Visit Juzizhou Head, Changsha
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2023-12-31 09:50:00
Senior One

This summer vacation, my mother and I returned to her hometown Hunan, and visited Juzizhoutou in the beautiful "Star City" Changsha, leaving me a good memory. Juzi Chautou is a good place to travel. It is a bright pearl in the Xiangjiang River.
The most striking is the portrait of young Chairman Mao. It is 83 meters long, 41 meters wide and 32 meters high. I listened to my mother while enjoying the story: when Grandpa Mao was young, he studied in Changsha, often went swimming in the Xiangjiang River, and played on the head of Juzizhou.
He also wrote the poem "Qinyuan Spring. Changsha". His mother carefully told the poem: Independent cold autumn, Xiangjiang River goes north, Juzizhou head, see all the mountains are red, and all the forests are stained; The river is full of green water, and hundreds of barges compete for the current... Just like the young students, this poem fully shows the lofty aspirations of Chairman Mao.
Standing under the poem stele, the reader looked at the statue of Grandpa Mao while reading the heroic poem. I can't help thinking: our life is very happy now. Therefore, we should cherish it. If we want to live a happier life, we should study hard. Work hard for a better life in the future. I want to be an astronaut, explore Mars and the moon, build a base suitable for human habitation on them, and provide a beautiful new world for everyone.