Cool copywriting
Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy
2023-04-26 23:10:24
Complete sentences

1. A man without money is better than a ghost, and a soup without salt is better than water.

2. I can accustom you or change you.

3. If I am accompanied by thousands of people, who will have nothing.

4. No longer silent alive, I want to restart my pride.

5. You don't have to get used to me. I can tell a person from a dog.

6. Tetris tells us that if you join the crowd, you will disappear.

7. Anyway, the current feelings are ambiguous, you don't need to find a match.

8. Many things I had hoped for before are not rare now.

9. I'm not bad alone. I'm always strong and don't need to worry.

10. If you miss it, you will miss it. A woman must have a little personality, or she will think I am Hello Kitty!

11. Time has not taught me anything, but it has taught me not to believe in myths easily.

12. Say I can do garbage, but the premise is that you are better than me, or you are not even as good as garbage.

13. My acting skills are so good that no one knows my sadness and happiness, even myself.

14. I like wine because it makes cowardly people weaker. The weak can only stand up by supporting the wall.

15. Learn how to be a tough girl, how to be proud, how to live, how to be smart and how to live without affectation.

16. In front of those who love you, you will always be just a child; In front of people who don't love you, you will always be a man.

17. Life is like a dandelion. It seems free, but in fact it is involuntary. It is like hating the taste of wine, but feeling extremely drunk.

18. When you see love, it is obviously because of color; It is just a matter of weighing the advantages and disadvantages; Even getting old together is just a habit.

19. Don't look for happiness in others' eyes, or you will always be sad. Don't look for dignity in others' mouths, or you will always be humble.

20. What childhood sweethearts, what hearts are in harmony, what love at first sight, are just some excuse for icing on the cake. Time is the master of everything in the dark.

21. Giving more in love is not necessarily a bad thing. Because after many years, when I look back on this period of time, I feel that the person who feels regretful and sour must not be you.

22. When a person is not at the same frequency with you, even if every word you say is reasonable, he will not listen. Moreover, the more reasonable you are, the more he will find you annoying.

23. This is my temper. As long as other people ignore me, I will not brazen to disturb. Your attitude determines my attitude. If you are silent to me, I have to be indifferent to you.

24. Change of heart is instinct, loyalty is choice. I'm glad you can come, but I don't regret you leaving. If you can't help each other, then forget about the Jianghu. Let's leave now and be happy.

25. If you get something but feel that it is not so, then the desire to get it is actually your desire. If you still love it after you get it, this is what you really want.

26. No matter how deep the pain is, it only takes 7 years to recover. Because some scientists say that in seven years, we can replace all the cells in our body, and there is no old cell. Persistence every day is progress. I believe that one day, all the unhappiness will be clean.