April Fool's Day Friends Circle Writing Humorous Short Sentences (72 selected sentences)
Flowers smile at dawn
2023-06-16 17:15:00
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. April Fool's Day is coming. I sincerely wish you to make progress and sink the "stupid" geese.

2. I want to be the emperor, afraid of wordiness; If you want to be an official, you are afraid of many things; Want to eat, afraid to brush the pot; I really want to beat you up, but I'm afraid of causing trouble. I wish you a happy April Fool's Day.

3. My love for you is hidden in my heart, and my missing for you is deep in my heart. I am happy with your company, lonely without your company. I miss you every moment. Now, I just want to tell you that I am foolish at this moment. Happy April Fool's Day!

4. No matter how big the world is, there will always be a place for you; No matter how wide the sea is, there will always be a ship to carry you; No matter how long it takes, there will always be a fate waiting for you; No matter how many festivals there are, there will always be one for you. Before we arrive, I wish my colleagues a happy April Fool's Day!

5. As a special reminder, we should beware of five kinds of people today: those who invite you to dinner, those who urge you to work overtime, those who say that the leader wants you, those who ask you to have meetings, and those who always giggle at their mobile phones. What about you, laughing? I wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

6. Today is the day of cowards. I don't mind if you are cowards.

7. If the sky is full of love, the sky is also old. If the moon has no trace, the moon will grow round. If the river has a heart, it will never end. If you have no intention, you will follow! Knowing you is the first day of eternity, liking you is more than forever. Playing with you is the source of my happiness for a day. Happy April Fool's Day!

8. Good things are brewing in April, and everyone should achieve their wishes.

9. A hundred fools come first, no fools, no joy; April Fool's Day is dominated by foolishness. Let's put aside all dogmas, put aside all reserve, and enjoy foolishness! May you be just as foolish and happy as you can be!

10. April Fool's Day is coming. In order to have fun with "Fool" you, I "Fool" focus on sending you this stupid WeChat message. I wish you to be a happy "Happy" person: capable enough to be stupid, worthy of being stupid, and life is like being stupid!

11. Tomorrow is the day. Do you have a goal? I don't mind being targeted.

12. I want to say goodbye to you. When I saw your face full of innocent words, my heart was broken. Why did I choose deeply but give up in a hurry? I wanted to keep you around forever, but my mother said, "No pig raising in the city"! Happy April Fool's Day!

13. Send you a piece of luck, April Fool's Day will be great luck.

14. April Fool's Day is a day of joking and telling the truth.

15. I'm not afraid to tell you on April Fool's Day. I'm afraid you will agree.

16. April Fool's Day is coming soon, and we need to test our brains, tighten our nerves, and let high IQ occupy the highland!

17. Give you a basket of fruits: there are gourds like your figure, watermelons like your face, strawberries like your nose, lychees like your youth beans, pistachios like your eyes, and durians like your scent! Happy April Fool's Day!

18. You don't want to do this because of your popularity; With your personality, I didn't want to molest you. But in order to be worthy of your excellence, I have to fool you. After all, today is a fool!

19. The Spring Festival is too festive, and the Lantern Festival is a little noisy. The March 8th Festival has already passed, and today is the best festival for you. All the blessings are for you. Happy April Fool's Day!

20. Last April Fool's Day lied to me. It was Tomb Sweeping Day!

21. Happy April Fool's Day. I wish you a dream come true and have a good mood every day!

22. I said I love you not because of April Fool's Day, but because of my heart.

23. I know it's very impolite to say that others are stupid, but today is an exception. I must wish you to be stupid, because fools are blessed with being stupid, and today is April Fool's Day. It's more convenient to pretend to be stupid and receive silly blessings!

24. It is said that people who are fooled the most on April Fool's Day are the happiest, but I don't want to show my care for you by fooling. I can only secretly make a wish to Aladdin in the magic lamp. I wish you happiness every April Fool's Day.

25. From today on, you will go out to foolish and noble people, do foolish and beautiful things everywhere, see good luck, succeed skillfully and foolishly, be foolish in peace, be foolish in health, and always be foolish to be happy. Happy April Fool's Day!

26. April Fool's Day is coming. Let's talk about it from the bottom of our hearts.

27. As the saying goes, don't do anything to a fool if you are not stupid. On this wonderful day of April Fool's Day, I wish you: there are no two fools in the world, and foolishness is unparalleled in the world. When you meet a foolish princess, you will be foolish all over the world!

28. Your March balance is insufficient. Please renew it on April Fool's Day.

29. April Fool's Day is coming. I wish you every day to be foolish and happy. You will always be foolish when it is sunny!

30. April Fool's Day is coming. Be careful not to be punished.

31. Every year when April Fool's Day comes, a lot of truth will come out.

32. Get tired, get busy, work under high pressure, and teach you a good way. Take a small mirror with you, look at yourself when you want to put it down, and encourage yourself: you have grown up like this, and don't work hard yet. Happy April Fool's Day in advance!

33. Always remember that at dusk by the stream, you open the bottle cap and drink vinegar. You will not vomit tears even when you are sour. You hold a big cell phone in your hand, wrap your head in a cloth to wipe your feet, hum a fool song, and dance a madman dance. Wow! Whose pig is so cool, ha ha, April Fool's Day is coming, pig, you are happy on April Fool's Day!

34. May you be very foolish on April Fool's Day, and let your personality and demeanor grow out of your folly.

35. When April Fool's Day comes, the reason for deceit is very legitimate.

36. April Fool's Day is too stupid to play!