If one's heart moves, tears will flow a thousand lines. Selected Sentences with Light and Sad Mood (Selected 27 Sentences)
Drink the deep heart
2023-03-11 20:41:00
Complete sentences

1. Look at the fading flowers in spring, it is the time when the beauty dies.

2. In one's life, there are two kinds of regrets that most torment people: one is not getting your beloved; Second, the beloved cannot be happy.

3. True love is like falling leaves. Why do you want to leave? If you are really lonely, you will feel sad and broken, but also want to be brave to put on a coat for you. Tianliang should cherish himself. No one loves you more than I do. I tell you that I can't cry every night when I miss you.

4. I am not afraid that the road is too far to find the end, but that the two worlds cannot be drawn into a circle.

5. If you don't love me, please don't say sorry when you leave.

6. Don't always cut me and come to wipe my blood and apply medicine. I can't bear it.

7. If you are well, it will be sunny. How can I be safe when you are not here.

8. Late at night, the noisy city finally fell asleep, like a fossil buried deep in the soil, quietly emitting a kind of barren beauty.

9. Emotion, in fact, nothing, just desperate for you

10. I miss you, you no longer miss.

11. Confused, let our life be as dull as water but everywhere. As time goes by, it seeps into the sea, and only you can ferry yourself to the other side.

12. Love and being loved, inside and outside, are not all injuries.

13. The reason why people are uneasy is that they rely on those unstable and unreal things. You built your house on quicksand, but you longed for a permanent stable nest.

14. We all forgot what to rely on to sustain without that connection point.

15. The infatuated heart is already as light as water, and the pain of missing is not so hard. The leaves fall silently, and the years are light.

16. People always miss a lot of real beauty when they don't notice it.

17. Many things that we think we will never forget in our whole life are forgotten by us in the days that we never forget.

18. I count your smiles every day, but you are lonely even when you smile.

19. Everyone, there is a sadness, want to hide, but in the growth.

20. Looking at the quiet night sky, the once warm spring has left, leaving the sadness of parting, and looking forward to the coming year, the nightingale is also shouting, as if to tell, that once beautiful, and spring nostalgia.

21. How much is worth persisting in forever, and how much is worth persisting in forever.

22. Those who love too seriously become strangers.

23. The life and death of a year are vast. I will never forget it if I don't think about it. There is no place to be sad in a thousand miles of solitary graves.

24. The Qinhuai River is cool, the stone bridges and ink bamboos are shining, the thrush flies in the rain, and its window frame falls quietly.

25. Every youth will grow old, but I hope you remember me.

26. Remembrance is a picture made of pieces of paper.

27. When the rain fell again, it had already passed a year, and you and I were strangers. Looking out of the window at the ceaseless rain, I remembered how familiar and unreachable I had been with you.