Comments on the education film of drowning prevention safety
social commitment
2023-09-12 22:26:18
Grade 6
impressions of after reading

On the morning of January 10, our class screened the film Safety Education. There are things that we will encounter in our daily life in the film.
Electricity, electricity is indispensable to our life, reasonable use of it is our good friend, improper use of it becomes our bad friend. Some children in the film touch electricity because of curiosity, resulting in corona, electric injury and even death. If someone is found to have an electric shock, do not pull it by hand. Use objects such as bamboo poles and sticks to open the wires. Hold the person who got an electric shock on the bed and call 120 in time for first aid.
Fire, fire can cook and also bring us warmth. However, if not used properly, it will also cause fire. Therefore, you cannot play with fire or fireworks. In case of fire, use fire extinguisher or water to put out the fire. When a fire happens, there is a lot of smoke. Cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel, bow down and run away from the scene in time. If the floor you live in is not high, you can tear the sheet into strips to tie the window reinforcement and escape from the balcony.
Poison is very common in rural areas. Many crops and vegetables have been sprayed with pesticides. The remaining pesticides should be kept high and not touched by children, or poisoning may occur. Clean the fresh vegetables and fruits. Otherwise, it is also easy to cause food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, and even life danger in serious cases.
Traffic. We go to school every day. We must obey the traffic rules when riding or walking back and forth to ensure our own safety. The distance between children and adults is not the same. You can cross the road only when there is no car around. It's better to wear a yellow hat so that the driver can see us more clearly. Don't play or play on the road.
After watching the safety education film, I learned how to treat electric shock and poisoning and how to escape from the scene in case of fire. I really benefited a lot! Reflections on the Education Film of Drowning Prevention Safety
Today, the teacher led us to watch an educational film about safety, and we enjoyed it. I have learned a lot about safety, and I also know that life is valuable and we should take good care of it.
Let's watch the clips about drowning first, which has benefited us a lot. This clip is about two little girls. They saw a little boy drowning by the lake. They saved the boy in the right way. Seeing this, I thought to myself: most of the drowning is caused by teenagers who do not know the depth of the water and run directly to the reservoir or lake to swim. So we must not go swimming in such places. This is very dangerous.
I also saw a scene: a boy was going to swim in the water, and his friend advised him not to go down, but he didn't listen at all, and said confidently that he could swim. So he went down and swam successfully at the beginning. But later, he swam in the center of the lake. Unexpectedly, the water in the center of the river was very deep, and he soon sank into the water. He struggled in the water again. At that moment, it was scary. He was joking about his life!
Seeing this moment, I was really sweating for him. How terrible! Fortunately, his friend saved him, otherwise he would have drowned. "Cherish life and beware of drowning." This sentence can be seen everywhere, but who has kept it firmly in mind. There is only one life. Life is precious and fragile! If we don't cherish it, it is a waste of life. There are many people drowning because of swimming in the world. Why don't they think about it when they want to go swimming? Is it safe to swim in such an area? Don't forget yourself just because you are happy for a while. Be alert even for a minute in hot summer!
Dear students, cherish your life! It is only once. Don't swim in dangerous places. You may lose your life at any time. You must remember the safety knowledge, so that we can live a safe, happy and healthy life every day!