Inspiration from Cartoons
Noon sun
2023-08-14 10:51:14
Grade 6

Inspiration from Cartoons
Liu Tianwei, Class 4, Grade 6, Jiamusi Lixin Primary School
Today, I saw a cartoon in my composition class, and I felt deeply.
The main idea of this cartoon is that one thumb is criticizing the other four fingers, saying that they are strong in everything, and that every time they work, they pay the most. Look! It is pointing at those four fingers, spitting stars flying all over the sky, boasting and boasting about itself!
This cartoon impressed me deeply. It reminds me that not all things can be done by myself alone. Only when we work together can we be more powerful. For example, it is not easy for the thumb to pick up a very light object alone. It is even more impossible to carry a heavy object. Don't always think that you are strong and can do anything. Don't always think that you have no shortcomings. When dealing with others, don't always look at their shortcomings, laugh at them and belittle them. Maybe one day, when you lose them, you will regret it. I regret that I should have looked down upon them. At this time, I will think of asking for help and asking for help. I will no longer be as arrogant as the thumb in this cartoon to belittle others and always put myself in a high position.
After thinking, this cartoon finally let me know that a person's power is like a small ant. Without team cooperation, you will achieve nothing. Collins once said, "When you are happy, your friends will know us; when you are in trouble, we will know our friends." As said, unity is also the road to light. It will let you break through the obstacles on the road, and any difficulties will be easily solved on the way forward.
This is the inspiration from this cartoon.