120 short, beautiful and sentimental sentences
lead a fast
2023-04-21 02:02:00
Complete sentences

1. You are not brave, no one will be strong for you.

2. Without air, there is a feeling of suffocation.

3. The original ecology does not seek the survival of vulgar things naturally.

4. Love is not a trade, not a fair game.

5. Love has gone bad, why do you persist?

6. Those that cannot be forgotten will never be returned.

7. When possession is already lost, give up bravely.

8. We will always be together, never leave.

9. Our precious memories, I use tears to remember.

10. What I get and what I lose are all my own.

11. Yesterday has become history, why bother again?

12. Forever is not a distance, but a decision.

13. Life is like summer flower, youth should be protected for a lifetime.

14. In a few words, we will reveal the joys and sorrows of our feelings.

15. No matter how sad you are in your heart, you should keep smiling.

16. I am blind and timid. Because I love you.

17. Yes, sometimes you have to be your own hero.

18. Without antidote, I can't resist your unique signal.

19. Really, I am a genius. It's a pity that God is jealous of talents.

20. The difficulty of taking courage is beyond our imagination.

21. Distant is the reason for breaking up and the excuse for heart to become far away.

22. Once you miss it, you will never look back. After all, you are strangers.

23. Don't let the past get in the way.

24. Time that can never be returned, memory that can never be erased.

25. I buried my first bosom and forgot my pain.

26. At the beginning, it was amazing and complete, only for the sake of seeing little in the world.

27. I closed my eyes gently, but no tears came to meet the occasion.

28. In the swaying years, what I have been waiting for is relief.

29. Time is ticking away. Once the scenery is gone, it can't come back.

30. The language does not need to be too gorgeous, and the signature does not need to be too personal.

31. Accustomed to sadness for too long, I forgot how to be happy for a while.

32. Life is like chess, with black and white interlacing, and life and death blending.

33. Your smile interprets the eternity, and no one can imitate it.

34. The magnificent turn is only for settling the tears that are about to fall.

35. How many people are still waiting in place even if they break up.

36. Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion.

37. The habitual smile is just to cover up my cowardice.

38. There are many kinds of love in life. Please don't let love become a kind of injury.

39. Your everything is my motivation, and your everything is my everything.

40. Keep moving in the direction of sunflowers until death.

41. Even if you are poor, you are different from others.

42. Play the broken string to tell you that it is not enough to leave the injury.

43. I hope someone will understand me even if I don't say anything.

44. I know you are the leader of the sect. There is no need to be so high-profile.

45. Maybe you are just an episode, but I treat you as the only one.

46. Sometimes, promises are made by a liar to a fool.

47. Once I thought we could be good, but I just thought.

48. How can those intoxicating sweetness become eternal memories.

49. What you have wasted today is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday hoped for.

50. If forever is a joke, can you play with me till death.

51. The mandala on the other side opened again and again, while I was still waiting for you.

52. I squatted down slowly, with the uncomfortable feeling of tears drying on my face.

53. Everyone has the softest place in his heart, which cannot be easily touched.

54. In the fireworks rain lane, whose kite is broken, whose sincerity is hurt.

55. Use a smile to pretend that you don't care about your laughter and your departure.

56. My dear, you must be happy to be cruel to yourself.

57. When love loses its reason and freedom, we can only choose to let go.

58. I always think that I will forget those memories more and more after a long time.

59. One day you will remember this suffering and see how it became the past.

60. I'm not a fortune teller in the square. I can't tell you how much you like to hear.

61. I will never love someone, even you, with all my heart.

62. What is more true than a promise is an oath, and what is more hypocritical than an oath is a promise.

63. A friend who understands your tears is better than a group of friends who only understand your smile.

64. No matter how good a man is, he has no time to accompany you.

65. Some words, some things. Can write out, but, always can not say.

66. After so long, many things can be annihilated over time.

67. The love between you and me is far less crisp than the rupture, but it is also not stable.

68. Actually, narcissists are very smart, because falling in love with themselves will never hurt.

69. Can you give me a corner and let me tell our story again.

70. My heart is tired to a certain extent, and I have no strength to be angry and considerate.

71. I have never been so generous, and I can't tolerate all of your things, including betrayal.

72. I don't want much, just a person who loves me, that's all.

73. I guess our love has come to an end. Having nothing to say is more painful than quarreling.

74. Put your love in the refrigerator just so that it will not deteriorate so quickly.

75. Try hard to hold back the tears in your eyes, so as not to let anyone see your vulnerability.

76. Standing in the rain, no one will know whether tears or rain are on his face.

77. You cried and said to me, "Sorry, forget me!"! I said, I remember you?

78. I would rather run and be knocked down for countless times than walk a lifetime in line.

79. Some people feel warm only when they don't hold; Don't hate until you leave; I should give up.

80. One day I will proudly tell you to go away. You are nothing in your heart.

81. It is not the prince who knows the princess, but the knight who has been guarding behind the princess.

82. When someone understands my temper and my temperament, they will not be impatient.

83. You don't know how long it has been waiting for you. Therefore, I would rather die than live.

84. In your eyes, I have too many shortcomings to see. I like you so much.

85. Most of the time, it is not happy to see too much. It is better to be childish and heartless.

86. Time can understand love, prove love, and also love.

87. Love is like a shoe on your feet. Only when you lose it can you know the taste of barefoot.

88. It is your selfishness to fill the vacancy in your heart with their betrayal of me.

89. Seeing you want to give up, I feel tired, but my heart hasn't really let go.

90. The only thing in the world that will become better and better with the passage of time is memory.

91. Two people know the result, but they will think about it again. Think of him, think of her.

92. People always say that people can't resist time. In fact, time can't resist our fickleness.

93. To give up is to sacrifice what belongs to you. To let go is to let go of what has never been yours.

94. Standing on a high place, I can see the distant scenery. When I return to the ground, I feel very secure.

95. What is persistence? One day, another day, you tell yourself to persist for another day.

96. When I rely on you, I find our distance is getting farther and farther.

97. Every touch of life can't accompany us all our life, but it has accompanied us all the way.

98. In fact, I am from a charity and I am with you for the sake of social peace.

99. Happiness is that if you hold the right hand, you will not be afraid even if you lose the sense of direction.

100. I love you, you love her, she loves him, he loves me. Honey, look how ridiculous we are.

101. All his life, men have loved white lotus, kissed red roses, and finally married carnations.

102. Two people love each other because they are happy together. If they still want to be together when they are unhappy, they love each other.

103. Being single means that you are strong enough and patient enough to wait for the person who deserves you.

104. When you are in love: it is you who love me; When breaking up: don't hate each other, after all, you loved each other.

105. There are many people in my dream, and then I hurried by. I didn't have time to remember who he was.

106. Some memories are like bees stinging in the palm. Although they are very small, the whole body will ache.

107. When I didn't tell you that you loved me, I said thank you silently with tears flashing.

108. What others think important is not your pursuit. Only you know what is most suitable.

109. I'm still your last retreat, as long as I'm not numb, as long as my body is warm.

110. Sleeping is my only relief. When I fall asleep, I am neither sad nor angry nor lonely. I have no worries.

111. You may be about to give up. Without you, I can still live well, just a little painful.

112. In the premarital love test, it was said that when you love someone, you hurt him first, because guilt is the best way to maintain love.

113. Some people's wounds heal slowly in time, while others fester slowly in time.

114. You betrayed love, betrayed my kindness, wasted many years of my youth, and the pain made me unable to turn over.

115. We looked around and just wanted to find a place to lie down. We walked fast and slowly, but we couldn't catch up with the famine and the old.

116. In love, we always meet different people: those who love you, those you love; You hurt, you hurt.

117. If you like a person very much, keep a distance with a friend so that you can never lose it.

118. What about sweet honey? Finally, it was only buried in the sentence of "breaking up"

119. Young love can be quiet, but in the years to come, I will always walk in the scenery without you.

120. You've just kicked away your last chance. It's no use crying tomorrow. I won't protect you any more!