Form and policy
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2023-10-05 22:27:49
third year in high school
Reading Notes

The following is the form and policy reading notes collected and sorted out by the PQ editor of the First Fanwen Website, hoping to help you.
Form and Policy Reading Notes (1)
Today, he should be "a hero who works at the right time". The great development of society and history has determined the maximum environment and upper limit of personal development, restricted the selectivity, and determined the probability of success of college students. The impact is very specific and far-reaching. Therefore, we should learn to understand and grasp the situation and policies. Situation is the basis for formulating policies, and policies affect the development of the situation. We must understand the original meaning of the policy, know how to be flexible and innovative. At the same time, we should also adapt to the situation and policies to develop ourselves: find our own development goals, combine our own advantages, and position our own direction and development status; According to personal goals, formulate practical plans, work hard, build a knowledge structure system, expand quality, constantly improve personal ability, and create brand college students who are "honest, diligent, trustworthy and practical"; Make use of the situation and policies for our own use, form a keen insight and deep understanding of the situation and policies, cultivate the courage to grasp the situation and policies in advance, "the skilled people are bold, and the courage and skill are higher", and use the situation and policies to achieve self-development. Set up a lofty ideal and be a successful person!
Focus on the world. With the rapid development of the world today, the era of "two ears not listening to things outside the window, one mind only reading the books of sages" has passed. The global village is changing with each passing day. Born in the contemporary era, as college students, how can we be the four corner bookcase? Throw away the old ideas and embrace the wonderful world outside, which is what we should do.
Secondly, youth is an important force to promote social and historical progress. Young people have played an important role in both the development of human society and the development of the Chinese nation. The college students are the most potential and creative group of young people with a higher level of knowledge. Therefore, the mental outlook and life value orientation of contemporary college students will directly affect the future of the country and the overall situation of the great historical revival of the Chinese nation.
Moreover, the current situation at home and abroad is changing. China is facing rare opportunities and huge challenges as it enters the 21st century, and contemporary college students are also facing profound domestic and international environments. Therefore, we should carry out extensive situation and policy education among college students, face up to the opportunities and challenges faced by our country, and firmly believe in how to face them under the complicated domestic and international situations, It is of great practical value and far-reaching historical significance to inspire the spirit, study hard and serve the motherland.
To sum up, as college students in the 21st century, we should grasp ourselves and work hard to learn professional knowledge to contribute to the construction of the motherland tomorrow.
Finally, I would like to say that the "Situation and Policy" course offered by the school is very necessary. Because the situation and policy education in colleges and universities is an important part of the ideological and political education of college students, and it is a very important aspect to improve the comprehensive quality of college students, broaden their mind and vision, and enhance their sense of responsibility and overall situation. It enables us to have a deeper understanding of the world, China, the gap between us and the world, and our own shortcomings, It makes me take a big step forward in thinking.
Form and Policy Reading Notes (2)
Our country is short of natural resources per capita. Although the long-term extensive economic growth has achieved a high economic growth rate, it has paid a big price in terms of resources and environment, and the energy consumption per unit GDP has continued to rise. The overexploitation of resources has led to serious damage to the ecological environment. The large-scale import of foreign resources and the intensification of air pollution have made China face enormous international pressure.
After studying the situation and policy videos, I think the main problems that cause the severe resource and environment situation are:
First, the total supply of resources is insufficient and the domestic guarantee rate is low. For example, China's total water resources are insufficient; China's important mineral resources have low domestic guarantee rate, high mining cost and poor grade. In recent years, due to the substantial increase in domestic consumption of mineral resources, the gap between supply and demand of minerals is increasing, and the degree of dependence on foreign countries is rising. At present, on average, 50% of iron ore, alumina, oil and copper resources rely on imports. As a result, policies such as "South to North Water Diversion", "West to East Gas Transmission" and "West to East Power Transmission" have also been implemented in recent years.
Second, the massive consumption of coal based primary energy causes serious environmental pollution. Although China's primary energy self-sufficiency rate accounts for more than 90%, coal accounts for nearly 70% of primary energy consumption.
Third, the international pressure on China to save resources and reduce pollution emissions has increased significantly. The growth of China's demand for foreign resources has boosted the total demand for global resources.
Fourth, the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization and internationalization objectively promotes the rapid growth of high energy consumption and high pollution industries. China is in the middle stage of industrialization, and urbanization and internationalization are developing rapidly. At this stage, the intensity of energy consumption and the degree of environmental pollution have increased significantly.
Facing the current environment and resource situation, we should address the following issues:
In terms of industrial policy. We should vigorously promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing, high-tech industries and service industries, and form an industrial system conducive to resource conservation and environmental protection. Further promote the merger and reorganization of enterprises in steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum, coal and other industries; Promote energy and water conservation, land and material conservation, and comprehensive and recycling utilization of resources; Vigorously develop the circular economy and orderly develop alternative energy sources.
In terms of investment policy. We will continue to control the two gates of land and credit and the threshold of market access, strengthen the environmental impact assessment of construction projects, and save energy consumption and reduce environmental damage at the source.
In terms of credit policy. Establish and improve the coordination mechanism between credit policy and industrial policy.
In terms of tax policy and price policy. Actively play the role of price leverage, improve the price of resource products, and promote the conservation and efficient use of resources.
In terms of administrative means. We will implement the system of energy conservation and consumption reduction and total emission control of pollutants, and continue to implement the responsibility system of target management for energy conservation and consumption reduction and pollutant emission reduction.
In terms of legal means and law enforcement supervision. We should strengthen law enforcement, truly bring environmental protection into the orbit of the rule of law, and strictly investigate and deal with environmental violations and cases.
Form and Policy Reading Notes (3)
Today, after our school teacher gave us a class on Situation and Policy, I had a deeper understanding of it, made me understand what Situation and Policy is, and made clear their relationship. I think this situation is that we are facing an invisible sense of oppression that pushes people forward! And the policy is our way of solving problems formulated according to objective facts! Their relationship is complementary and mutually reinforcing!
"Situation and Policy Course" is an important content of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, a required course for college students, a main channel and an important position for students to carry out situation and policy education, and an important carrier of ideological and political quality education. Enriching the teaching content of "Situation and Policy" course, improving the teaching methods of "Situation and Policy" course and improving the teaching effect of "Situation and Policy" course are important components of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the Central Committee and practically strengthening the ideological and political education of college students.
The course of "Situation and Policy" is a systematic party line The draft task of the ideological and political education course of the principles and policies education is to help students broaden their horizons, understand and correctly treat major current events at home and abroad in a timely manner through the timely education of the situation and policies, world politics and economy, and international relations, so that college students have a firm position, strong analysis and adaptability in the reform and opening up environment.
The basic situation and hot issues are very important for students to understand and grasp the basic principles and grasp the basic methods of situation analysis. The basic situation is changing, but in a period of time, the development of the situation has its regularity and inevitability, such as the contemporary world pattern, the relationship between major powers, the general trend of domestic reform and opening up, etc, It is relatively stable for a period of time or even longer. To sum up the relatively stable, inevitable and regular contents in the international and domestic situations can form the framework of the basic situation.