A good sentence to describe trees
Summer rain
2023-02-21 17:17:38
Complete sentences

1. There are several tall fir trees on the hillside, which are very strange. The tall and twisted trunk, sparse and scattered branches, and snow like branches and leaves look like a group of fossils from ancient times.

2. The trunk of the cypress tree is tall and straight, without any bend. Its branches and leaves are thick and thick. The sharp tree top is inserted into the white sky.

3. On the leaves of the tea tree, glistening drops of water rolled down, looking like countless shining pearls.

4. Pinecone] The fruit of a pine tree is a pinecone. The pinecone is like a small football. It is prickly outside and feels a bit prickly. When autumn comes, "Little Rugby" rolls around on the ground. In autumn, we like to play football by picking up pinecones on the ground. It's fun. You know what? Little squirrels like pinecones best!

5. Although the leaves of the bank willows have fallen early and new leaves have not yet grown, the golden thread of the willows and the tall and straight trunk have all shown vitality. Under the sun, the shadows of the trees are reflected in the water, and the scenery is more beautiful: soft, natural and graceful.

6. Climbing up among the ancient cypresses is very quiet. The air is full of the green and bitter taste of cypress leaves, and it seems that you are surrounded by the incense in the Qionglou Fairy Pavilion.

7. There is a little green on the earth. It turns out that the grass has sprouted, and the dew on the sprouts becomes strange and colorful in the sun. The breeze gently blows the grass, and the grass writhes its waist, as if to tell people that spring is coming, go and sow!

8. When the spring flowers bloom, the elm trees all over the mountains seem to compete with the bright peaches and apricots. The soft green branches are covered with tiny red flowers.

9. Each thin stem of asparagus does not grow leaves one by one, but many thin thorns, just like a fluffy rabbit hair, but it is verdant and green.

10. Spring came to the willow trees that were about to spin silk. Spring girl is like a gentle mother. She chatted with the little willow and gave it enough sunshine, air and water to dress up. The willow became more graceful, making other small trees look different.

11. In the moonlight, the leaves of this ancient locust tree are so verdant, and the branches are so strong. From afar, it looks like a warrior holding a sword, and also like a giant standing up to the heaven and earth.

12. Then look at the stream. The clusters of green buds, like soft ribbons, curl and float lightly on the water for a while, and stretch again for a while. It's so beautiful.

13. Grass weaves green carpets with its own little green.

14. The east wind curls in the sun, and the fragrant fog mists the moon.

15. Each pine tree has a brown trunk, which is thick and straight. The pine leaves all over the tree are green and lovely, like an open green velvet umbrella, swaying gently when the wind blows.

16. The musty smell of withered grass and withered leaves rotted by the snow water is everywhere in the spring field, which is mixed with the fragrance of wheat seedlings, trees and weeds.

17. The willow branch is most elegant in early spring, and looks like a pale green smoke in the distance; Close up, it gives people a fresh and tranquil feeling.

18. People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile at the spring breeze.

19. The lovely spring girl came to the world with light steps, and the whole world seemed to wake up from a long dream.

20. Elm 】 At the beginning of April when the ice water flows, the elm will sprout brown buds and gradually become dark and green. The light rain moistens quietly, the breeze blows gently, and the brown buds, just in a moment, become a small round coin with yellow and green color. The elm tree looks very proud. The slender soft branches hang down and are full of elm money.

21. Red willow is not short or tall, generally three to five meters long, tall and straight, slim and beautiful; The flowers are small and red. They are clustered together from spring to autumn, like red faces crowded together, smiling and looking far away.

22. The drizzle is like silk. Cherry trees are greedily sucking the nectar of spring and laughing in the rain and fog. In March, the cherry trees are full of young buds, one by one, ready to blossom. When the wind blows, they shake back and forth. It looks so cute!

23. Xanadu: Originally, it refers to the ideal realm of isolation from the real society and a happy life. Later, it also refers to a place with quiet environment and comfortable life. It refers to a kind of utopian world divorced from reality.

24. When will the spring rain tower turn to see the Zhejiang tide?

25. The cactus is like a farmer in the field, who is not afraid of the wind and the sun, and silently contributes in the cold and hot weather. The flower is like a lady who enjoys a life without wind and rain in the greenhouse every day, sucking nectar and nutrients. In case of wind and rain, you will be defeated immediately.

26. Poplar in Spring: In spring, the white poplar has sprouted new green shoots, showing a new green, more energetic than usual! After a misty spring rain, the leaves with crystal clear dewdrops, as if there are countless lives shaking. The leaves are green. Under the sunshine, they seem to have been washed with water. They are shiny green and beautiful!

27. The sunflower tree is simple and unadorned. It never changes its clothes all the year round. It is thick, sturdy and honest. It just stretches out its broad palm. Its sharp fingers, like countless swords, point to the injustice in life.

28. Ripe pomegranates sometimes explode, just like children who open their mouths wide and show their regular teeth.

29. In spring, new branches of poplar trees grow out and green leaves grow. Our children put on beautiful spring clothes and play hide and seek around the poplar trees. When we were tired of playing, we sat down under the tree to have a rest, talking and laughing.

30. The moon is bright, the silver plate is hanging in the sky, the cold moon is clear, the Guanghan Palace, the bright moon is bright, the bright moon is in the sky, the bright moon is high, the moon is like water, the moon shadow is oblique, and the moon is bright and the stars are rare.

31. I like green pineapple very much. It can not only beautify the environment, but also purify the air, making our living space more beautiful!

32. Peach Forest] There is a large area of peach trees in the mountains around the lawn. I said to my father, "I want to climb trees." Because the mountain is too steep, I climbed for a while and then came down. My father climbed up hard and picked a bunch of pink peach blossoms in full bloom at a cliff. Suddenly my eyes were bright. Oh, how beautiful!

33. Ah, among the trees of your hometown, your trunk is not tall and straight, and your flowers, leaves, fruits and seeds are not the most beautiful; But you have a wide range of uses. You silently dedicate yourself to mankind.

34. I like the tenacious character of wild flowers. When the gale rampaged wildly, the plants on the open ground were blown upside down, while the wild flowers stood proudly on the ground, never bowing to the gale. They hold out their chests as if to say to the wind, "I will fight you to the end!"

35. The trunk of the Populus davidiana is straight and its branches are intertwined. It is not afraid of the poverty of the Loess Plateau and the severe cold of the northwest wind and snow. It is vigorous and united.

36. The grass is green, the grass is long, the birds are flying, the flowers are rare, the grass is shining in the spring, the grass is everywhere, the grass is green, the grass is green, the world is green, the grass is carpet, the green carpet is paved, the grass is flourishing, the grass is luxuriant, the grass is everywhere, the grass is withering, the grass is sad, vibrant, green for thousands of miles, and full of vitality.

37. The clear blue sky is cloudless, as clear as jasper.

38. Red Maple] She is fiery, full of passion and enthusiasm, like a burning fire, burning forever and boiling forever for the intoxicating season of autumn. Even though autumn is cool, she is like the warmest and most incredibly energetic sunlight at dawn

39. The clusters of grass broke the ground, quietly sticking out the green head and standing on the ground with air.

40. The willow catkins are flying, the elm coins are falling, the butterfly and the fallen rape petals are saying good-bye, and the pea flowers have turned into plump green pods.

41. The big locust tree has round branches and covers, is covered with dark green leaves, and has clusters of white and yellow flowers with faint fragrance. It looks like a natural tent, blocking the sun in the west.

42. Looking back at the green wave, three Chu twilight, and the sky flow.

43. In the spring, the grass opened its sleepy eyes and poked out its small head from the soil. It was tender and green. From a distance, I can see a piece of green velvet, but I can't see them near. It's really "grass color is far away, but not near"!

44. Don't help the innocent: Luo: Nuluo, plant name. It refers to irreparable.

45. Greeting Pine: The world-famous greeting pine, which has grown for thousands of years, stands upright on the top of East Wenshu Cave in Yuping Building, with vigorous branches, tall and beautiful shape, and can be called the representative of Huangshan Pine. It stretched out a long branch and hung down at the mouth of Manjusri, just like a hospitable host stretching out his arm to welcome visitors from afar.

46. There are several tall fir trees on the hillside, which are very strange. The tall and twisted trunk, sparse and scattered branches, and snow like branches and leaves look like a group of fossils from ancient times.

47. The trunk of the Chinese parasol tree is extremely strong, and I can hold it with my arms closed! The tree trunk was wearing a dark green coat with white dots inlaid on it, just like a naughty child smearing ice cream on his coat.

48. Sycamore trees in summer The hot summer has come unconsciously, and the leaves of the sycamore trees have grown more luxuriant and luxuriant. When class is over, we always go to play and frolic under that crooked neck sycamore tree. The Chinese parasol tree with crooked neck always shields us from the wind and rain. When the Chinese parasol tree with crooked neck sees us laughing, it seems that it is also smiling.

49. Litchi trees sprouted quietly in the spring breeze, and the green leaves stuck out of their small, needle shaped heads, looking strangely at the beautiful spring scenery around them. After the moisture of spring rain and the sunshine, the oval leaves grow up healthily. Under the sunshine, they are shiny and very cute.

50. In spring, when a spring breeze blows, goose yellow leaf buds grow on the trees, gradually turning into tender green leaves, so full of vitality. When we went to school, they defended us like tall soldiers, as if they told us to study hard, just like them.

51. Willow trees] In summer, the green leaves of willow trees are like the bent eyebrows of a girl. In autumn, the green leaves of the trees will become golden yellow, and the autumn wind will blow everywhere. Only once in a while, one or two little sparrows would fall on the bare branches and chirp incessantly.

52. Small locust tree] The small locust tree grows luxuriantly! The slightly curved stem has been straight and graceful, with a green hemispherical crown, like a green umbrella. In the green leaves, there were three or five clusters of flowers blooming, and several bees were buzzing.

53. Just after dawn, the pale blue sky was also inlaid with several scattered remnant stars.

54. The reeds are blossoming. They are white and soft, like clusters of light feathers, swaying in the wind.

55. Winter willows In winter, snowflakes are flying all over the mountains and fields, covered with a layer of white snow. The willow trees have also changed into white clothes. In the wind and snow, they keep shaking their branches, like an old grandfather, shaking in the wind and snow.

56. Pines in Autumn] In late autumn, the leaves of some trees in the campus fell off because of withering and yellowing, but the pine trees are still so strong that not only the leaves did not fall, but also the favorite pinecones of squirrels were born on the trees. Those pinecones are really like cute little dolls.

57. Poplar after the rain] After a heavy rain, the poplars are hung with branches of jasper and glittering emerald, which will make your heart ripple. The palm sized leaves of poplar are clattering in the wind like thousands of small fans, bringing cool to these lovely children.

58. At night, the full moon rises, and a tranquility spreads on the earth with the silver mist like moonlight.

59. You see, the nanmu is young and exquisite. Its green leaves are crystal clear, and its verdant beauty is like a brush; Slightly tall, long and slender, slim and graceful, just like a slim waist dancer; It is thick, straight into the sky, and supports green clouds, like a giant pillar soaring into the sky.

60. Peach trees in spring In spring, when the drizzle is like silk, peach trees greedily suck the nectar of spring. In the cold spring rain, pink flowers slowly bloomed on the peach trees before the leaves grew out. They were clustered here and there beside the ridge and the vegetable garden, laughing in the rain and fog.

61. The flowers of apple pear trees are similar to those of begonia fruit trees, that is, the petals are smaller, the fruit is larger, the skin is green, and the bite on it is sweet and delicious, and a packet of sweet water. Every time I pick a pear, I will secretly hide some. If you peel off the outside, the inside is crystal clear, and you always want to eat more.

62. The mountains are covered with bamboos. In spring, bamboos sprout. The breeze blows and makes a sound of "rustling". From a distance, it looks like the undulating waves of the sea.

63. New buds and stumps of arbors are dense, towering, luxuriant, verdant, vigorous, tall, slender and tenacious

64. Peculiar Peach Tree] Just entering the gate of the park, the spring breeze brings a bouquet of flower fragrance. I stepped into the gate and saw neat rows of flowers on both sides of the gate. You see, those peach trees have a very strange posture, as if to compare with the ancient pines in Huangshan. The shape of these peach trees is very similar to that of a mother holding out a huge palm to welcome us!

65. The beautiful crown of the birch gently sways in the night wind. The tiny green leaves sparkle in the moonlight, like thousands of pearls.

66. In autumn, all kinds of flowers and trees withered, and the poplar fell. When the autumn wind blows, yellow leaves are flying all over the sky, like butterflies, or handkerchiefs falling from the sky. We put them in piles for warming in winter. Although the small white poplar has no green leaves, it has not lost its former style. It still stands upright in the wind, giving us enlightenment.

67. Phyllostachys pubescens in Jinggangshan Mountain: The most unforgettable one is Phyllostachys pubescens. Seen from a distance, it is verdant, overlapping, and endless. At a close distance, some are steep and straight, like mountain sentries in those days, and some are dense, like strange soldiers ambushed in the deep depression; Some people seem to be born soon, but they are also slim and graceful.

68. Whenever the "spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river", the willows in my hometown once again sprout like a misty ink painting. The trunk of the old elm tree is very thick, and the bark has split into pieces, like large fish scales.

69. The white lotus after the rain has another style. The water drops on the lotus leaf roll back and forth, glittering like broken pearls. The water drips on the bud, and the white lotus that has just opened is more crystal clear and lovely. It is wrapped in snow and bright like the moon.

70. In spring, the apricot trees stretch their green leaves and blossom out white and red flowers. Looking from afar, they look like pink clouds, which make their hometown extremely beautiful. When they smell it, a fresh fragrance comes to them, refreshing.