WeChat friend circle sad talk
Still love you
2023-06-28 05:46:15
Complete sentences

1. Who can tell me how to treat heartache?

2. You must learn to be brave to be strong.

3. My heart suffers, your beauty, I do not deserve!

4. The sand you can't hold, let it go with the wind.

5. The excitement is theirs, I have nothing.

6. What do you think of me? It makes me so sad.

7. Missing after breaking up is not called missing, but being cheap!

8. I have been lonely for half my life.

9. You cry and laugh. Stop playing and go to bed.

10. I'm naturally unsociable. I always talk little and sometimes I don't like it.

11. I can finally do it. I'm not surprised when I face you.

12. I'm leaving. This farewell is far away. The return date is remote.

13. If you can, please love me as I love you in the next life.

14. I miss you and miss you, but I don't bother you.

15. The story changed later. Who did you promise.

16. It was you who tore up my perfectly disguised smiling face.

17. It doesn't matter whether it is true or false.

18. Flowers wither, water stays, a kind of lovesickness, and worry about leisure.

19. Don't be stupid again, cut your hair easily, and don't love scum again.

20. I don't want to be a substitute, but I do it willingly.

21. Only you know whether it hurts or not, and only you know whether it has changed or not.

22. It was you who said we were together at the beginning, but it was I who was reluctant to part with us in the end.

23. Don't think too well of yourself. If you speak too well, you will lose a lot.

24. As long as you want, as long as I have. Try my best.

25. If you don't move your heart, you won't feel pain. No sadness can make a difference.

26. In fleeting time, drink a cup of pure joy, and be silent without saying sadness or joy.

27. Stand in your own corner and pretend that you are just a passer-by.

28. Youth, the most beautiful scenery along the way is just a piece of elegance.

29. You said your heart was broken. I think I will feel it carefully.

30. Once I was full of expectation, but then only torture each other.

31. Some love words are not suitable for speaking. Once you say them, you will lose.

32. Everyone has a scar in his heart, which is where the sky once fell.

33. Living well does not mean that we are better than anyone else. We are complacent and cover up our weakness.

34. I pretended to be strong and covered up all my sadness with a smile.