Classic sentence
For your return
2023-03-13 21:13:17
Complete sentences

1. Do we really have a future?

2. The south wind knows my meaning and dreams of Xizhou.

3. Those who have won the Tao will help more, while those who have lost the Tao will help less.

4. You can give me all the love I want.

5. A friend is not afraid of true bad, but of false good.

6. Jiangnan has nothing to offer.

7. Waiting is the first age of life.

8. Apart from interest, the greatest motivation of people is humiliation.

9. Smile, because sad to forget how to cry.

10. If people live on food, it is not called food, but feed.

11. Any relationship, once praised too high, will inevitably lose.

12. The world is too big or meet you, the world is too small or lose you.

13. What's good about you. Let me love for so long. But there was no result.

14. It turns out that waiting for the last second of breaking up is the hardest waiting.

15. Modern marriage is not only the product of emotion, but also the crystallization of competition.

16. The premise of a person's luck is that he has the ability to change himself.

17. It's probably the best thing to see you when I want to see you.

18. To say that you have lost courage is to wait for someone to give you strength.

19. People say that you have changed because you have not lived according to his ideas.

20. If you lend too much money to a person, you will turn that person into a bad person.

21. The journey of exploration is not to discover new continents, but to cultivate new perspectives.

22. Destiny is a book. If you turn it carelessly, you will miss it. If you read it too carefully, you will cry.

23. If love needs to be spoken, the mute can't speak. Is it impossible to love forever

24. Sometimes, I can comfort others but cannot convince myself of the same thing.

25. Many people break into your life. Just to teach you a lesson. Then turn around and leave.

26. Be loyal to your dream. One day, your rainbow will appear in your sky.

27. Never frown even when you are unhappy, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

28. The enemy becomes a comrade in arms mostly for survival, and the comrade in arms becomes an enemy mostly for money.

29. Like a lighthouse, light the road with fire for all those who cannot sail at night.

30. There is a kind of person who only does two things: if you succeed, he will be jealous of you; He laughed at you when you failed.

31. Nothing in the world is happier than doing our best to take care of each other—— Cicero

32. Sincerity does not mean criticizing others' shortcomings, but it means not complimenting others' shortcomings.

33. Managing your own strengths can add value to your life; Managing your shortcomings can devalue your life.

34. Looking back on the traces of years, I find that there are always some things that cannot be erased by the wind and rain of life.

35. We all have some unspeakable secrets, irreversible regrets, untouchable dreams, and unforgettable love.

36. I can only watch the last bus of happiness go away - it's not that I missed it, but that I can't squeeze it at all.

37. This world is neither the world of the rich nor the world of the powerful. It is the world of the caring people.

38. We can avoid everyone, but we can't avoid a fly. It is often trivial things that make us unhappy in life.

39. The person who really loves you will never leave you. Although he has thousands of reasons to give up, he will always find a reason to persist.

40. A life full of content is a long life. We should measure life by behavior rather than by time—— Seneca Minor

41. When you are manic and restless, you are the one who can accomplish nothing. When you are depressed, you are the one with many difficulties.

42. Innocence and loveliness in childhood and ignorance and ridiculousness in youth; The ignorance and pity of youth; The ignorance of middle age is lamentable, and the ignorance of old age is lamentable.

43. Some things are not the thicker the better. They should be just right. In deep words, we speak in a shallow way. We walk slowly along the long road.

44. Competition is actually a kind of friendship. With the help of your competitors, you can improve your intelligence. Those who are afraid of competition have lost.

45. 1% of the world's people suffer from small losses and take advantage of big gains, while 99% suffer from small gains and big losses. Most successful people come from that 1%.

46. This is a beautiful, brilliant and charming word, which reflects various colors. May your tomorrow be infinitely beautiful, brilliant and charming!

47. Aspiration, diligence, pursuit and innovation are all wonderful notes. Combine them harmoniously to compose a song of youth.

48. Stupid man+stupid woman=marriage; Stupid man+smart woman=divorce; Smart men+stupid women=extramarital affairs; Smart men+smart women=romantic love.

49. In a hurry, I will never stop for anything. When I look back, that day was like footprints left in the snow, some deep, some shallow

50. No matter how strong a woman is, she needs a man to see through her vulnerability! No matter how fragile a man is, he needs a woman to touch his soul.

51. Love is a matter of determination. If you want to, keep going. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you can find ways to solve them

52. Destiny is like the most precious silk. No matter how ingenious it is, it will always show wisps of light. Those misplacements are inherent sins.

53. I didn't stop loving you, just stopped showing it. Because no matter how hard I try, you will never understand that I will always put you in my deepest heart.

54. Sex without love is destruction, love without sex is torture, love with sex is ascension, and the present world is heaven! A person without the ability to love is more pathetic than the ability to have sex

55. Appearance determines whether it is possible to be together, personality determines whether it is suitable to be together, material determines whether it can be stable together, and trust determines whether it can be long together.

56. A person wants to be mediocre, and there are few obstacles; A person who wants to be outstanding has many obstacles. Many mediocre people have a harmonious relationship with the people around them, while many outstanding people have a strained relationship with the people around them.

57. If you can, let's just be half baked friends, so that you will be willing to treat me gently and I will also be willing to treat you gently. Because we are not familiar with each other, there is no reason to be presumptuous.

58. For a possessive person like me, I will be angry when I see you talking and laughing with others. I'm not happy to see you ignore me. I'm so sad. For me, love means possession.

59. Many people live in memories and are afraid to move forward. Life is always going forward. The best thing that time brings us is to delete those who are unworthy and keep those who cherish you.

60. Advance civilization for the world, create happiness for mankind, and create a family, a country, a nation, a human, a earth, and a universe of youth with youth as my youth.

61. The atmosphere is not born from childhood, but the noble spirit slowly cultivated through life. It is a consciousness of a person's attitude towards society and life, and it is a natural expression of human nature. It cannot be pretended.

62. Heart, with a pair of feet, is sketching the scenery of grazing youth in the distance - a curve that belongs to your own beating. A young desire wants to leave the warm home that serves as an emotional bank to find maturity.

63. When I bravely stepped onto the single wooden bridge bearing thousands of troops, I suddenly found that there was no way to retreat behind me. Therefore, I began the journey of life, not looking back, because I firmly believe that "sunshine always comes after rain".

64. Have a young and happy heart, give others a bright smile, give yourself a sincere self, draw a perfect end to learning, and give your career a good start. Let's set sail and go to the wind and rain together!

65. When rain drops are accompanied by sunshine, sorrow is accompanied by happiness; If raindrops can see the sun, then there will be no sorrow. If sadness can see happiness, then there will be no sad life. Sadness is the wise man of life

66. If I can't give happiness to the person I love, I will give happiness to her for the rest of my life if I don't marry. If I can't, I won't marry her. I will let someone else who is better than me marry her, and I will give her happiness for the rest of my life.

67. When you encounter the shameless betrayal in your feelings, please choose a clean break with it. Don't choose to make do with it because you are unwilling to pay what you have done. Softness of heart will definitely hurt you again. Have you ever seen a person feed a dog a bone and then ask the dog for it back?

68. When you see the rows of vigorous green trees standing proudly on the flat land, you may not help admiring the extraordinary creativity of nature. The green tree is beautiful, and the dead tree has its loveliness, although its youth has passed away and its life has decayed.

69. People have two eyes, which are all parallel, so they should look at people equally; People's two ears are divided on both sides, so one side of the story should not be ignored; Although a person has only one heart, he has two hearts, so he should think not only for himself, but also for others.

70. Growth is the most common sketch, with both light and shadow; Growth is a song, with cheerful melody and low melody. Whether you are facing flowers or thorns in your growth, please pour yourself a glass of wine made with smiles and a cup of tea brewed with cheers. Feel growth in tears and sadness, and let pride and hope witness growth!