31 sentences about the mood of climbing in winter
Laugh at others
2023-04-12 10:30:19
Complete sentences

1. Where can I see Qiong branches when climbing high? White dew and yellow flowers surround the fence. Only the good mountain scenery in the building and the residual water in the rice bed enter the autumn pool.

2. The autumn leaves are yellow and rustling in the wind, and the clear clouds and white scales are shining in the sun. After returning, I have to ask the Maiyu girl how many people got drunk after climbing high today.

3. Don't compare the border with Kyoto, for the frost in August has withered the grass. I don't know if there is any wine in the climbing bottle today.

4. You will feel relaxed and happy when you stand on the top of the mountain. Ah! Xiling Snow Mountain, you are really a treasure given to us by nature!

5. Slowly move your steps and climb to the top of the mountain. The cold wind caresses the grass, and the grass whistles, quickly passing by and stretching far away.

6. The higher you go, the thinner the air becomes. Sometimes the clouds and mists floating from time to time, occasionally passing by, or passing by our footsteps.

7. The higher you go, the stronger the wind is, and the colder it is. Countless birds are circling in the mountains with white wings. I know that we surprised their dreams.

8. Life is like climbing a mountain, but looking for a way is a process of learning. In this process, we should learn to be firm and calm, and learn how to find life from confusion.

9. I am the peak when I climb the top of the mountain. I naturally feel a sense of achievement when I stand down from the top. You have captured the whole world. This kind of great mind is just the spiritual power given by mountains and rivers, heaven and earth.

10. The icebound river at the foot of the mountain is a bit vague, and it doesn't look clear, but you can see it swimming in the distance. The mountains in the distance, like standing on the opposite side, can be seen clearly.

11. The wind on the mountain is very strong and the wind is biting. But I don't feel it. I just look at the village at the foot of the mountain. Each path turns the whole village into a chessboard, and each house is like a chess piece.

12. You can never climb a mountain, but you must have a mountain in your heart. It makes you always climb high, it makes you always have a direction of struggle, it makes you look up at any moment, you can see your own hope.

13. Walk slowly and taste the gentleness in winter. The wind makes a loud noise. Its sound is always fierce, and it also appears very cold, just like a tiger roaring in the mountains, or laughing ironically at the mountains and rivers.

14. Standing at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the prodigy mountain, the peaks are towering, the rocks pierce the sky, the trees are tall and the forest is deep, several clouds wander on the mountainside, the rain is still beating on the body, and the light mist wraps the prodigy mountain up and down more heavily, Cuiwei.

15. The dwarf pines on the mountain are covered with crystal snowflakes. Only under the leaves can we see some green. The bamboo leaves are covered with snow, and the bamboo stems are covered with layers of frost. A bamboo forest is made of bamboo, just like a group of soldiers guarding their homes.

16. When I got to the top of the mountain, I experienced the beautiful scenery of snow for the first time. In some places, the snow submerged the guide signs, which were 3 to 4 meters deep, higher than the car. We were ecstatic and couldn't wait to run into the snow and roll happily.

17. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking into the distance, the mountains are continuous and well arranged. The small village is surrounded by mountains, black bricks and red tiles, surrounded by smoke, which is a picture of fairyland on earth. Not far from us, there was an eagle standing on the branch, looking left and right, as if looking for prey.

18. On the way up, one or two green pines occasionally adorn the mountain. Suddenly, I remembered Mr. Lao She's words when he described winter: "The green pines on the mountain are getting darker and darker, and the tree tops are wearing white flowers in a bun, like Japanese nurses".

19. Mountain climbing can relax the tense mood and liberate the tired brain. Walk on the stone steps, browse the mountains, poems and paintings, and feel the colorful life. Cherish the present, cherish everything, let your heart open, enlarge your steps, and the colorful life will naturally accompany you forever.

20. The snow blew over the earth and covered it with a layer of silver gauze. I couldn't help but want to climb the mountain to see the beauty of this winter. After a night of torture, my body finally recovered, my fever also subsided, and I took a bus to the foot of the mountain. The towering mountains are desolate everywhere. Walking into the mountains, I really feel bleak and desolate in winter.

21. Only those who have climbed the mountain will know that the high man is the peak. The style here is cold and cold. I have a desire to conquer, but I am unwilling to leave. Unconsciously stand up and look down from the mountain, the earth and the frozen river around the foot of the mountain.

22. Further up, there are two rows of jujube trees. I don't know which family planted them here. At this time, these trees are not luxuriant in spring, vigorous in summer, and fruitful in autumn. Some are just snow covered in winter. In the white background without any flaws, it is more elegant and quiet.

23. The mountain is covered with wild grass, so you can't see its original appearance. The grass, nestled tightly in the mountain's arms, even without the information of life, still nestled in the mountain and refused to leave. The trees, like scattered soldiers, stood on the hillside one by one, half bent over, staring closely at the mountain, perhaps at us.

24. I finally reached the top of the mountain. It was windy on the top of the mountain, and I could not help shivering when the cold wind pricked me. The snow on the mountain was blown by the wind, as if to cover the small house near the mountain. The big trees howled, and the wind and snow covered the small room. A big slanting tree on the side of the mountain fell down. The cold moon, afraid of being crushed by all sounds, retreated to the horizon!

25. Climbing in winter is a happy thing. The naughty children rushed to the front, regardless of the adults' cries and the winding and straight mountains, and walked forward. We were bathed in the golden sunshine, accompanied by the breeze blowing in the face, and accompanied by the flowing brook, listening to the two or three melodious bird songs from time to time in the distance, which had a special interest.

26. When I got to the top of the mountain, it was not snowing yet, but when I looked at it, the top of the mountain in the distance was covered with white snow, and half of the mountainside was also covered by white clouds, only the top of the mountain was exposed, which seemed to be hidden in the blue sky. The first time I saw this scene, I thought it was a mirage, but the top of the mirage should be upside down, so I thought it was a fairyland.

27. In the cold weather, climb up the winding mountain path, and the birds sing in the quiet and graceful way. As far as the top of the mountain, you can see that the distant mountains are stacked one after another, and the peaks are like a cluster. They are like waves from one layer to another. It is also like the officials and military generals who bow down and are willing to listen to the orders. They are surrounded by a magnificent momentum, and the arrogance of being exclusive arises spontaneously.

28. We shouted at the top of the mountain, and the voice floated far away without echo. Maybe it was too high, and there was no higher mountain around. After a long time, listen carefully, there was still a little echo, weak and small. Facing this empty fairyland on earth, I am in it, hoping to be better baptized and influenced by her, not afraid of cold, not afraid of loneliness, relaxed and happy.

29. Looking around, I was puzzled by the mountain scenery: I could see the houses at the foot of the mountain, but they were so small that I thought they were all ants; The gullies that we usually walk in are thin, like ribbons, like mother's sewing thread, and we can't find the secret stitches; The thin ribbons divide the whole visible mountain into pieces. They are separated by ribbons and connected by mother's pins.

30. At the foot of the mountain, I was too tired to walk and sat on a larger stone. The stone is also very beautiful. The light brown color and the original color of the stone are naturally formed, like a huge egg laid by a huge goose, smooth and round. Such a round stone has not been eroded for a long time. I'm afraid it won't be so smart! I lament the amazing charm of the years, and also lament the ruthlessness of the years!

31. I thought it was very cold, but when I really walked into the arms of the wind, I didn't feel much cold. Those voices were like the wind crying. Looking up at the foot of the mountain, a path is winding upwards. The path is very clear. It is also like a snake, winding upward with its feet swaying. Occasionally, it is blocked by vegetation, and then quickly climbs out, like standing on a mountain, looking down, dormant like a snake, without words, just staying quietly.