107 sentences in bad mood in 2021
Learn to forget
2023-07-24 23:15:18
Complete sentences

1. We are all afraid of being forgotten. Even if there is only one person in the world who cares about your name, it is enough.

2. Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, and people will learn to grow up by themselves for some time.

3. Memory is always beautiful in things. No matter where you go, I will remember the happiness we once had.

4. The moment that proves that I am brave enough is the pain you give. When I run to me again, I will push away bravely.

5. Precious things are always rare in the world, and there is only one you in the world, so please cherish yourself!

6. At the end of the story, there is no promise, no deception, no betrayal, no togetherness, and no regret.

7. Relieved said too much can not come true, perhaps time is an antidote, but also I am now taking the poison.

8. In life, it is not your ticket, but wisps of misty memories that can be enjoyed quietly.

9. Even though I am careful to keep quiet when walking, I will eventually find that I am just an exile from memory.

10. When you are online, I don't know what to say to you. When you are offline, I regret not saying anything to you.

11. I used to think that I would not be defeated by loneliness. In a person's dream, only then knew that loneliness is a kind of addiction, cannot give up.

12. There is a woman who is willing to invent one lie after another for you, at least it means that she has you in her heart.

13. Every time I feel sad, I will walk on the cobbles barefoot. Because my feet hurt, my heart will not hurt so much.

14. Don't give up a love because of a flaw. After all, in love, what is needed is truth, not perfection.

15. You can always ignore me and have fun with others. When I'm good with others, you won't regret it.

16. If you can understand the vicissitudes of life, who will wait for life; If we don't hurt each other, tears won't surge.

17. I know that from now on you will continue to be strong in the city without me. And I will heal in the city without you.

18. Sometimes, it is for love's sake that you hide from the figure, but it is the silent feelings that you cannot hide.

19. Love is a fatalistic feeling. No matter how many times you forget each other, as long as you meet it, you will love it again!

20. The tunnel of life often collapses in unexpected places. As long as you can stick to it, there will be hope to live.

21. It is found that the number of lovelorn people has gradually increased recently. Maybe we are too young to bear such a blow.

22. It's just that the depth is different. As long as he has the heart to follow the Tao, forgive him if he can, and don't regard him as a bad person.

23. Emotion is like a teapot full of water, which cannot keep boiling point forever. Such an outcome can only be exhausted or destroyed by powder.

24. Perhaps, parting is just a journey in this life, while the tenderness of three lives and three lives is my infatuated family members, who have no regrets.

25. Those long to dim hours rolled back towards the sea like waves, and finally exposed the beach of bones and debris.

26. He is just lonely, and you are also lonely. Your ears are lonely, so you are moved when you hear those love words, and then you are injured.

27. I can't bear to lose something I've been used to. But. She will gradually leave you. Until I forgot her.

28. I don't know how long it will take me to really forget you. I don't know whether I have the courage to miss you.

29. We have long been trapped in the road of no return. All this is the life created by the environment. When can the heart be stable?

30. Some people are very nice. You want to love them, but you just can't do it. Some people are not so good, but you just can't help loving them.

31. Love is a kind of heartache that you haven't seen for a long time. When you feel heartache for someone, that person is already inseparable in your life.

32. Meet, but it's too late to meet; Meet, but it's too late to hold hands; Hand in hand but too late to love; It's too late to love each other.

33. No one in the world is worth your tears, and the only one who is worth your tears will never make you cry!

34. Be optimistic and open, everything will be fine. Even if this is self anesthesia, it is better than the truth of pain, right.

35. The flower like life gradually disappears in the wanton love of wind and rain. The tenderness that once bowed its head touches whose indulgence in the end?

36. How could my father cut off so much of my hair when my feelings were deceived. Despite the affectation, I still shed a few tears.

37. People do not have so much happiness at the moment of happiness. They feel quite happy when they lose it.

38. In an age of uncertainty, we always love too early and give up too quickly, make commitments easily, and do not want to wait for the results.

39. I'm not lost, I'm not hurt, I'm not angry, I'm just a little tired, I'm tired of giving too much, and giving too little.

40. Love is originally a matter of enjoying the cool when people plant trees. The love you get is not something that others have ever given you.

41. Now I understand that it is useless to force myself. What I cannot get is illusory after all. It is just a waste of my short youth.

42. My heart was broken when I saw all of you, but I told myself that I didn't care. I tell you loudly, I don't care.

43. What God does not give me, no matter how tightly I hold my fingers, still leaks; Give me, no matter how I lost in the past, will have.

44. Regret is a spirit consuming emotion. Regret is a bigger loss than loss and a bigger mistake than mistake. So don't regret.

45. Time didn't wait for me. You forgot to take me away. The firefly in my left hand is unforgettable. In my right hand is a long meditation for ten years.

46. Farewell tomorrow morning. I hope the clouds and the bright sun will accompany you to the far end of the world; Flowers and green grass will accompany you to spread a far future.

47. There is a kind of feeling called Cheng Quan, and there is a kind of leaving called missing. When missing and Cheng Quan become a dream, whose tears shine and whose smile?

48. Everyone is a passer-by in our life. We just hope that they will stay with us longer and longer.

49. Those beautiful little fish also keep their eyes open when they sleep. Don't need love, never cry. They are my role models.

50. I don't want to hang myself under your tree, because it will bring you worry, but I can't help myself. Is it wrong to like someone?

51. The boss is not loved, the house has not been built, and the car has not been bought. He has only love for you, plus an empty purse. If he marries me, only love is like the sea!

52. You think I will be angry the next day. You think I can't leave you for anything, but do you know that I will be sad even if I am disappointed.

53. Send a message to her. She said to watch the movie and wait for a chat. But what came was that I had done it. When I saw the picture, it was gray and black.

54. If possible, I would like to write a very long letter to you far away, but everything in the letter is superfluous except that I love you.

55. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.

56. The most hurt city, where my favorite person lives, I wrote a love poem for him, telling my thoughts sadly, as deep as the sea.

57. To love someone is to dial the phone and suddenly don't know what to say. Only then did I know that I just wanted to listen to the familiar voice.

58. If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your sister. Even if we cannot enter the marriage palace, I can also be your family member that you can never part with!

59. Walk towards the Yuguan Pass along the mountain and water, and enjoy the thousand tent lantern at night. When the wind and snow change, the dream of the hometown will be broken, and there will be no such sound in the hometown.

60. Do what you like to do, do what you are good at, find the joy of success, find the confidence you have lost, and find the driving force and direction.

61. If you really love someone, let him go. If he comes back, he will always be yours; If he doesn't come back, he never belongs to you.

62. If you really want to be drunk and unconscious once! If the hot and cold tenderness is your excuse, then I would rather never take you seriously.

63. Many people's sadness is just to show that they are sad. In fact, no one in the world can understand another's sadness.

64. I am ready to live with you for the rest of my life, and I am also ready to leave you at any time. This is probably the best view of love.

65. Sometimes love is so simple and simple. It is like a cup of boiled water beside us, within reach, thirsty, and makes people feel cool and comfortable.

66. Crazy, foolish, persistent, persistent, and loved, but in the end, I was alone. Only then did I know that it was not mine. I shouldn't have wanted it at the beginning.

67. All life is bitter. I hope the world will have less suffering and more happiness. Play a good supporting role in others' journey, and be a good hero in your own life.

68. Tonight, there is no place for the lonely soul. Let the time be slow and slow in the light of you and me, so that the lonely time will not be prolonged.

69. Loneliness is a pity at such a beautiful night. It has become a habit to miss the unreachable love. Love songs let me waste my romance, and finally the song ended.

70. Some people are like this. They like the new and hate the old. You can't help it. It's personal nature, but they despise people because they are isolated and evil.

71. Some opportunities are only once in your life. If you miss them, you will miss them. Even if you go back, you will not be the same as before, whether you are good or not.

72. Love is originally the sand in the sea. It can become a crystal only if you care for it with your heart, moisten it with tears and hard work, and let it intoxicate in your heart.

73. If you see my tears, please do not feel guilty. It is not that I am suffering, but that the rain is falling outside the window. I am just grieving God's lovelorn sorrow.

74. When I met you at the wrong time, I accidentally fell in love with you. I clearly fell in love with you, but I didn't dare to approach you. I didn't know where the love came from. I always fell in love with you. I will give up later.

75. If there are no clouds in the sky, will the sky be lonely? Without you, I will be lonely. Without me, will you feel lost?

76. A person has only one heart, but two atria. One lives happily; One lives in sorrow. Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake up the sadness beside you.

77. Some wounds will grow better after a long time; Some grievances, once thought through, will be relieved; Some pain, endure the pain for a long time has become a habit.

78. It's useless to walk to Shangri La without anyone. It's like being crazy to spend time alone at midnight. But if someone accompanies you, it's also good to go to the bench in the corner park.

79. One day, the bee vibrated its wings and flew a little higher. At this time, it found that flowers were everywhere around the withered roses.

80. I finally know what a spare tire is. Why can't God spoil a stupid child once, even if only once. She has no more seven years to go out of another rainy season.

81. Call me and tell me that you saw him on the street, he still looked at you and ate in a restaurant. What's more funny is that you know I like him.

82. How can I forget your sad look? My mind is like a leaf that cannot be swept away. You are crying, but you said you are not sad. I hate the rain tonight.

83. I'm not running for my own life. I want to save something extremely precious for me before the end. My own life is meaningless now.

84. No one is willing to be wronged, and no one is willing to suffer losses. In the end, the beloved lovers split up, the intimate friends became strangers, and the marriage of many years broke down sadly.

85. Because we are distracted and have many same feelings, we always talk endlessly. Although we used to quarrel and have a cold war occasionally, we are getting better and better.

86. In your bitter struggle, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life. Perhaps just a brief glance is enough to make me excited.

87. We have to come to the end. We need to help each other, and we need to work together for life. I am with you in this mood, just for the 60's, there is still a saying that I love you.

88. I am stubborn and unwilling to yield, but what I get is only scars. From now on, there will be no more you in my world. Heartbroken without trace, I am moved to heaven, but I cannot move you.

89. I turned back countless times to look for the familiar figure. There was no color in the night sky. In this dark sky, we can't see clearly. In this way, we are getting farther and farther away from each other.

90. A person's real happiness is not to stay in the light, but to gaze at the light from a distance and run towards it. Only in that time when he is desperately selfless can he have the real fullness of life.

91. When a man is really emotional, his love is much greater than that of a woman. But on the other hand, women hate a person, which lasts much longer than men.

92. You walk up and down in front of me like a stranger. At this time, I feel like a prisoner, waiting for your sentence at any time. How happy I am to be sentenced.

93. What is lovelorn? Gently, go away. Don't regret it, because as long as you wave your hand, you will find that there is already a lover who can't wait to hold your hand secretly!

94. There may be many innocent misunderstandings and misunderstandings in life. It is a good way to learn to be calm and indifferent. There is no hasty and shameless excuse. It is a good way to bow your head and not speak or smile at each other.

95. The meeting gave me a great sense of heartbreak. The man I had hoped to be happy was not happy. He learned to smoke, and the dense smoke wrapped around his heart, not knowing whether it was sad or happy.

96. I miss you. I want to use my gentle fingers to brush your sad tears away. Miss you, want to use my tender whisper, quietly waiting for your tired figure, comfort your lonely and sad soul.

97. I am happy when I don't like you, but I am reluctant to return to the days without you; Disappointment saved enough for me to leave, I can't bear to do anything, and I will never look back after leaving.

98. Maybe I will be nice to another person again, but my kindness to him is based on what I have given you. Because you are in my heart - irreplaceable.

99. Why does happiness also leave tears, irrigate my wilderness and bloom with roses? I'm not tired, I don't sleep, I don't rest, I don't close my eyes, I don't want to waste every second, here is your world.

100. One night, one waiting. I don't remember how many nights this is, nor how many times this is waiting. Just know that I am still insisting and waiting alone.

101. No matter love, friendship or kinship, they are fragile. Once cracks appear, it is difficult to restore the original appearance; No matter who is sorry for whom, the crack is like a double-edged sword, hurting others while hurting yourself.

102. When the light sees the sunshine and flowers in full bloom, the cold wind is coming, but it can't cover you. It is I who confuse you and make you confused. If you can forget, then abandon me. A thousand words can only say sorry!

103. Since you don't love me, you should not accept the original love. You know, you gave me the most beautiful hope, but let me break my heart. Finally, you just lent my shoulder.

104. If you live with gratitude, you will feel more fun in life. One more thanksgiving will eliminate complaints and negative emotions, and life will be more beautiful and healthy.

105. I hate these mentally handicapped roommates more and more. They always focus on themselves and never think about others. They are selfish, lazy, degenerate, idle, short-sighted, self righteous, and shoot cold arrows. It's disgusting.

106. The unforgettable yearning for you has long been integrated into the stream of my yearning. Even if I wither silently like grass, I will turn into fertile soil to nourish your purity and beauty like the moon.

107. Maybe you will fall in love with a person because of a book, or hate a person because of a sentence, but you should know that when you learn to be an outsider in the game, you will learn to "communicate"