five billion in the world.

42、 Even if I can't fall in love with him, I don't want to make him so sad, because I can't bear to part with him.

43、 Jealousy is the worst kind of negative psychology.

44、 I spent a summer time sorting out all my thoughts about you.

45、 We should learn to accept the facts that cannot be changed, and not be disappointed or angry.

46、 What one can imagine and believe, one can accomplish with a positive attitude.

47、 Too many people lose their status and opportunities because they cannot cooperate with others.

48、 Say to the person you like: Can you lend me your heart? I will pay you back in the next life.

49、 I am glad that although we are not in the same city, we share the same blue sky.

50、 Is there anyone who, like me, is still clinging to a fruitless result.

51. Forgive me for leaving. I just don't want to fight with her. Her status is too low.

52. As long as they are cared about by the person they like, even if they are ignored by the whole world, then what.

Fifty-three, when you get a flash of fancy, please write it down immediately!

Fifty-four. The perseverance of that time has become a separate thing today

55. Attitude will determine our future opportunities. This is a universal law.

56. When will you read the words I told you that I love you and sincerely read them to me.

57. Thin and transparent glass, separated by two worlds, no one resists and no one escapes.

58. In some corner of the earth, there will always be people waiting silently, and there will always be people leaving silently.

59. Emotion is out of control, and I can't tell whether to cry or laugh, but I know that I am making trouble for no reason.

60. Sometimes, even if we have no agreement, we will know where you will be at the next moment.

61. Gradually get used to being alone, quiet, no sadness, no sadness.

62. Experts suggest that you should not sleep more than hours every day. If you have one, you should not go too far.

63. In order to ensure success, you should earnestly strive to maintain your physical, mental and moral health.

Sixty four, love is that you love me 100 times, hurt me 100 times, and I still love you 101 times.

65. When we begin to use a positive attitude and regard ourselves as successful people, we begin to succeed.

66. The best is often what you can't get. When you get it, you don't know how to cherish it. When you lose it, you feel pity.

67. Once a fool fool is a derogatory term, now a fool fool has become a nickname of love between lovers.

68. One of the most beautiful compensations in life is that people help themselves as well as others sincerely.

69. Fear of your own vulnerability will make you have nowhere to hide. Perhaps this is the reason why we are afraid of the dark, but stubborn and unwilling to turn on the light.

70. Our attitude at the beginning of a task determines how successful we are in the end, which is more important than any other factor.

71. It is a strength to have friends with you, a comfort to have friends who encourage you, a blessing to have friends who miss you, and a happiness to have friends who care about you.

Seventy two, the eight imperatives of life: the wind cannot be pursued; Don't covet money; The text cannot be copied; Teachers should not be scolded; Friends cannot be sold; Officials cannot be bought; Never flatter yourself; Don't slow down!

Seventy three, sow an action, you will harvest a habit; Sow a habit, you will gain a character; Sow a character, and you will reap a fate.

74. Deepen friendship in caring, warm family in caring, calm heart in honesty, beautiful life in simplicity, and better blessings in greeting.

75. Sometimes a girl or a woman cries more and more and becomes more sad. This is the act of crying that urges her to vent her emotions. The causes and consequences of each other are confused.

76. On the track of life, some people enjoy the scenery with heart, and some people try to make themselves a scenery. Everyone hopes to pursue beauty. In fact, beauty is an endless pursuit!

Seventy seven, there is a kind of concern, sparse, but very sweet; There is a kind of greeting, ordinary, but very warm; There is a kind of trust, silent, but the most authentic; There is a kind of friendship, clear and long-term.

78. Rich people decorate their houses beautifully; Virtuous people cultivate their physical and mental health. True wealth is health, true poverty is ignorance.

79. Memory is the negative of life, and no one wants it to be stained when it is printed. Happy memory is a wealth of life. It can enrich people's spirit and wisdom.

80. A greeting is the beginning of a relationship, a meeting is a beautiful legend, a click is a beautiful myth, and a communication is a beautiful melody.

81. The art of life is full of self color. What I sing is my own song, what I paint is my own painting, whether good or bad, I am playing my own symphony of life!

82. Friendship deepens in space exchanges, friendship seeks truth in the passage of time, mind is frank in space exchanges, distance is close in mutual greetings, and wishes are verified in mutual blessings.

Eighty three, acquaintance is the most precious fate; Missing is the most beautiful mood; Concern is the most sincere heart; Greeting is the most beautiful language. In the long life, I send you the most beautiful blessing, always happy!

84. Real positivity sometimes includes inaction, an objective and truthful acceptance of reality, accepting what should be accepted and doing what you can. It seems helpless, but it is the best positivity.

Eighty five, yesterday is valuable, and tomorrow is more expensive. If today is the reason, we should throw away both. There are only three days in life. You can't just stay in the past or dream in the future, but forget the most important present!

86. The simplest two strokes of "people" are the most difficult words to write. A man should be like "people", always upward and with both feet on the ground.

87. In the outside world, the sunshine is no more beautiful than the comfort of friends; The sky is no more beautiful than the embellishment of friendship; No matter how beautiful the stars are, they are not as precious as the marquis; No matter how busy you are, you also need to let your mood fly.

88. Many people always wait until they have a positive feeling and then think about actions. These people put the cart before the horse. Positive action will lead to positive thinking, and positive thinking will lead to a positive attitude towards life.

89. Where is life located, the coordinate map in mind; Where is the route of life, follow the signpost; What is the means of life, we should focus on small things; What is your attitude towards life, and your ideal and belief as a tour guide.

Ninety, whether the tea is strong or weak, let the fragrance stay in the heart forever. Whether the distance is near or far, let the memories connect with each other. No matter how much or how little the connection is, let the blessing never change. No matter the ends of the earth, let the friendship be forever.

Ninety one, petal rain, leave happiness to you; The four seasons wind blows, leaving you luck. When the tide rushes, leave you joy. When the weather is changeable, I leave my health to you. In the dead of night, I leave my thoughts to you.

92. Friendship, like a rainbow, has colored our life; Friendship is like a bright lamp, illuminating our soul; Friendship, like a clear spring, moistens our life; Friendship, like a beam of sunshine, warms our life.

93. Friendship is a continuous drizzle that moistens the heart. Friendship is a vast ocean, broad and profound. Friendship is white clouds in the blue sky, gorgeous and colorful. Friendship is vintage wine, mellow and overflowing. Friendship is beautiful music, and music is moving.

Ninety four, a gentle greeting is honey, which makes you sweet; A deep blessing is the light that shines on you forever; A far away care is a rainbow, waiting for you; A wisp of soft care is water, accompanying you in spring and autumn. Wish you happy every day!

95. One point of hard work today will lead to a very happy tomorrow, and one point of overdraft today will lead to a very hungry tomorrow. The most terrible thing in one's life is doing nothing, the most hateful thing is doing nothing, and the saddest thing is doing nothing.

Ninety six, greeting is a kind of sweet hanging; Missing is a kind of warm mood; Friends are the blessings of life; Friendship is hard to find in a lifetime. May we stay together, warm, happy, fate and friendship.

Ninety seven. A friend is the sky, a friend is the earth, and you can stand up to the sky and the earth with a friend. A friend is the wind and a friend is the rain. Wealth is not permanent, but friends are permanent wealth! Life is important, friendship is better than life! I know, I cherish.