119 sentences of the complete set of withholding signatures
South Lane Breeze
2023-07-30 17:01:30
Complete set of signatures

1. Just want to love deeply, not hurt.

2. I am all you, you are not me.

3. Nobody loves children, just love yourself.

4. Love will be together, do not love will give up.

5. If nothing happened, it turned out to be the most vicious revenge.

6. Take your hand and breathe slowly as if suffocating.

7. It's you who said you left, and it's you who can't go back.

8. Not all wounds can be healed by time.

9. Your dimple has no wine, but I am drunk like a dog.

10. Even if we have no choice, we have to accept the truth.

11. In the clear sky world, there is no Chino, only Kabu.

12. Give you the simplest gentleness, the most unbridled happiness.

13. Destiny is like rape. If you can't resist, you will learn to enjoy it.

14. Thank you all for filling up the love I lack.

15. An open-minded mind can mend a slanderous tongue.

16. A person's longest love history is probably narcissism.

17. Within five meters, there is no distinction between male and female, and within ten meters, there is no distinction between human and animal.

18. You can lose, you can cry, but you must be strong.

19. I'm relieved to hear that your life is getting worse every year.

20. Miss your smile, like a power, can warm me.

21. Don't talk about love easily. A promise is a debt!

22. You don't need to be so cold. I never want to pester you.

23. After midnight, I always feel so much and miss you so much.

24. Wide sleeves and flowing clouds, zither music and fingertips coagulate, and clear water and lotus leaves shake off the hustle and bustle.

25. I'm afraid I will try my best to accompany you to the end, but you don't want me.

26. People who don't matter, you can leave if you want, and I won't detain you.

27. With a name, you will turn back even if you cheat you a hundred times.

28. Painful love is true, only happiness is false.

29. Although my sister has no fringe, your brother-in-law can still love your sister.

30. After walking for so long, I found that the only one to live on was myself.

31. Only when you fall in love with a woman can she hurt you.

32. Can you put down your pride and look back at me.

33. Later, a man walked in the street and cried when he listened to the lyrics.

34. Memory is not a sign of a person getting old, but repeated memory.

35. Please leave my world and rest assured! I won't keep it.

36. That person can give me a love that will never change.

37. You fill my whole past, but you will be absent forever in my future.

38. When you want to give up, think about why you started.

39. The heaviest step: I am still willing to listen, but you are unwilling to speak.

40. I always miss your time, only to find myself rotating with you.

41. My bad temper drove away the people around me. I have no right to say that I am lonely.

42. Because of you in my life, I dare to imagine.

43. When the water is cold, you can drink it again, but when your heart is cold, even your breathing hurts.

44. Even if you are as filthy as a hedgehog, there is still no taboo for me to hold you.

45. Many things have no time to go, and many people will only leave the scene suddenly.

46. I heard you applaud and hold back your tears. I was too strong.

47. I have begun to talk nonsense, crying and shouting that I am not afraid.

48. I will always believe in the blue sky in front of me.

49. Why am I still flustered when I see you? I can't let go of the past.

50. Friendship is a small age when you play well, and the legend of Zhen Huan when you play well.

51. My heart is tired to a certain extent, and I have no strength to be angry and considerate.

52. I'm not afraid to try again. I'm afraid of being injured again for the same reason.

53. Our incomplete love that year has never been forgotten.

54. A true love, a true love, two people's life is our pursuit.

55. Occasionally when I think of you, I still cry. Tears are all the experience of growing up.

56. Courtesy is not used to express self-cultivation and politeness, but to create distance.

57. I will try my best to become what you like, and then I will kill myself not to be with you.

58. When I passed your heart, it was not that I didn't want to stay, but that you refused to accept it.

59. The morning is spring, the noon is summer, the afternoon is autumn, and the evening is winter.

60. After seeing a lot of people clearly, we can't tear them down at will or turn them over easily.

61. The most ridiculous thing is that I already know the truth, but you are still lying there.

62. Every trauma is a kind of maturity, and every loss is a kind of gain.

63. The person who deleted your message does not need to stay. The person who hurt your heart should let go as soon as possible.

64. It's just a journey together. Why should we make nostalgia longer than passing by.

65. A good horse doesn't want to turn back the grass, but when he turns back, the grass is gone.

66. What I want is not to love you and support you, but to be together and have you when old.

67. I finally know why the military training has to be rotated from left to right, because it is evenly exposed.

68. An infinitely extended thought, a flashy dream. The end, destiny.

69. It's all foam, just a flash of fireworks, the so-called friendship, all too fragile.

70. In those days, I was also a seed of infatuation, but I was killed by a thunderstorm.

71. I wish a dog who cheats on his feelings a lifetime of lovelessness, bereavement, loneliness, and longevity.

72. Although I don't know you in front of the screen, I hope you and I have the same story.

73. How many people are working hard to get married, and how many people can get out of the shadow immediately after breaking up?

74. Countless petals sway gently, accumulating rainbow like dreams and carrying my thoughts.

75. The real loneliness is not personal loneliness, but the loss of self in the endless noise.

76. Who wears white clothes and wears plum makeup and mistakenly enters sandalwood forest to make a fragrance? Buddha Ferry will not survive the death of another generation.

77. Years of hard work have created such a me. I only live for myself in this world.

78. When you are happy, you listen to music. When you are sad, you begin to understand the lyrics.

79. Looking at the wood block engraved with reputation is not far away, I seem to have forgotten that it was once unforgettable.

80. Next time, some boys will laugh at your thick legs. You go back to him: your legs are thin, and your three legs are thin.

81. In fact, everyone can smile and then turn around to cry. In fact, everyone will want to stop vulnerable.

82. Time makes my life more dull. No, no joy, no excitement.

83. There is a joke called love. He laughs bitterly and cries badly, but still refuses to let go.

84. When I think of that song and recall the past, it is a moment we once loved.

85. I hope someone can accompany me all the time. It doesn't need to be very slow, it only needs a long time.

86. Some feelings have been entangled for a long time, but it is unclear whether to love or win.

87. Perhaps the best love in the world is that you like him. He likes you, but you don't have to be together.

88. We will never give up our ten-year commitment. We will get together because of the source. We will sing a song of triumph all the way, seal our youth, and walk with four leaf clover.

89. Be in a trance. I think of the deep water in Fengtian, the rainy season, and the cold early autumn.

90. I have a bad memory, but I always remember those who accompanied me and gave me warmth.

91. Sometimes you need to stay alone, not lonely, but to enjoy the free time of just being yourself.

92. "Forget" is an impossible thing in itself. Don't be paranoid.

93. When others pay attention to you, you open your heart. You think it is frank, but it is actually because of autism.

94. It takes courage to fall in love with someone, but it takes more courage to return to the person who once hurt you.

95. There are two kinds of grass in the world. One is Qi Baicao, the three male gods in the north, and the other is four leaf grass, the three male gods.

96. Many people don't need to see each other again because they are just passing by. Forgetting is the best memorial we can give each other.

97. I think the biggest regret to know you is that I have the ability to like you, but I have no ability to let you like me!

98. The three words that moved me most: I will bring you delicious food, I will invite you to eat delicious food, and I will take you to eat delicious food!

99. Declaration of Women in the New Era. I can't play zither, chess, calligraphy and painting. I'm tired of washing and cooking. Refuse to have children and pay per bed.

100. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are ahead of those who have never tried.

101. You think I can care nothing; In fact, I am just a girl, and I will shed tears secretly.

102. The biggest failure of a boy is not that no girl likes him, but that the girl who liked him thinks she was blind.

103. Forgiveness is not because of a broad heart, but because of unwillingness. If you don't forgive, it's not necessarily because your sins are unforgivable, but because your heart has left.

104. There is a kind of love called no predestination, not no love but no predestination, and there is also a kind of love called Yucheng! If you go to Yucheng, others will also become yourself.

105. Speaking of the advantages of my boyfriend, I can sum up the five words "pick a girlfriend"

106. It turns out that not everyone says 520 to you, but you care too much about winning or losing when you play with scissors, stone and cloth and don't see his mood.

107. Girls' interpersonal relationships can be divided into three types: those who can not wash their hair, those who can only see after washing their hair, and those who do not want to see after washing their hair.

108. I've always been a supporting actor. Maybe he doesn't take me seriously at all. I'm sorry. I think too much. I think I'm too sentimental.

109. I don't mind what you call me handsome, but don't mention my friends. It's none of their business. They are just a bunch of innocent and foolish roe deer.

110. Eating too much will make you fat. Running too long will make you tired. If you love too much, you will die. Some people think that persistence is the bravest. But sometimes it takes courage to let go.

111. At school, we are the richest man on Monday, the local tyrant on Tuesday, the common people on Wednesday, the poor man on Thursday, and the bankrupt on Friday.

112. Life is too short to leave time for us to wake up every day with regret. So love those who treat you well and forget those who don't cherish you.

113. I forgot to tell you that I still miss you. I forgot to tell you that I still love you. I forgot to tell you that I haven't left yet. I forgot to tell you that I was always behind you.

114. Life is short, and there is no time to waste. All freedom is what we should strive to pursue. How others think of me is so insignificant.

115. We are constantly missing, easily failing, and unknowingly strangers. Just short of "I like you"

116. In my world, there is a kind of melody, which has been spiritual for many years. It makes me obsessed and forget to return. Time passes through the leaves in the forest. I think I am your angel.

117. When you put on your wedding dress and become someone else's bride, I will never mention the glory; When I put on a suit and become someone else's groom, you are still my first dream.

118. On that day, I watched you leave with painful eyes. Today, let me borrow a trace of your affectionate eyes in the past to give me a ride and warm my heart this season.

119. We walked on our respective paths in a hurry, never stopping. We met at a certain intersection inadvertently, so we greeted each other gently, exchanged greetings lightly, and then waved goodbye.