Post 90s personality talk about mood phrases (15 selected sentences)
Whatever I want
2023-05-30 09:49:51
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. You once made me wait for you, but now what do you think.

2. What you can't remember is not the pain, but the happiness you gave.

3. In the love scene, maybe you are just my hero

4. When time goes by, I will remember that you with black hair love you with white hair

5. Ah Jie: "I remember that now I am desperate for you and can't stand bleeding."

6. You said you would take me away, but you forgot to hold my hand.

7. The power of a girlfriend is to turn your tears into laughter in an instant.

8. I don't envy Little Grapevine EXO. I'm not blind. How can I not envy! Ah, really envy, envy and hate!

9. Love always has a kind of sweetness that people expect

10. The grievance that can be spoken out is not grievance; Those who can leave are not lovers.

11. It seems it's time to go. This place doesn't belong to me. I just want to leave here and live a simple life in a place where no one knows me.

12. Time tells me that it is too old to make trouble without reason. It is time to be sensible.

13. Always uncontrollable sadness, so slowly learned to hide.

14. The fruit of success needs sweat.

15. Old, my red line is broken. Can you connect it to me