Good Words and Good Sentences of the Dragon Nationality 3 Good Words and Good Sentences of the Dragon Nationality (65 selected sentences)
Cold winter fog
2023-07-15 10:36:45
Complete sentences

1. When a woman loves a man, the price is often much higher than when a man loves a woman. Sometimes the price is life

2. You have to remember many things every night, but none of them is about him. He has been forgotten by you, as if he never belonged to you.

3. Fairies will fall in love with fools and knit sweaters for fools.

4. Don't be silly, okay? How can there be such a stupid person like you in this world? Who can live alone in this world, but can't feel lonely?

5. Those who love you, only the devil! Only me, the devil! Hi! Brother! Why don't you hug me? Why not embrace the only person in the world who needs you?

6. The same road, with some people, looks ridiculous, and with others, it is too short to walk.

7. We came to this world to ignite him!

8. The person you love most, you did a lot of things for him, but he didn't know, because you thought it was right to do these things, and you forgot to tell him.

9. Loneliness is an inborn seed, sprouting in the moment of falling in love with a person.

10. No one will remember what is dead, and what no one remembers is just like death.

11. It only takes a moment to build a hatred, but it takes many years to build a love.

12. At this moment, he could feel the great sadness on the child, just like the icy water gushing out. It was overwhelming and was about to cover him. The sadness is strong, fierce and domineering, making people weak.

13. Do you work hard? You will die if you try hard! Only I am qualified to fight with my life!

14. I hope you and I will see each other again and again in the Jianghu. It is useless to say goodbye more. I wish you no end of falling trees, no old friends, white bones and blood stained grass in the rain, and ghosts guarding the body in the cold moon and yellow sand.

15. Those children who love singing are buried in the soil under the flowers. Next spring, the new flowers will open their smiling faces.

16. Don't die. I don't have many friends.

17. Some people despair, can ignite the world; Some people despair, only moths to the fire!

18. This is your last chance to say it. It's worthless to bring this secret into the coffin. It's not even a funeral.

19. Good will prevail over evil, as where light goes, darkness has nowhere to hide.

20. I tell you, the world is very interesting. There are many things you have never seen or experienced. So don't die... live... those who get in your way... deserve to die.

21. Lonely people are shameful... they have no value in living in the world. If you were me, you would not be stingy if you could exchange worthless things for anyone, right?

22. The whole sky is reflected in his pupils. It seems that all raindrops fall from the heart of heaven and will fall into his eyes.

23. What to fear? What about God's resurrection? When the battle of armies begins, I will personally fight.

24. Let's go through the deepest hell, and then go straight to heaven!

25. There are 20000 people in the world who will fall in love with you at first sight, but you may not meet one in your life. It is more fate than love at first sight.

26. Sadness is the real devil. The stronger it is, the deeper it is hidden.

27. In every deserted world, there are only him and Lu Mingze. When there is only the devil in the world, will you live with the devil?

28. In fact, I didn't pay any price because my life was worthless.

29. There is a kind of life in the world. Every time it dies, it is to return!

30. There is no way for them to leave according to the script, so even if they struggle to reach the end of the maze, they will meet the gatekeeper they cannot defeat.

31. Some love is fleeting, but it is unforgettable. It burns to ashes in fate, but takes root in memory.

32. Companions are supposed to step on their corpses and finish what they haven't done!